Quiz What are word types? - BBC


What are word types?

Level A Circle the right answer for each question.

1) A noun is the name of something. Which of these words is a noun? A) sing B) car

2) A noun is the name of something. Which of these words is a noun? A) bird B) travel

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3) A proper noun is the name of a place or a person. Which of these is a proper noun? A) Peter B) cat

4) A proper noun is the name of a place or a person. Which of these is a proper noun? A) table B) Manchester

5) What is the noun in this sentence?

I drove the car today.

A) the B) car

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6) What is the proper noun in this sentence?

Peter drove today.

A) Peter B) drove

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What are word types?

Level B Circle the right answer for each question.

1) A verb is a doing word. Which of these words is a verb? A) picture B) run C) dog

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2) What is the verb in this sentence?

I swim every day.

A) every B) day C) swim

3) What is the noun in this sentence?

That is a great painting.

A) painting B) great C) is

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4) Choose a verb for this sentence.

I _______ cakes on Sunday.

A) swim B) bake C) sing

5) Choose a noun for this sentence.

The _______ barked all day long.

A) cat B) mouse C) dog

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6) Choose a verb for this sentence.

He _______ all the way to his girlfriend's house.

A) walked B) swam C) cooked

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Quiz What are word types?

Level C Circle the right answer for each question.

1) An adjective describes a noun. What is the adjective in this sentence?

It's a wet day today.

A) a B) wet C) today

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