Paleo-Neo Peoples

Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.1.?A more complex culture, or the way of life for a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs, is a sign of an advancing ____________________.2.?Ancient human-like ____________________, or the remains of living organisms from a previous geological age, tell us about our ancestors.3.?Because the first civilizations developed near rivers, the exchange of goods and ideas, called ____________________, resulted.4.?Early systems of writing used ____________________ instead of letters and words.5.?Tools and fire were two technological developments of ____________________ people.6.?____________________ arose in early civilizations to help people explain their lives.7.?What is a civilization?Match each item to the correct description below.a.?Bronze Ageb.??atalhüyükc.?ice agesd.?Lascauxe.?monarchyf.?nomadsg.?specializationh.?technology8.?tools and methods to perform tasks9.?long periods of extreme cold10.?a type of government led by a king or queen11.?the act of learning or practicing a specific job12.?one of the oldest known cities, in present-day Turkey13.?people who move from place to place14.?a place in southern France where cave paintings were discovered15.?the period in time when people began to mix copper and tinMatch each item to the correct description below.a.?c. 2.5 million B.C.b.?c. 8000 B.C.c.?economyd.?flinte.?Maria de Sautuolaf.?Mediterranean Seag.?revolutionh.?systematic agriculturei.?tools and fire16.?Neolithic Age begins17.?growing food on a regular basis18.?any change that has a great effect on people’s ways of life19.?Paleolithic Age begins20.?the making, buying, and selling of goods or services21.?a hard stone used to make tools22.?body of water near the ancient communities of ?atalhüyük and Jericho23.?discovered ancient cave paintings in Altamira, Spain24.?important technological developments of Paleolithic peopleMatch each item to the correct description below.a.?artisansb.?bronzec.?Eastern Africad.?Jerichoe.?Neolithicf.?Paleolithicg.?shrineh.?woolly mammoth25.?a mixture of tin and copper26.?a large, hairy, extinct animal related to modern-day elephants27.?“New Stone Age”Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.28.?In 1940 what important event occurred in Lascaux, France??a.?A large strip of land was exposed.?b.?Archaeologists found the remains of prehistoric animals.?c.?Paleolithic cave paintings were discovered.?d.?Prehistoric artifacts such as tools were excavated.?29.? Look at the image of the ax. For what did the Paleolithic people MOST LIKELY use this tool??a.?cutting?b.?digging?c.?scraping?d.?sewing30.?Which of the following developments occurred during the Paleolithic Age??a.?the making of copper?b.?domestication of animals?c.?systematic agriculture?d.?development of weapons made of flint31.?What significant, major change took place during the Neolithic Age??a.?simple shelters?b.?harpoon fishing?c.?farming?d.?toolmaking32.?One of the most important technologies used by the Paleolithic people was?a.?tools.?b.?language.?c.?art.?d.?religion.33.?What tool did Paleolithic people first use to hunt animals??a.?axes?b.?clubs?c.?spears?d.?traps34.?Which discovery made life less difficult for Paleolithic people??a.?bronze?b.?copper?c.?farming?d.?fire35.?Images of what were scarce in cave paintings??a.?boars?b.?horses?c.?humans?d.?oxen36.?Paleolithic people used scraping tools to?a.?catch fish.?b.?clean animal hides.?c.?cut up plants and dig roots.?d.?kill large animals.37.?The land bridge that existed between Asia and North America is now?a.?the Arctic Circle.?b.?Alaska.?c.?Siberia.?d.?the Bering Strait.?38.? According to the information in the box, what are the most common subjects in cave paintings??a.?animals?b.?hands?c.?humans?d.?plants39.?In early civilizations, which of the following groups helped make up the middle social class??a.?enslaved people?b.?farmers, artisans?c.?government officials?d.?warriors40.?Which of the following describes how people adapted to survive the cold temperatures during the ice ages??a.?They lived in overhangs or caves.?b.?They hunted animals such as bison and deer.?c.?They made fire by rubbing two sticks together.?d.?They enriched their diets with fat.41.?Which of the following methods MOST improved the hunting process during the Paleolithic Age??a.?using tracking methods?b.?driving animals off cliffs?c.?learning how animals behave?d.?inventing traps and spears42.?The Paleolithic period began about?a.?1 million years ago.?b.?2 million years ago.?c.?2.5 million years ago.?d.?3 million years ago.43.?Which of the following tools were developed during the Neolithic Age??a.?bows and arrows?b.?harpoons and spears?c.?hoes and sickles?d.?scraping tools44.?Which of the following tasks did men perform ONLY during the Paleolithic Age??a.?searching for berries, nuts, and grains?b.?hunting large animals?c.?looking after the children?d.?painting in caves45.?What is a shrine??a.?a tent or hut made of animal skins, brush, and wood?b.?a holy place decorated with images of gods and goddesses?c.?any object made by human beings?d.?the remains of a living organism from an earlier geologic age46.?Skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery are called?a.?artisans.?b.?nomads.?c.?monarchs.?d.?scribes.47.? What is this tool MOST LIKELY made of??a.?bronze and wood?b.?copper and bone?c.?flint and wood?d.?tin and bone48.?What effect did the use of spears, bows, and arrows MOST LIKELY have on Paleolithic people??a.?They increased the catch of fish.?b.?They made hunting easier.?c.?They made it possible to make nets and baskets.?d.?They made it easier to raise animals.49.?Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China are four?a.?great river valley civilizations.?b.?important ancient cities.?c.?Paleolithic communities.?d.?countries in western Asia.50.?How did humans live differently once they learned how to grow crops and tame animals that produced food??a.?People stopped gathering grains.?b.?People began settling in communities.?c.?People started building dwelling places that housed a small clan.?d.?People stopped using stone tools.51.?What are people who travel from place to place to survive called??a.?archaeologists?b.?early humans?c.?nomads?d.?Paleolithic52.?What is one way people survived the Paleolithic Age??a.?They built roads.?b.?They planted crops.?c.?They traveled together in groups.?d.?They lived in villages.53.?Which technology was a major breakthrough for Paleolithic people??a.?bronze?b.?copper?c.?flint?d.?iron54.?How did the roles of men change when people moved into communities??a.?They worked in the fields to farm and herd animals.?b.?They took care of the children.?c.?They used spears and harpoons to hunt animals.?d.?They used bone needles to make clothing.55.?Paleolithic people eventually constructed shelters out of?a.?animal skins, branches, and wood.?b.?mud bricks.?c.?stucco.?d.?copper and bronze.56.?Which of the following definitions explains systematic agriculture??a.?the act of producing steady food supplies to create healthy populations?b.?the adaptation of animals to live with humans for the advantage of humans?c.?the organized growing of food on a regular basis?d.?the system of economic life in an area or country?57.? Which sentence BEST summarizes the information in the box??a.?Close to 150 cave paintings have been found in France and Spain.?b.?Some cave paintings in Chauvet are thought to be 31,000 years old.?c.?The cave paintings in Lascaux and Altamira are the most well known.?d.?The cave paintings in the Chauvet cave are some of the most spectacular.58.?Neolithic people began to take part in economic activities other than farming. Name at least two of these activities.59.?Why do historians refer to the Paleolithic Age as the Stone Age?60.?How do we know that religion was gaining importance in the lives of Neolithic people?61.?Where were Paleolithic camps often located?62.?Why did Paleolithic people most likely travel in bands?63.?During the Neolithic Age, villagers began producing more than they could eat. What economic activity resulted from this excess of food production?64.?How did the houses of Jericho and ?atalhüyük differ from those of Paleolithic people?65.?How did Paleolithic artists make paint?66.?Early civilizations developed cities and formed governments. What were the main reasons for forming governments?67.?How do archaeologists think early humans learned to use fire?68.?How did early people first communicate with one another?69.?How do scientists learn about the past of early humans?70.?What makes the Agricultural Revolution a revolution?71.?The residents of ?atalhüyük appeared to be a religious people. How do we know this?72.?Early civilizations had social class structures. How were these class structures organized?Indicate whether the statement is true or false.73.?The only cave paintings discovered thus far have been found in Altamira, Spain and Lascaux, France.?a.?True?b.?False74.?Paleolithic people traveled in groups of 20 to 30 members.?a.?True?b.?False75.?When struck by another rock, iron pyrite gives off sparks which can be used to ignite, or set on fire, dry grass or leaves.?a.?True?b.?False76.?Use of tools and the fire are two important technological advances of Neolithic people.?a.?True?b.?False77.?By 8000 B.C., people in North America began growing root crops called tubers.?a.?True?b.?False78.?Many scientists think that the first human-like beings originated in eastern Europe.?a.?True?b.?False79.?The first civilizations developed in river valleys.?a.?True?b.?False80.?People during the Neolithic Age began to use animals to transport goods.?a.?True?b.?FalseAnswer Key1.?civilization2.?fossils3.?trade4.?symbols5.?Paleolithic6.?Religion7.?Systematic agriculture8.?h9.?c10.?e11.?g12.?b13.?f14.?d15.?a16.?b17.?h18.?g19.?a20.?c21.?d22.?f23.?e24.?i25.?b26.?h27.?e28.?c29.?a30.?d31.?c32.?a33.?b34.?d35.?c36.?b37.?d38.?a39.?b40.?d41.?d42.?c43.?c44.?b45.?b46.?a47.?c48.?b49.?a50.?b51.?c52.?c53.?c54.?a55.?a56.?c57.?c58.?Correct answers should include: making weapons and jewelry; making pottery to store grain and food; making baskets from plant fibers; using plant fibers to weave cloth.59.?Historians refer to the Paleolithic Age as the Stone Age because it was the time that people used stone to make tools and weapons.60.?Special holy places called shrines, which were decorated with the images of gods and goddesses, were built along with houses.61.?Paleolithic camps were often located near a stream or other body of water.62.?Paleolithic people most likely traveled in bands to help one another to hunt and gather food and possibly for protection.63.?People began to trade their food for supplies that they could not produce for themselves.64.?The houses of Jericho and ?atalhüyük were made of sun-dried mud bricks, while the houses of Paleolithic people were first overhangs and caves and later were tents and huts made of animal skins, brush, wood, and mammoth bones or snow and ice.65.?Paleolithic artists made paint by combining crushed yellow, black, and red rocks with animal fat.66.?Early civilizations formed governments primarily to protect themselves and their food supplies.67.?Archaeologists think that early humans learned to use fire by friction or by rubbing two pieces of wood together.68.?Early people first communicated with each other through sounds and physical gestures.69.?Scientists learn about the past of early humans by studying fossils and the clues that early humans have left behind.70.?The Agricultural Revolution is a revolution because it changed the way people lived.71.?We know that residents of ?atalhüyük were religious because they built special buildings called shrines, or holy places, that were decorated with images of gods and goddesses.72.?The social class structures of early civilizations were organized by the type of work people did and how much wealth they had.73.?False74.?True75.?True76.?False77.?False78.?False79.?True80.?True ................

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