Tick ( ) the correct boxes

1 Good behaviour



Write the answers and tick ( ( ).

1 Complete the following table.

| |What shouldn’t we do in this country? |

|India |( Point with our fingers or feet |

| |( (a) |

|Malaysia |( (b) |

|Thailand |( (c) |

| |( (d) |

2 Why is it important to know how to behave in other countries?

3 Which word is the opposite of ‘neatly’?

[pic] A. strangely [pic] B. messily

[pic] C. noisily [pic] D. quietly

4 If you remove your shoes when you visit your friends’ home in England, they will think .

[pic] A. you are polite

[pic] B. you are strange

[pic] C. you want to leave

[pic] D. you want to invite them to your home

5 Which sentence is true about table manners?

[pic] A. It is rude to eat rice with our right hands in India.

[pic] B. It is rude to eat noodles noisily in Japan.

[pic] C. Our table should be clean and tidy after having Western food.

[pic] D. We usually eat with our fingers in Chinese restaurants.

Answers: (Accept any reasonable answers.)

1 (a) Eat with our left hands (b) Touch someone’s head (c) Point with our fingers or feet

(d) Touch someone’s head

2 Because we do not want people to think we are rude. 3 B 4 B 5 C


People Monthly September Issue


Good manners? Bad manners?

Nowadays people often visit other countries. It is important to know how you should behave when you are abroad. You don’t want people to think you are rude!

Body language

We should be careful about body language. We should not point with our fingers or

feet in India or Thailand. People there think it is rude. In many Asian countries, the head is important. We should never touch someone’s head in Malaysia or Thailand. It is very impolite.

Visiting friends

If Japanese friends invite us into their home, we should take off our shoes and leave them neatly at the door. However, in England the opposite is true: we should not remove our shoes when we visit someone’s home. Most English people will think we are behaving strangely!

Table manners

In Hong Kong, we usually eat rice with chopsticks, forks or spoons but in India, we can eat it with our fingers. Just remember we should not use our left hands because it is rude. In Chinese restaurants, it does not matter if the table is messy by the end of the meal it just shows we had a good meal. However, it is not good manners to eat messily in Western countries. The table should be clean and tidy when we finish eating. In ma not matter if the table is messy by the end of the meal ― it just shows we had a good meal. However, it is not good manners to eat messily in Western countries. The table should be clean and tidy when we finish eating. In many countries, it is rude to eat noisily. Not in Japan! There we should eat noodles noisily! Japanese people say noodles do not taste good if we eat them quietly!

Are you confused? Don’t worry. If you are not sure, you should ask. People will be happy to tell you. Remember ― you should respect one another’s cultures.


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