Read Me Now - JMU

Read Me Now

Meeting Time: Wednesday evenings 7-9pm

Meeting Place: HHS2204

April 19, 2006

• Here finally are the minimum notebook requirements. sorry for the delay in linking

• Notebooks are due next Wednesday.

• Please do the following before the end of this class:

o Finish the problems that didn’t get accepted

o Do at least one problem from chapters 8, 9, and 10

April 5, 2006

• Class tonight at 5 pm followed by ACM meeting with election of officers for next year at 7:30pm

• Teams for next week are:

o Alan & Alex

o Mike L & Chris

o Brad and Josh

o John & Brian

o Mike G & Jason

o Scott & Carl

• This week’s problems are from Chapter 8

• The Eight Queens slides are on Blackboard.

• Next week’s problems will be from Chapter 9. I will not meet with you next Wednesday as I will be in New York with family observing the ritual meal celebrating the Jewish holiday of Passover. Alan Crouch ( has given me a list of the volunteers for Chapter 9 section presentations as well as the Chapter 8 carry overs.

o Scott – 8.2

o Josh – 8.5

o Mike Garrett – 9.1

o Brian – 9.2

o Chris – 9.3

o Mike L – 9.4

o Alan 9.5

• Alan has asked that you meet at 6 instead of 7pm. If this is a problem, e-mail Alan and he will let everyone else know the changed time, if any. The rest of the class meeting time should be spent with those who are still getting errors on problems submitted discussing their understanding of the problem and those who has gotten the problem offering suggestions to correct the difficulties.

March 29, 2006

• Next week’s class at 5pm followed by ACM meeting with election of officers for next year at 7:30pm

• Teams are

o Alan & Brad

o Scott & Josh

o Carl & Mike G.

o John & Alex

o Chris & Mike G

o Brian & Jason

• Presentations on the following sections

o 8.1 – Carl

o 8.2 – Scott

o 8.3 – Brad

o 8.4 – Adams

o 8.5 – Josh

March 21, 2006

• This week’s class is on Thursday, March 23,2006 at 7 pm. I don’t know the location yet.

• Please remember that you have been assigned material to present on Thursday:

Section 7.1 - Alex & Carl

Section 7.2 – Alan & Mike

Section 7.3 – Scott & Jason

Section 7.4 – John & Josh

Section 7.5 – Chris & Brad

• I will be updating the status of solutions and submissions Thursday morning.

• Please remember that Rachel Langhans is speaking at the ACM meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday, March 22,2006) at 7:30 pm. See the notice about place on the ACM website or on the ACM bulletin board.

• We are also looking for officers for next year. Please consider putting forth your name as a candidate for office.

March 11, 2006

I have updated the status of solutions and submissions with the data I have as of today.

I have also created two charts: one showing problems solved and one showing problems attempted.

If there is a big difference between what you have attempted and what you have solved, you might want to go back and try again.

See you Wednesday at the regular time. Enjoy what's left of the break.


Week 7 – February 28, 2006 - No class tomorrow: March 1, 2006 – Go to ACM meeting to see War Games

Read your e-mail. Continue to post solved problems and problems that we need to discuss. Read your e-mail which says to go on to Chapter 5 in the reading and problem solving. There are new team pairings. Since we won’t meet for 2 weeks be sure to go back and try to correct any problems that got rejected and work on documentation of accepted problems. Have a great break.

I’ll update the status of solutions and submissions soon.

Week 6 – February 22, 2006

Congratulations everyone got the first problem from last week and some of those rejected before have now been altered and accepted.

Status of solutions and submissions

Team pairings

Week 5 – February 15, 2006

Status of solutions and submissions to this point

Assignment for next week

Syllabus is up

This link will describe the notebook which you need to turn in for your final exam.

Comments on programs submitted.

Week 4 – February 8, 2006

ACM meeting next week (I think) which means we meet at 5pm

Status of solutions and submission to this point

Assignment for next week

There is a book on reserve at CISAT library - 2 hour

Week 3 – February 1, 2006

Here are the images from class Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Jason’s Vertex Algorithm

Here is the status of solutions and submissions to this point

Here is the assignment for next week

If you did NOT buy the text and would like one, please let me know ASAP. I am ordering other books from this Friday.

I have put my corrected 3N+1 program in Pascal on Blackboard in our new area. If you have forgotten how to get to it, here is


E-mail addresses

Week 1

Week 2 – January 18, 2006

IF you got a black mark for not registering, don’t get another one

New teams

Team 1 – Brian, Mike Lam and Josh Mickley

Team 2- same

Team 3 – same

Team 4 – John and Brad

Team 5 – Chris and Scott

Team 6 – Same

0. Once you have registered on the Vallididad site, e-mail me your password and account #.

1. Write out the definitions of all the terms we went over in class

2. Start a list of :

|Problems |Algorithms |Data Structures |

| | | |

3, If you ordered a book, bring a blank check next week.

4. If you finished your shortest path problem, submit it. As soon as you have

a response, post the response to Blackboard along with the Volume # and Problem #

Keep trying if you don’t get an accept...

5. If you didn’t find an appropriate shortest path problem, keep looking until you find

one and then code a solution and submit it.

6. Come to class with shortest path working code on disk and be prepared to work through it for the class

7. Find a minimum spanning tree problem and try to solve it. (follow steps 4-6 if possible) If not, at least

be prepared to show your problem and talk about it.

8. I’ve started discussion boards on Blackboard for both Shortest Path and Minimum Spanning Tree problems

9. Please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything here that I said in class –

10. Have a look at Volume III problem 302 and decide what the problem wants you to do (don’t solve it!)

11. think gold stars not black marks

Week 1 - January 11, 2006 -

Log onto the site on Useful URLs and register yourself

Learn the Shortest Path Algorithm backwards and forwards

Find a problem in your volume that can be solved using Shortest Path Algorithm

Solve it and come on January 18th with a printout of your solution.

Be prepared to discuss the problem and your solution.

Team 1 - Brian & Mike Lam - Volume 1

Team 2 - Alan & Josh & Mike Garrett - Volume 7

Team 3 - Alex & Mesbaul - Volume 8

Team 4 – John & Scott – Volume 5

Team 5 – Chris & Brad & Kendal - Volume 4

Team 6 – Jason & Carl - Volume 3

If you were not able to make the meeting, stop by my office tomorrow

and pick up a book on Algorithms...

E-mail Addresses

Below is a list of all the students in the class with their e-mail addresses so you can get in touch with each other.

I have also activated Blackboard for the class although there is nothing currently posted.

|John Blackman | |

|Alan Crouch | |

|Brian Dillensnyder | |

|Mesbaul Haque | |

|Josh Mickley | |

|Chris Plummer | |

|Jason Schulze | |

|Carl Shapiro | |

|Scott Young | |

|Mike Lam | |

|Brad Harris | |

|Alex Goryuk | |

|Mike Garrett | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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