712sciyesprep's Blog

1. The cells of this tissue are long and thin, and contain many mitochondria. These cells are most likely found in:

A. The Circulatory System

B. The Skeletal System

C. The Muscular System

D. The Endocrine System

E. The Integumentary System

2. The digestive system is very vascular, meaning that it contains many blood vessels. This is because:

a. The circulatory system is part of the digestive system.

b. The digestive system is close to the heart.

c. Nutrients from the digestive system are carried to the rest of the body via these blood vessels.

d. The digestive system needs warmth to function.

e. None of the above.

3. The cells of the nervous system are specialized in order to:

a. Conduct electrical impulses.

b. Pump and transport blood.

c. Store lots of nutrients.

d. Conduct heat.

e. Break down nutrients.

4. Which arrow points to an organ responsible for breaking down food into small molecules so that the cells may receive the nutrients?

a. arrow a

b. arrow b

c. arrow c

d. arrow d

5. How are the urinary system and the circulatory system related?

a. Organs of the urinary system absorb nutrients and water and send it to all the cells that need it via blood vessels of the circulatory system.

b. Organs of the circulatory system absorb nutrients and water and send it to all the cells that need it via blood vessels of the urinary system.

c. Organs of the urinary system clean the blood so the circulatory system is able to send clean blood to the rest of the body

d. Organs of the circulatory system clean the blood so the urinary system is able to send clean blood to the rest of the body.

e. The urinary system and the circulatory system do not interact.

6. Of the following, which organ does food NOT pass through?

a. Pancreas

b. Mouth

c. Colon

d. Small Intestine

e. Stomach

7. Of the following, which is NOT a function of blood?

a. Carries oxygen

b. Carries waste products

c. Carries nutrients

d. Carries chemical messages

e. Carries impulses to move muscles

8. Of the following, which is NOT a reflex response?

a. Withdrawing your hand from a hot stove.

b. Walking on hot sand.

c. Withdrawing your foot from a sharp piece of glass.

d. Putting your hands out in front of you to stop a fall.

e. Dodging a ball coming at you.

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9. When you bend your arm, one of a pair of muscles ______while the other contracts.

a. Expands

b. Bends

c. Relaxes

d. Converges

e. Tightens

10. When the nervous system makes you feel hungry or thirsty, what body process is it helping to carry out?

a. delivering oxygen to cells

b. maintaining homeostasis

c. moving the body

d. respiration

e. excretion

11. How are the respiratory system and the circulatory system related?

a. The circulatory system brings the blood to the lungs in order to take out the carbon dioxide and bring in the oxygen

b. The respiratory system brings the blood to the lungs in order to take out the carbon dioxide and bring in the oxygen

c. The circulatory system cleans the blood so the respiratory system is able to use its nutrients and gases.

d. The respiratory system cleans the blood so the circulatory system is able to use its nutrients and gases.

e. None of the above.



Which organ system is responsible for

the removal of carbon dioxide from the

human body?

A. Nervous

B. Digestive

C. Respiratory

D. Integumentary


During which of these activities does the

main interaction between the respiratory

system and the circulatory system


A. Dreaming while sleeping

B. Running down a basketball court

C. Choking on a large piece of meat

D. Becoming full after eating a big



When the brain sends a signal for the

legs to walk, which two body systems

are directly interacting?

A. Nervous and muscular

B. Muscular and digestive

C. Respiratory and nervous

D. Digestive and circulatory


In the human body, the muscular

system interacts with the skeletal

system mainly by —

A. moving the bones of the skeleton.

B. supplying the skeletal system with


C. responding faster when the

skeleton is bending.

D. growing stronger as the skeleton

becomes taller.


Which system brings oxygen to cells?

A. Nervous

B. Muscular

C. Lymphatic

D. Circulatory


Which system does the skin depend on

most directly for nutrients?

A. Lymphatic

B. Endocrine

C. Circulatory

D. Respiratory


Which body system is responsible for

moving the muscles?

A. Nervous

B. Excretory

C. Lymphatic

D. Respiratory


Which of these best shows the order of

the levels of organization?

A. Fish School of fish

Community Ocean


B. Nervous system Brain

Human Population


C. Skeletal system Bones

Human Population Human


D. Heart cell Heart Circulatory

system Human Human


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What is a structure in the circulatory


A. Bone

B. Heart

C. Nucleus

D. Membrane


What system controls the body's


A. Nervous

B. Excretory

C. Circulatory

D. Respiratory


An environmental scientist observes a

pack of coyotes in the wild. Which of

these best describes the pack of


A. An organism

B. A population

C. A community

D. An ecosystem


Which structure is part of the digestive


A. Throat

B. Bladder

C. Stomach

D. Blood vessel


Within the human body system, there

are several organ systems with different

functions. When a person moves, which

organ system tells the muscle system

what to do?

A. Skeletal system

B. Nervous system

C. Digestive system

D. Respiratory system


Which of these shows the correct

relationship between the levels of


A. A muscle is a cell.

B. The stomach is a tissue.

C. The liver is an organ.

D. The skeleton is an organism.


Which of these terms would apply to all

hawks living in the same forest?

A. A family

B. A population

C. A community

D. An ecosystem


Which of these is the correct order of

organization in living things?

A. Cell, organ, tissue, organism

B. Organ, organism, population,


C. Tissue, organism, community,


D. Organism, organ system,

population, ecosystem

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The heart is an organ made up of

specialized cells. Which of these

functions can the heart perform but

individual heart cells cannot?

A. Use energy

B. Grow larger

C. Pump blood

D. Produce waste


The main function of the heart is to —

A. breathe air.

B. digest food.

C. pump blood.

D. make blood cells.


The purpose of the webbing on a duck's

feet is to allow the duck to —

A. get food.

B. attract a mate.

C. build nests in tall grass.

D. swim through the water.


What structure contains the cell's

genetic material?

A. Nucleus

B. Cytoplasm

C. Chloroplast

D. Cell membrane


What structure is responsible for making

a plant cell's food?

A. Nucleus

B. Cell wall

C. Chloroplast

D. Cell membrane


What is the function of the chloroplast in

a plant cell?

A. Make food

B. Protect the cell

C. Contain the cell's genetic material

D. Allow things to pass through the



A student compares an animal cell to a

school. What is the nucleus most like?

A. Office

B. Cafeteria

C. Bathroom

D. Classroom


The function of the circulatory system is

to —

A. get rid of wastes.

B. break down food.

C. carry oxygen to cells.

D. send messages to the body.

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The diagram shows a nerve cell. What

is the function of this cell?

A. It carries oxygen to other cells.

B. It fights against diseases in other


C. It carries and releases chemicals

to other cells.

D. It sends and receives messages

to and from other cells.


When a person has high levels of

cholesterol, that person's arteries can

become partially blocked by fat

deposits. The partially blocked arteries

damage the heart because the heart

must —

A. produce enzymes to help the body

dissolve fat deposits.

B. thin out the blood by increasing

the amount of water in it.

C. apply more force in order to move

blood through the body.

D. beat slower to clear away the fat

deposits and restore health.


A student notices that seeds planted in

rocky soil were unable to reach the

surface. Which of these best explains

this observation?

A. The seeds' roots are too short to

reach the surface.

B. Water is unable to penetrate the

soil and reach the seeds.

C. The seeds do not know which way

to grow in order to reach sunlight.

D. The force applied by the seeds is

less than the weight of the soil

above them.


Most seeds germinate as a response to

A. light.

B. water.

C. gravity.

D. chemicals.


If the cell walls of a plant exert a greater

force than the inside of the cell, which of

these will likely happen?

A. The roots will wilt.

B. The stem will grow.

C. The leaves will wilt.

D. The flowers will grow.


Blood exerts a pressure on the walls of

arteries and veins. Which of these terms

also describes this pressure?

A. Work

B. Force

C. Energy

D. Momentum

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Which force causes the opening of

valves in the heart's chambers?

A. Blood leaving the heart

B. Blood entering the heart

C. The heart muscle relaxing

D. The heart muscle contracting


Which of these provides the force that

keeps blood flowing through the body?

A. The vein

B. The heart

C. The artery

D. The capillaries


Which of these provides the force that

causes a change in motion of bones?

A. Water

B. Lymph

C. Muscle

D. Plasma


A carnivorous plant such as the Venus

flytrap uses modified leaves to trap

small insects. Water pressure opens

and closes the leaves of the plant,

acting as which of the following?

A. Force

B. Speed

C. Gravity

D. Distance


The human body has many systems.

Which of these systems includes the

stomach, intestine, and esophagus?

A. Skeletal

B. Nervous

C. Digestive

D. Reproductive


What is the main function of the

muscular system?

A. Movement

B. Blood flow

C. Reproduction

D. Thought process


Which of these human body systems

includes the brain, spinal cord, and


A. Skeletal

B. Nervous

C. Digestive

D. Circulatory


Which of these human body systems

includes the ribs, cranium, and

vertebrae column?

A. Skeletal

B. Nervous

C. Muscular

D. Circulatory

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What is the main function of the nervous


A. To move blood

B. To carry information

C. To break down food

D. To hold up the skeleton


Which of these human body systems is

responsible for moving blood through

the body?

A. Nervous

B. Digestive

C. Muscular

D. Circulatory


What is the main function of the

reproductive system?

A. To continue the species

B. To grow strong muscles

C. To send signals from the brain

D. To develop greater bone density


Which of these human body systems

includes the heart, blood vessels, and


A. Skeletal

B. Muscular

C. Circulatory

D. Respiratory


Which of these human body systems is

mainly responsible for taking in oxygen

and releasing carbon dioxide?

A. Nervous

B. Muscular

C. Circulatory

D. Respiratory


The chart demonstrates the relationship

between human body temperature and

bacteria reproduction. Body

temperature in this case is an internal

A. demand.

B. reaction.

C. stimulus.

D. response.

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Special chemical reactions inside the

body of a squid result in the squid body

producing blue, red, yellow, and white

flashes of light. Fire squid display

flashes of light when hunting for food.

The presence of which of these stimuli

could produce this response?

A. Prey

B. Mates

C. Predators

D. Competitors


A student found a motionless garter

snake under a rock and easily picked it

up. The snake started moving after the

student held it for a few minutes

because it became —

A. warm.

B. fearful.

C. playful.

D. hungry.


Scientists have discovered that sea

turtle eggs exposed to certain

temperatures would either produce all

male or all female hatchlings. Certain

temperatures result in changes in the

incubating turtle hormones that

determine the sex of the turtle. In this

situation, temperature acts as an

external —

A. reaction.

B. demand.

C. stimulus.

D. response.


Which of these is a typical response of

humans to external stimuli such as a

sudden loud noise?

A. Eyes blink

B. Muscles relax

C. Mouth salivates

D. Heart rate decreases


The absence of which of these stimuli

could cause the pupils of the eyes to


A. Light

B. Noise

C. Shelter

D. Warmth


The picture shows a sunflower at

different times of the same day. The

sunflower is responding to which of

these external stimuli?

A. Heat

B. Light

C. Touch

D. Sound

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A student is trying to train a dog to bark

on command. Every time the dog

receives the command and barks, the

dog gets a treat. Which of these is the

external stimulus?

A. Bark

B. Treat

C. Trainer

D. Command


Plants that flower only in spring or

autumn are responding to which of

these stimuli?

A. Light

B. Touch

C. Sound

D. Gravity


When people are scared, their hearts

beat faster and their breathing rates

increase. How do these internal

changes help people to respond to the


A. Makes digestion easier

B. Cause them to become tired

C. Prepare them to react to danger

D. Allow them to recycle nutrients

from food


A child stands by a campfire and

becomes too warm. The child's most

likely response is to —

A. put on a jacket.

B. develop a fever.

C. add another log to the fire.

D. back away from the campfire.


A student moves a bean plant near a

sunny window. The plant will most likely

grow —

A. shorter.

B. straight.

C. more slowly.

D. towards light.


A child is sitting in a dark room. When

the room's light is suddenly turned on,

what would be the most likely normal

response of the child's eyes to the light?

A. Eyes water

B. Eyes stay open

C. Pupils change color

D. Pupils become smaller


Dogs and cats have fur coats that help

them maintain stable internal

temperatures during the winter. What

will most likely happen to the fur on a

cat or dog once the weather warms up?

A. Shed

B. Thicken

C. Grow faster

D. Change color


Which of these do dogs do to help keep

themselves cool?

A. Run

B. Pant

C. Move around

D. Groom themselves

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Reptiles do not have a constant body

temperature and must move to different

surroundings in order to cool down or

warm up. What might a group of water

turtles swimming in a lake do to warm

up on a cool day?

A. Swim faster

B. Dive deeper

C. Sit on a rock

D. Eat more food


A child's wading pool sits on a grassy

area for a week. When the pool is

moved, one can see that the grass

underneath has —

A. died.

B. grew.

C. wilted.

D. yellowed.


Students planted radish seedlings in

identical containers with the same type

and amount of soil. The students placed

some of the pots in windows and placed

the others in a closet. The students

gave the same amount of water to each

pot. After one month, the seedlings in

the closet failed to grow very much.

What would most likely cause this


A. Lack of water

B. Too much soil

C. Not enough light

D. Temperature too cool


A 30-gallon glass aquarium in a

classroom has a variety of fish that

students feed each morning. When the

students open the lid on the aquarium,

how do the fish respond?

A. They become less active.

B. There is no change in their


C. They swim to the top of the


D. They remain at the bottom of the



A negative feedback mechanism that

helps maintain the homeostasis of body

temperature in endothermic individuals

is —

A. tearing.

B. bleeding.

C. shivering.

D. breathing.


The result of an organism's ability to

detect and respond to a stimulus,

allowing it to maintain homeostasis,

is —

A. adaptation.

B. constancy.

C. continuity.

D. equilibrium.

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An increase in a person's blood sugar

level triggers the release of the

hormone insulin by the pancreas. The

insulin lowers the blood sugar level,

restoring the body to its original blood

glucose level. This maintenance of

blood sugar equilibrium is —

A. response.

B. symbiosis.

C. consistency.

D. homeostasis.


What is the body's method of

maintaining a stable internal

temperature when it gets overheated?

A. Sweating

B. Shivering

C. Slowing heart rate

D. Decreasing rate of breathing


What would be the most likely reaction

to eating spoiled food?

A. Fever

B. Vomiting

C. Getting cold

D. Falling asleep


When plants wilt, the pressure inside

their stems decreases, and they droop.

What causes this reaction?

A. Very rich soil

B. Too little water

C. Bright sunlight

D. The wrong type of fertilizer


In order to maintain homeostasis or

equilibrium, the human body has

several feedback mechanisms. Which

of these is the best example of a

feedback mechanism?

A. Walking faster when tired

B. Waiting to eat when hungry

C. Getting exercise if overweight

D. Developing shivers when cold

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Which of these diagrams best shows a

feedback loop for maintaining body







The normal internal temperature of

humans is between 36.1°C and 37.2°C.

Which of these is responsible for the

relatively stable internal temperature of


A. An external regulator

B. A metamorphic cycle

C. A feedback mechanism

D. A muscle reflex reaction


The release of insulin increases blood

sugar levels. When blood sugar levels

rise, the release of insulin decreases.

This type of body regulation is called —

A. a feedback loop.

B. a circulatory cycle.

C. a reproductive cycle.

D. an enzyme activity loop.


When the outside temperature changes

and a person becomes very hot or cold,

the body responds by —

A. getting sick.

B. becoming very tired.

C. shutting down organ systems.

D. maintaining stable internal


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A person exits a dark movie theater and

goes outside into the sunlight. Which of

these is the most likely response of the

body to the bright sunlight?

A. The heart rate will increase.

B. The heart rate will decrease.

C. The pupils of the eyes will


D. The pupils of the eyes will become



Many species of whales migrate long

distances to breed. How would a whale

best be able to maintain a constant

body temperature while swimming

through different ocean temperatures?

A. Eating less often

B. Having only one calf

C. Moving faster to hunt prey

D. Having blubber for insulation


A student is running laps around the

track outside of the school. Which of

these will most likely happen as the

student runs more and more laps?

A. Pupils in eyes widen

B. Breathing speeds up

C. Heart rate slows down

D. Hearing ability increases


The human body's typical reaction to

hot summer temperatures is to perspire.

Which of these is the best explanation

for why people perspire?

A. Perspiring speeds up breathing.

B. Perspiring slows down heart rates.

C. Perspiring rids the blood of excess


D. Perspiring keeps body

temperatures stable.


Living organisms, like humans, maintain

a fairly stable internal body temperature.

The body's most likely response to very

cold external temperatures is to —

A. sweat.

B. shiver.

C. develop a high fever.

D. break down food more quickly.


A dog pants with its tongue when it gets

too hot. Panting helps the dog —

A. store kinetic energy.

B. learn to rest in the shade.

C. reflect energy from the sun.

D. maintain stable internal



When it is cold outside, humans wear

coats to keep warm. A rabbit stays

warm in cold weather by —

A. running around.

B. eating more food.

C. hiding in tall grass.

D. developing thicker fur.

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What would a reptile do to maintain

stable internal conditions on a cold day?

A. Climb a tree.

B. Shed its skin.

C. Eat a big meal.

D. Rest in the sun.


When thirsty, your body is responding to

an internal stimulus. This stimulus

would best be described as your body's

need for —

A. rest.

B. food.

C. water.

D. exercise.


A person's most natural response to the

internal stimuli of hunger is to —

A. sit still.

B. exercise.

C. eat a meal.

D. drink water.


What would be the best response a

runner could have to the loss of internal


A. Drink water

B. Eat a small meal

C. Try a shorter race

D. Put on a light jacket


A bobcat is chasing a rat. What explains

the bobcat's behavior?

A. Need for exercise

B. Internal hunger stimuli

C. Natural defensive instinct

D. Urge to run faster than other



When a person exercises and

perspires, what is the most likely

internal response?

A. Feel hungry

B. Exercise faster

C. Become thirsty

D. Lie down to rest


In the wild, horses water from a pond or

stream. During a drought, what would a

normal response be for a horse?

A. Eat more often

B. Grow more rapidly

C. Get tired and go to sleep

D. Look for new water sources


When people have a bacterial infection,

the body must respond to maintain

health. What is the most likely response

the body will demonstrate?

A. Get thirsty

B. Develop fever

C. Require exercise

D. Increase appetite

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Which of these is most likely to cause a

high fever?

A. Virus

B. Wet hair

C. Exercise

D. Heat wave


The human body may respond to

bacterial infections with fever, rash, and

swelling. What causes these


A. External stimuli

B. Immune systems

C. Circulatory systems

D. Environmental conditions


If a person gets a stomach virus, what is

the most common response?

A. Thirst

B. Vomiting

C. Sore muscles

D. Increased blood pressure


Sometimes animals can get sick like

people. If a bird catches a digestive

virus, the bird will —

A. throw up.

B. get sleepy.

C. fly to another tree.

D. try to eat more food.


Doctors and technicians who work with

x-ray equipment wear protective, leaded

shields. This is because exposure to

large amounts of radiation can result in

A. weight loss.

B. tooth decay.

C. tumor growth.

D. increased blood pressure.


When a person steps outside in the

winter without wearing a coat,

goosebumps or shivering may develop.

These responses result from what

change in the person?

A. Lack of a proper diet

B. Increased blood pressure

C. Too much hair on the skin

D. Decreased internal temperature


When athletes exercise on a warm day,

their internal body temperatures may

increase. What is their bodies' way to

maintain steady body temperatures?

A. Develop chills

B. Begin to sweat

C. Breathe heavily

D. Lie down to sleep

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