Pack #1 Homework #5

Psyc941 Quiz #3 Hw#9: k-group X2

1. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between diagnostic category and preferred type of therapy. Each of the patients at a local outpatient clinic specializing in the treatment of social anxiety disorders was interviewed to determine her or his preferred therapy type; his or her diagnosis was obtained (with written consent) from treatment records.

Here are our results… Diagnostic Category

Mild Moderate Severe

Preferred Therapy Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety

Group Therapy 45 33 22

Individual Therapy 15 27 38

RH: More of those with mild anxiety will prefer group therapy than of those with moderate and severe anxiety, while those in these two groups are equally likely to select group therapy.

a. What type of design is this???

b. Will the results be causally interpretable?

Does this design have good initial equivalence? Why or why not?

Is this study likely to have good ongoing equivalence? Why or why not?

c. X² = _________ df error = _________ p = _________ r = __________

d. k = ________________ # pairwise comparisons = _____________ N = ____________ n = __________

|Pairwise Comparison Summary Table |Mild vs. |Mild vs. |Moderate vs. |

| |Moderate |Severe |Severe |

|Pairwise RH: (% group) | | | |

|uncorrected NHST results | | | |

|uncorrected RH: test results | | | |

|Bonferronized NHST results | | | |

|Bonferronized RH: test results | | | |

|uncorrected “vs.” Bonferronized results | | | |

|Type(s) of error risked (uncorrected) | | | |

|Effect size (r) | | | |

|Enough power? | | | |

|Sample size for next study? | | | |

|r to use with power table | | | |

|S for these 2 conditions | | | |

|n for each condition | | | |

|N for whole design | | | |

e. Do these results support the RH:? (based on uncorrected results). Explain your answer carefully.

f. Following the example in the SPSS handouts, write up the results of the omnibus test and the pairwise comparisons (using LSD). Refer to either the Table in your write-up (not both).


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