Drama 1 pre-test

Drama 1 pre-test


Please answer the following questions. This test is only to let Ms. Jennings know where you are when it comes to your drama knowledge. Answer every question, even if you aren’t sure of the answer.

1. In vocal production your ________ push air up through your ____________.

a. Lungs and Trachea

b. Tongue & Nose

c. Lungs & Epiglottis

d. Diaphragm & Teeth

2. The way an actor uses their body to communicate emotion and attitude is:

a. Locomotion

b. body language

c. balance

d. pantomime

3. True or False? An actor is projecting correctly if they are using the muscles in their throat.

a. True

b. False

4. Emotional Recall is:

a. What you do when you talk to your therapist

b. Technique of acting where you reference past emotional experiences to help you connect with a character and scene

c. The best way to make a guy/girl like you

5. Select the best choices for actable tactics.

a. angry, frustrated, in love, giddy

b. annihilate, belittle, lambaste

c. sleepy, dopey, grumpy, happy

d. jumping, running, dodging, eating

6. The best way to prepare a character for performance is:

a. To watch it on YouTube and copy how someone else did it

b. Do it the same way you did your last character

c. Read the entire play and research the time period the play takes place in

7. True or False? The “Magic If” is when an actor recalls how they would feel or react if they were in a given situation or circumstance.

a. True

b. False

8. Remembering the smell of cinnamon and recalling how you felt at Christmas is an example of:

a. An emotional trigger

b. Day dreaming

c. Fighting for an objective

d. A good time in your life

9. Which of the following is the proper order for the Aristotelian Plot Structure?

a. Inciting Incident, Denouement, Climax, Rising Action, Exposition

b. Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Exposition, Denouement

c. Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Denouement

d. Exposition, Inciting Incident, Denouement, Rising Action, Climax

10. Which of the following is a good technique to make sure you write dialogue that is interesting and appropriate?

a. Have other people read your script and comment.

b. Read your dialogue out loud.

c. Listen to and observe actual dialogue spoken in real life.

d. All if the above.

11. Which one of the following is NOT a type of theater?

a. Black box

b. Arena

c. Majestic

d. Proscenium

e. Thrust

12. What is the term for the lead character or hero of the play?

a. Protagonist

b. Antiquate

c. Antagonist

d. Director

13. The way a person walks communicates

a. How a person feels

b. How old they are

c. Their attitude towards life

d. All of the above

14. The area farthest away from the audience is called:

a. Downstage

b. Upstage

c. Center Stage

d. Stage Right

e. Stage Left

15. True or False? Actors do not need to write their blocking down in their scripts as long as they can remember it.

a. True

b. False

16. True or False? The pattern of movement that actors do onstage is called blocking.

a. True

b. False

17. Your audition begins:

a. After your introduction

b. 10 seconds into your monologue

c. The minute you walk in the door

d. The night before

18. After watching a performance, appropriate feedback for the actors includes:

a. Telling the actors everything that you hated about their performance.

b. Booing

c. Telling the actors a few things that worked well, and a few things that they might work on to improve their scene next time.

d. Saying “That was good.” No need to go into detail.

19. Where did theater, as we know it today, originate?

a. England

b. USA

c. Italy

d. Greece

e. South America

20. True or False? Actively listening to your scene partner is a great way to keep your performance fresh and believable.

a. True

b. False


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