
Group Exercise

Ask a different question to each person in the room. Write their name and response.

If someone gave you an island - What would you name it? Would you live there? What would you do with it?

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What do you have in your bag/wallet that best describes your personality?

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If you were a super hero what would your special power be and why?

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What was your favourite game when you were a kid?

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Who was your favourite teacher at school - why?

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What is your favorite movie and why?

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Would you rather lead or follow? Why?

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What is your favorite winter activity?

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What is something you can do better than anyone else you know?

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If you had to be handcuffed to one person for an entire month, who would it be?

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Ketchup or mustard?

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What is your favorite smell?

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Name a major life experience that made you who you are today?

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What clubs where you involved in during High School and College?

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If you could fly or breathe under water what would you prefer?

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What is your dream job?

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What's the oldest piece of clothing you still own and wear?

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What do you look for in a friend?

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What type of music relaxes you the most?

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What is the best gift anyone's ever given you?

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What phrase did your parents use over and over?

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If you could time travel, where would you go, and what would you do?

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If you were given the opportunity for free skydiving lessons would you take them? Why or why not?

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If you had to lose one of your senses, what would you choose? Why?

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If you could instantly become fluent in another language, what would that language be and why?

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I'm at my silliest when:

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The furthest I have traveled was to:

If you give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would it be?

1. •How do you express your anger to your enemy? To your best friends? To a parent?

2. •One particular day/night that I wanted to last forever was...

3. •What are your limitations and potentials?

4. •Cite a situation wherein you felt life had been unfair to you?

5. •Once I ran away from home. Here's the story...

6. •Would you dare to sleep in haunted house overnight?

7. •What are your goals for living?

8. •Describe the most inappropriate present that you received.

9. •What fantasy would you like to live out? Why?

10. •What is the funniest story your mother tells about you?

11. •Have you ever said something you regretted, but were then glad you said it?

12. •Have you ever said something you regretted, but were then glad you said it?

13. •If you could have any kind of a job in the entertainment industry, what do you think you would do best?

14. •If I asked your high school friends what they thought you would be doing today, what would they say?

15. •My scariest nightmare was:_________

16. •What was the worst concert you went to (who and when)?

17. •What was the best concert you went to (who and when)?

18. •If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

19. •Three things I think will become obsolete in 10 years:

20. •When people look at me, they would never guess that I: (What?)

21. •My favorite unusual food combination is:

22. •Favorite Quote:

23. •What is the furthest you have traveled?

24. •Who was your favorite band, group, or solo when you were in high school?

25. •If you could be invisible for one day, where would you like to be?

26. •What's the best sound effect you can make? Do it.

27. •What do you miss most about being a kid?

28. •What is your favorite tradition? (family tradition, church tradition, whatever)

29. •Tell about the last time you had to ask for help.

30. •What CD would your friends be surprised that you own?

31. •Would you ever be on a reality TV show? Why/why not? If you would, which one?

32. •When was your worst/most recent/dramatic/(whatever) car trouble?

33. •Do you think Jesus will come again in your lifetime?

34. •Where did you grow up? (Editor: Simple. No one's posted this until now?!)

35. •If you were stranded on a deserted island with one book, what would you want that book to be?

36. •Did you have a collection of some kind as a child? If so, what was it?

37. •What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Winter?

38. •If you could mix three animals together, which ones would you choose to make the ultimate animal?

39. •You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it for the rest of your life. Which word do you choose?

40. •What are your three favorite spices?

41. •What is the weirdest (unusual) thing you've ever eaten?

42. •How many places have you lived? You can share the number of physical residences and/or the number of cities.

43. •What was your first job where you got paid by someone other than your parents?

44. •What is your favorite memory with someone other than family

45. •what was the most mischievous thing you did as a child?

46. •when did you last climb a tree?

47. •How many brothers and sisters do you have? What's your birth order?

48. •If you were a shoe, what kind would you be and why??

49. •What's the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still talk about to this day?

50. •If you could be one Disney character who would you be and why?

51. •If you could be a cookie what kind of cookie would you be?

52. •What sub-atomic particle would you be? Why?

53. •Has modern technology enhanced or complicated your life? Why?

54. •How much do you spend on hair and/or nails each month?

55. •What is your favorite table or board game?

56. •Are you a Country mouse or a City mouse? Why?

57. •Name all the vehicles you have owned in your adult life.

58. •What is your favorite house decor style? Traditional, Contemporary, Country, Colonial? Why?

59. •Are you a planner or a procrastinator? Give an example?

60. •Would you rather plan a party or attend one? Why?

61. •If you could attend any college, free of charge, what college would that be and what major would you pursue? Why?

62. •List the food items you take at a salad bar.

63. •How many doors do you have in your house?

64. •What is your favorite soup? Why?

65. •Tell about a collection you have now.

66. •What was the cheapest gas price you can remember? What year was that?

67. •Have you ever gone back to the town where you grew up in? If yes, how has it changed? Is your old house still there?

68. •Name all the kinds of trees in your yard right now?

69. •Do you like silver or gold jewelry? Why?

70. •When was the last time you went bowling?

71. •Are you a front seat driver or a back seat driver?

72. •Other than pizza, what is a favorite Italian dish?

73. •If you were handed free opera tickets, would you go or sell them? Why?

74. •Do you like the mountains, coastline or the plains? Why?

75. •What is the farthest road trip you have taken? To where and how long was it?

76. •What was the highest grocery bill you ever had?

77. •What is your favorite kind of pie? Describe taking a bite using three adjectives.

78. •Name two words you always seem to spell incorrectly. Try to spell it now!

79. •Do you enjoy going shopping for clothes? Why or why not?

80. •What was the title of the last self-help book you read? Did it help?

81. •How often do you bid on Ebay? What was the last item you won?

82. •Do you like store-bought things or handmade things? Why?

83. •When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles or turn on the flashlight? How many of each do you own?

84. •Have you ever been a participant in a parade? What did you do?

85. •Where were you when you had your fist kiss?

86. •What was your last thought before going to sleep?

87. •What is your first thought in the morning?

88. •What would you rather: glasses or contacts?

89. •If you could be permanently one color for the rest of your life, what color would it be & why?

90. •If you can thank God for one thing in your life, what would it be?

91. •If you were to be a natural element, which would you rather be: fire or water?

92. •What is in the trunk of your car right now?

93. •If you were an American Gladiator what would your name be?

94. •What was your favorite 80s movie?

95. •What was the most mischievous April Fool’s prank you’ve done?

96. •Say your first middle and last name with the letters flipped? (Example... John Lee Smith--- Nohj Eel Htims)

97. •If they made a movie of your life who would play you?

98. •When was the last time you had a dream? What was it about?

99. •If you had to choose between being deaf or blind which would you choose and why?

100. •If you were to die tomorrow, what would your tombstone say?

101. •If you could perform in the Olympics, what would you like to do?

102. •Would you rather spend the rest of your life in love with a rich person or a poor person?

103. •It's Saturday morning. What's the first thing you do when you wake up.

104. •If you could erase one day in history which one would it be and why?

105. •If we Googled your name what would we see?

106. •If you had one free day to do anything you want, what would you do?

107. •Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cupcake or the cupcake first?

108. •If you were a color what color would you be? Why?

109. •If you could live in any sitcom, what would it be?

110. •What song most describes your life right now?

111. •Which way do you eat corn on the cob?

112. •What is something unexpected that has changed about you in the last few years?

113. •Would you ever loan a significant amount of money to a friend/relative ? Why or why not?

114. •Would you ever use a dating service (, e-harmony, etc.) to find someone? Why/Why not.

115. •What can you always be found with?

116. •So you win a pet monkey at a fair, but this isn't just any old monkey. It can do one trick for you whenever you want from getting a pop out of the fridge to washing your hair. What would be the trick?

117. •If you were a llama, where would you get your hair cut?

118. •If you could invent a gadget what will it be and why?

119. •If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?

120. •What is the longest book you ever read?

121. •When did you last write a hand written letter?

Editor, October 2008: Wow! I can’t believe this list has been active for ten years!

While I’m transitioning my website using a new authoring tool and a new hosting service, I have disabled the Submit Question feature. Thanks for submitting all the great questions.

Great questions designed to help people in small groups get to know one another.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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