1 - Pearson

1 festival tradition 節日傳統習俗 9 Ching Ming Festival 清明節

2 Chinese New Year 農曆新年 10 sweep graves 掃墓

3 decorate home with red paper 11 give special food to dead relatives

用揮春佈置家居 給先人供奉特別食品

4 buy good luck flowers 買年花 12 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節

5 eat rice cakes / turnip cakes 13 buy / eat moon cakes / starfruit

吃年糕/蘿蔔糕 買/吃月餅/楊桃

6 perform the lion dance 表演舞獅 14 light lanterns 點燈籠

7 watch firework displays 15 tie riddles to lanterns

觀看煙花匯演 把燈謎繫於燈籠上

8 watch parades 觀看巡遊

The words marked with * have different meanings in other

contexts. You can look up those meanings in a dictionary.

1 joy (p.56) 歡樂 11 set … free (p.57) 把……放生

2 lucky money (p.56) 利是 12 throw water (p.57) 潑水

3 each (p.56) 每一 13 bold* (p.57) 鮮艷

4 draw near (p.56) 來臨 14 display* (p.57) 展示(動詞)

5 pumpkin (p.56) 南瓜 15 scary (p.60) 恐怖

6 ghost (p.56) 鬼魂 16 mask (p.60) 面具

7 spooky (p.56) 陰森恐怖 17 long life (p.61) 長壽

8 run short (p.57) 愈來愈少 18 wealth (p.61) 財富

9 live* (p.57) 活生生(形容詞) 19 underwear (p.61) 內衣褲

10 place … in (p.57) 把……放在……內

|Lucky money |is given |to children |at … |

|Riddles |are tied |to lanterns | |

Ask and answer the quiz questions with your friend.

Quiz about different festivals

When do people …

1 give lucky money to children?

2 tie riddles to lanterns?

3 give special food to dead relatives?

4 decorate their homes with red paper?

5 sweep graves?

6 decorate trees with lights?

7 buy good luck flowers?

8 eat chocolate eggs?

9 wear scary masks?

10 eat moon cakes?

1 A : When do people give lucky money to children?

B : People give lucky money to children at Chinese New Year.

A : Correct! Lucky money is given to children at Chinese New Year.

2 B : When do people tie riddles to lanterns?

A : People tie riddles to lanterns at Mid-Autumn Festival.

B : Correct! Riddles are tied to lanterns at .

3 A : When do people ?

B : People at


A : Correct! at


4 B : When do people ?

A : People at


B : Correct! at


5 A : When do people ?

B : People at .

A : Correct! at .

6 B : When ?

A : People

B : Correct!

7 A :

B :

A :

8 B :

A :

B :

9 A :

B :

A :

10 B :

A :

B :

|In Japan, long noodles are eaten on New Year’s Eve. | |… because they think it will … |

Tell your friends about how New Year is celebrated around the world.

|1 | |A : In Japan, long noodles are eaten on New |

| | |Year’s Eve. |

| | |B : People eat long noodles because they think |

| | |it will give them a long life. |

| | | |

|2 | |A : In Spain, |

| | |at midnight. |

| | |B : People |

| | |because they think it will |

| | |. |

| | | |

|3 | |A : In India, |

| | |at New Year. |

| | |B : People |

| | |because they think it will |

| | |. |

| | | |

|4 | |A : |

| | | |

| | |B : |

| | | |

|5 | |A : |

| | | |

| | |B : |

| | | |

| | | |

|6 | |A : |

| | | |

| | |B : |

| | | |


will give them a long life.

People eat sausage dishes because they think it


bring them

decorate front doors

good luck

bring them

eat twelve grapes

In Italy, sausage dishes are eaten at New Year.

Correct! Moon cakes are eaten at Mid-Autumn Festival.

People eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.

When do people eat moon cakes?

Correct! Scary masks are worn at Halloween.

People wear scary masks at Halloween.

When do people wear scary masks?

Correct! Chocolate eggs are eaten at Easter.

People eat chocolate eggs at Easter.

When do people eat chocolate eggs?

Correct! Good luck flowers are bought at Chinese New Year.

Trees are decorated with lights at Christmas.

decorate trees with lights at Christmas.

do people decorate trees with lights

When do people buy good luck flowers?

Ching Ming Festival

Graves are swept

People buy good luck flowers at Chinese New Year.

Ching Ming Festival

sweep graves

sweep graves

Special food is given to dead relatives

Ching Ming Festival

Ching Ming Festival

give special food to dead relatives

give special food to dead relatives

decorate their homes with red paper

decorate their homes with red paper

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Mid-Autumn Festival

front doors are decorated

twelve grapes are eaten

will give them a long life.

People eat rice cake soup because they think it

Homes are decorated with red paper

In Korea, rice cake soup is eaten at New Year.

Year’s Eve.

think it will bring them wealth.

In Mexico, yellow underwear is worn on New

People wear yellow underwear because they


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