Mini Lab - Construct a Food Web

Mini Lab - Construct a Food Web

How is energy passed from organism to organism in an ecosystem? A food chain shows a single path for energy flow in an ecosystem. The overlapping relationships between food chains are shown in a food web.


1. Read the following statements.

*Red foxes feed on raccoons, crayfish, grasshoppers, red

clover, meadow voles, and gray squirrels.

*Red clover is eaten by grasshoppers, muskrats, red foxes, and

meadow voles.

*Meadow voles, gray squirrels, and raccoons all eat parts of the

white oak tree.

*Crayfish feed on green algae and detritus, and they are eaten

by muskrats and red foxes.

*Raccoons feed on muskrats, meadow voles, gray squirrels, and

white oak trees.

2. Organize the previous information in a table. (Hint: List animals

in one column and what the animal eats in a row across the top.

Then use check marks to indicate who eats whom.) Be sure to

include a title for your table.

3. The use the information to construct a food web in a meadow

ecosystem. Your web must contain pictures as well as words!

4. Answer the analysis questions.

5. Create a lab report.

Analysis Questions.

1. Identify all of the herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and

detritivores in the food web.

2. Describe how the muskrat would be affected if disease kills the

white oak trees.

Due Dates: Handwritten chart – Wednesday

Rough draft food web – Thursday

Typed Lab Report – Monday (Cover page, Table, Food Web,



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