Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech

Literature Circle Unit:

Chasing Redbird

by Sharon Creech

• Chasing Redbird, by Sharon Creech is the story of Zinny Taylor, a young girl haunted with guilt over the death of her aunt and cousin. After finding a trail in the woods behind her home, Zinny begins exploring and uncovering answers to the questions that she has lived with for the last five years. As she finds the answers to her questions, she also finds herself. This book is a great novel for sixth graders, as they will enjoy the mysterious, and sometimes humorous, adventurous of Zinny Taylor.

Unit created by:

Kelly Nash

Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech

Part One: pages 1-40

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive

2 figurative language

1 foreshadowing

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Rummaging page 1, paragraph 2

Convoluted page 1, paragraph 3

Discarded page 9, paragraph 1

Trodden page 15, paragraph 2

Debris page 25, paragraph 4

Perish page 28, paragraph 1

Primitive page 29, paragraph 1

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters:

Zinny, Jake Boone, Uncle Nate, May

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Compare/contrast

1 Character

1 Setting

1 Prediction

Setting Sketcher

Your job is to find a description of one of the settings. Visually represent the setting using the description that you are given in the book. On your drawing, be sure to include the page and paragraph numbers where you found the description.

Passage Picker:

Part One

1. a. Page 10, paragraph 2

b. “Behind the counter…smile at me.”

c. Descriptive type of passage

d. This passage is a descriptive type of passage because it uses a lot of adjectives to describe Jake’s clothing and physical appearance.

e. Q: What does the passage tell you about Jake Boone?

A: the passage tells us that Jake is new in town, so he is a little bit different form other sixteen-year-old boys, especially in the way he dresses.

f. The author included this passage in order to introduce us to Jake Boone. We now have a

mental image of Jake and start to see a relationship form between him and Zinny.

2. a. Page 18, paragraph 1

b. “Aunt Jessie…photocopy machine.”

c. Descriptive type of passage

d. This passage is a descriptive type of passage because it describes the appearances of Zinny, her mother, and her siblings.

e. Q: Zinny’s mother says that she feels like a photocopy machine. Why do you think that she feels this way?

A: Zinny’s mother feels like she is a photocopy machine because Zinny and all of her siblings have the same physical traits as she does, and no one can ever tell them apart.

f. The author includes this passage to allow us to better understand Zinny. We now know

what she looks like and understand why people sometimes do not know which Taylor

child she is.

3. a. Page 1, paragraph 2

b. “When I learned…was my life?”

c. Metaphor type of passage

d. This passage is a metaphor type because it compares two unlike things. This metaphor compares life to a bowl of spaghetti.

e. Q: Why does Zinny compare life to a bowl of spaghetti?

A: Zinny says that the pieces of spaghetti are the paths one takes in life and the meatballs are the obstacles and rewards one runs into in life.

f. The author included this passage to introduce the story. The metaphor gives us the idea

that we will travel with Zinny as she runs into many obstacles in her life.

4. a. Page 16, paragraph 1

b. “Uncle Nate was…in her way.”

c. Simile type of passage

d. This passage contains a simile because it compares to unlike things, using the words “like” or “as.” In this passage, Uncle Nate is compared to a flea on an old barn dog.

e. Q: What do we learn about Uncle Nate from this passage?

A: We learn that Uncle Nate is a restless man and often got in Aunt Jessie’s way.

f. The author included this passage to give us more information about Uncle Nate’s

personality and his relationship with Aunt Jessie.

5. a. Page 9, paragraph 2

b. “It was about…about it, thought.”

c. Foreshadowing type of passage

d. This passage is an example of foreshadowing because it suggests that Jake Boone has come to town for reasons other than to be with his family. It seems he will help Zinny explore her town as well as herself.

e. Q: What do you think will happen with Jake Boone?

A: I think that Zinny and Jake will fall in love and he will help Zinny come out of her shell and reach for her dreams.

f. This passage adds a hint of suspense because we have to keep reading to see what will

happen with Jake and Zinny.

Word Wizard:

Part One

1. Convoluted- page 1, paragraph 3

• “I saw that meatball as a tremendous bonus you might unearth in all those convoluted spaghetti strands of your life.”

• Adjective: turned, twisted

• This word adds meaning to the plot in that Zinny will experience many twists and turns in her life.

2. Debris- page 25, paragraph 4

• “For the next few hours, I cleared away grass and debris, uncovering a row of similar stones, leading in a line from the creek on up the hill.”

• Noun: a mess; old, worn-out materials

• This word adds to the setting in that it shows what a bad condition the path was in. it also adds a sense of suspense in that Zinny had to clean all of the debris off before she knew where the trail went.

3. Perish- page28, paragraph 1

• “Just as I thought I was going to perish from being held captive in that dark room, I wandered over to one exhibit and stared inside at a map.”

• Verb: to die

• This word adds to Zinny’s character in that it shows that she becomes impatient and dramatic when she has to do things in which she is not interested.

4. Primitive- page 29, paragraph 1

• “They were primitive maps, rough sketches of the trail’s course with handwritten legends and names of places that sounded both fabulous and strange.”

• Adjective: old, ancient

• The word primitive is used to describe the maps. The maps now seem somewhat mysterious because Zinny has never seen something so old and she barely recognizes her own land from this map.

5. Rummaging- page 1, paragraph 2

• “I imagined myself rummaging among the twisted strands of pasta.”

• Verb: to move around

• This word suggests that Zinny may feel as if the world is going on around her and she is caught up in her own life and no one else’s life.

Word Wizard Cards

|[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |

Character Sketcher:

Part One

1. Jealous- page 38, paragraphs 1 and 2

Every time Zinny has a crush on a boy, the boy ends up liking her older sister, May. She

feels that she is used and wants to be like May, who always gets attention from boys.

2. Curious- page 31, paragraph 1

Zinny often stares off to the sky or into the woods thinking about where her newly-

discovered path leads. She is eager to explore and goes to find maps to help her get


3. Dramatic- page 28, paragraph 1

Zinny exaggerates a lot, especially when she is not interested in something. For example,

she was so bored in the museum, she said she was about to die.

Character Goal: Zinny’s goal is to explore the path that she has just discovered and to prove to

herself and others that she, too, is special and worthy of respect from others.

Character Problem: Zinny’s problem is that her siblings constantly make her feel unimportant

and unwelcome.

Possible Solution: I think that exploring the trail will make Zinny realize that she is stronger

than she thinks. Perhaps Zinny and Jake will fall in love and he will help her

to see that she is just as important as everyone else.

Character Sketcher


Discussion Director:

Part One

1. All of the following are character traits of Aunt Jessie except which one? (page 3, paragraphs

2 & 3; page 4, paragraph 2; page 5, paragraphs 1 & 2)

A. caring

B. old-fashioned

C. cold

D. forgiving

Answer: C

2. How are Zinny’s home and Aunt Jessie and Uncle Nate’s home different? (page 3, paragraphs

1 & 2)

Zinny’s home is noisy with a lot of running around, music, computers beeping, phones ringing, and it is always messy. Aunt Jessie and Uncle Nate’s home is called the “Quiet Zone” and all around are needlepoint pillows, poems and proverbs on the wall, the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg, and soft quilts.

3. Describe Jake’s appearance and personality. (page 10, paragraphs 2 & 3)

Jake is tall, broad-shouldered, sixteen years old, has short dark hair, and is always smiling. He wears a white t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He seems charming and does not seem to care what people think since he dresses differently from most boys his age.

4. How do you think Zinny felt when she found the trail? Describe the trail and how it affected

Zinny. (page 25, paragraphs 3 & 4)

The trail is along the creek bank and has slate covered with dead leaves and grass. The slates are connected and lead from the creek and up the hill. When Zinny finds the trail she feels adventurous, secretive, and proud.

5. What role do you think Jake will play in Zinny’s life? (page 10, paragraph 2)

I think Jake will help Zinny discover where the trail will lead. I also think that he will teach her valuable lessons about herself, but I am not sure what those lessons will be.

Setting Sketcher:


Part Two:

Pages 41-76

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 figurative language

1 personification

1 foreshadowing

1 mysterious/frightening

1 math or 1 scientific

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Disintegrating page 41, paragraph 1 Flabbergasted page 52, paragraph 1 Medallion page 42, paragraph 2 Rubbish page 61, paragraph 5

Impulsively page 43, paragraph 2 Fretted page 64, paragraph 3

Bewildered page 49, paragraph 1 Dejected page 64, paragraph 4

Also, complete your role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet for one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Jake, Uncle Nate, Aunt Jessie, Ben

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where your answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Cause/Effect

1 Prediction

1 Character

1 On your own

Artistic Analyst

Your job is to visually represent something from this section of the book. You can: draw, paint, build, write, etc. Pick anything from this section that you: liked, found interesting, found disturbing, thought was important, or were surprised by. Your art may represent anything dealing with the plot, setting, or characters. Include a brief paragraph that explains your art.

Artistic Analyst


Artistic Analyst

I chose to draw the lost sign that Zinny sees at the local market. I think the lost sign represents the complexity of the relationship between Zinny and Jake. I think that Zinny’s relationship with Jake is an important one, but from this section, I am not yet sure how or why it is an important one. In this section, Zinny starts thinking that maybe Jake actually likes her and is not trying to get to her sister, May. Zinny was especially happy after Jake brought her a Beagle puppy as her very own! But then she sees the sign for a lost puppy, and then her puppy answered to Gobbler. What is all of this about? Did Jake know that the puppy was lost? Did he take it from its owners? I guess we’ll just have to wait to find the answers to these questions!

Part Three:

Pages 77-116

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 personification

1 mysterious

1 humorous

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Bedraggled page 78, paragraph 1 Parson page 100, paragraph 2

Prominent page 84, paragraph 3 Mussed page 102, paragraph 1

Promptly page 96, paragraph 2 Ghastly page 104, paragraph 1

Disheveled page 97, paragraph 2 Frazzled page 109, paragraph 3

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Old Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Boone, Jake, Bill Butler

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Problem/Solution

1 Cause/Effect

1 Character

1 On your own


Your job is to connect the book to the outside world. In this section, Zinny finds out that her puppy, Bingo, belongs to someone else and is really named Gobbler. She must decide between keeping him and returning him to his owner. Describe a situation in which you had to decide between doing what you wanted and doing what you knew was the right thing to do.


A couple of years ago, I was in a store at the mall with some of my friends. While I was walking around, I found a ten dollar bill on the floor. I wanted to keep the money, since it would help me with my Christmas shopping. But, then I started thinking, “What if I had lost that money?” I knew I would want someone to turn it in instead of keeping it. Therefore, I turned the money into the manager of the store. Although I wanted to keep the money, I knew it was right to give it back in hopes that the owner would claim it.

Part Four:

Pages 117-157

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

2 figurative language

1 foreshadowing

1 important

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Scathing page 120, paragraph 2 Resolve page 144, paragraph 6

Foreboding page 123, paragraph 3 Floundered page 145, paragraph 1

Concoction page 129, paragraph 7 Scowling page 146, paragraph 2

Sauntered page 129, paragraph 10 Careening page 146, paragraph 3

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Bonnie, Will, Ben, Gretchen, May

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Character

1 Setting

1 Problem/Resolution

1 On your own


Your job is to give a brief summary of this section. Be sure to include all of the main ideas and points.


In this section, school is finally out and Zinny plans to concentrate solely on the trail. She asks her parents to buy her a horse so that she does not have to walk so many miles everyday. The immediately refuse, so Zinny puts up a sign for a cheap horse at the market, hoping that Jake will see it and get her a horse. While Zinny is out working on the trail one day, Jake stops by her house to bring her a small wooden horse. However, May tells Zinny that Jake brought the horse for May, which greatly upsets Zinny. Later on that day, Mr. Taylor confronts Zinny about the sign she put up. Her parents begin asking about the trail and Zinny tells them that she would like to camp out on it so that she can keep working. Her parents tell Zinny that she has never talked to them as much as she did then, and Zinny replies that the same is true of them. Zinny tells them how she feels in the home – that no one listens, that she does not have any quiet, and that no one has any respect for her belongings. Her parents agree to let her camp out, but, she must show them her food and first-aid supplies and come home every ten days.

While at the store, Zinny runs into Jake. She finds out that Jake did bring the horse for her, but Zinny’s confusion and emotions make her mad at him for some reason. Jake offers to go camping with Zinny to help her with the trail, but she refuses.

On the trail, Zinny enjoys herself immensely. She works on clearing the land, builds a fire, eats, and climbs trees. She realizes that she can do whatever she wants and that she does not have to share anything with anyone. Finally, Zinny feels at home.

Part Five:

Pages 158-182

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 personification

1 scary

1 simile

1 surprising

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Resurrect page 158, paragraph 2 Stealthily page 167, paragraph 1

Coaxed page 159, paragraph 1 Lopsided page 174, paragraph 3

Sentries page 162, paragraph 1 Tentatively page 175, paragraph 1

Mesmerizing page 162, paragraph 2 Splintering page 178, paragraph 14

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Mrs. Flint, Jake, Mr. Taylor, May

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Problem/Solution

1 Character

2 On your own

Setting Sketcher

Your job is to find a description of one of the settings. Visually represent the setting using the description that you are given. On your drawing, be sure to include the page and paragraph numbers where you found the description.

Part Six:

Pages 183-212

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 interesting

1 cause/effect

1 confusing

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Straggling page 185, paragraph 3 Contorted page 196, paragraph 5

Flutter page 186, paragraph 4 Reprieved page 201, paragraph 2

Forlornly page 188, paragraph 1 Derelict page 207, paragraph 6

Erasure page 192, paragraph 3 Gnarled page 209, paragraph 3

Also, complete your role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Uncle Nate, Mrs. Taylor, boys in the woods, Zinny

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Character

1 Problem/Solution

1 Prediction

1 On your own

Artistic Analyst

Your job is to visually represent something from this section of the book. You can: draw, paint, build, write, etc. Pick anything from this section that you: liked, found interesting, found disturbing, thought was important, or were surprised by. Your art may represent anything dealing with the plot, setting, or characters. Include a brief paragraph that explains your art.

Part Seven:

Pages 213-236

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 controversial

1 descriptive

2 figurative language

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Scouted page 213, paragraph 1 Expanse page 217, paragraph 3

Lumbering page 215, paragraph 1 Demented page 220, paragraph 5

Oblivious page 215, paragraph 2 Obliging page 228, paragraph 5

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Uncle Nate, Baby Rose, Jake, Bonnie

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include the page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Problem/Solution

1 Cause/Effect

2 On your own


Your job is to connect the book to the outside world:

In this section, Zinny does not know if her memories are real or dreams. Has this ever happened to you? Explain.

Part Eight:

Pages 236-261

Passage Picker

Your job is to complete your role sheet after you pick five passages that exhibit the following:

1 scientific

1 historical

1 funny/amusing

1 important

1 on your own

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet and word cards for four of the following words:

Fidgeted page 236, paragraph 4 Duplicate page 243, paragraph 2

Earnest page 237, paragraph 12 Muddle page 246, paragraph 3

Pining page 238, paragraph 13 Emerged page 253, paragraph 3

Convulsed page 240, paragraph 17 Morbid page 260, paragraph 4

Also, complete the role sheet and word card for one word that you choose on your own.

Character Sketcher

Your job is to complete your role sheet and sketch one of the following characters (that was not done in your group last time): Governor, Sheriff, Zinny, Baby Rose

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask five questions, find the answers to your questions, and include page and paragraph numbers where the answers can be found. Ask questions that will make your classmates think! Ask the following:


1 Problem/Solution

1 Cause/Effect

2 On your own


Your job is to give a brief summary of this section. Be sure to include all of the main ideas and points.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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