Sun-Golden Kennel’s Puppy Application

Sun-Golden Kennel’s Puppy Application

Sun-Golden Kennels

7812 N Longview Ct.

Edgerton, WI 53535



Thank you for your interest in one of our precious Golden Retriever puppies.  We screen all of our new families and require that you send in the signed application. Once we receive your application form, we will contact you within 48 hours to discuss your application and provide details about our upcoming litters. Deposits is $400 and will be applied to the total purchase price of your puppy. Deposits are due when the puppies are 1 week old and are non-refundable. The balance will be due when your puppy is 6 weeks old, at this point there are no refunds. We accept Cash or Visa/MC.

Thank you!






Home Phone: 


Email Address: 


1.  How did you find Sun-Golden Kennels?


2. Do you prefer: MALE or FEMALE? Please explain why:

3. Which type of registration are you interested in?

Limited/Pet…… $2,500-$2,800

(Still is an AKC registration, the only thing you can’t participate in is the breed ring)

Full Registration/Show……..$4,500 and up ~ with co-ownership & Show contract

(We can discuss terms of the contact, sample on website)

4. Does everyone in your family want a new puppy? Yes  No

5. Do you have children? Yes  No If Yes, please provide their ages:

6. Will this be your family’s first dog? Yes  No If no, what is your level of experience with dogs?

7. Do you currently own a dog? Yes  No If Yes, Age:    Breed:  

8. Do you have any other pets? Yes  No What Types: 

9. Do you have a fenced in yard? Yes  No

10. Will the puppy be home alone all day? Yes  No

11. Do you have the time and energy needed to care for a young puppy? Yes No

12. Are you willing and able to accept that responsibility? Yes  No

13. Are you committed to caring for this puppy for it’s lifetime? Yes  No

14. Do you have the means to budget the cost of a new puppy?

(Puppy shots, monthly heartworm medication, annual vaccinations, crate, food, toys,

grooming products, etc.)? Yes  No

15. Will you be attending an obedience class with your puppy?  Yes  No

16. Please list the name and phone of the veterinarian or clinic you will be using for the puppy.



17. Have you used this vet before? Yes  No May we contact them for a reference? Yes  No

18. At any point in time should you determine you are no longer able to care for the dog we

request that dog be returned to us. Are you willing to agree to this? Yes  No

19. Why a Golden Retriever ?





I have answered all of the above questions truthfully. I understand that if any intentionally false answers have been given, Sun-Golden Kennels reserves the right not to sell to me.

Signature:  Date:


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