Youth Engagement Workshop Guide

The Freechild Project

Youth Engagement Workshop Guide

By Adam Fletcher

The Freechild Project Youth Engagement Workshop Guide

Page 2

Let Us Support YOU!

The Freechild Project provides training, tools, and technical assistance to youth-serving organizations, K-12 schools, and government agencies focused on youth engagement. For more information contact Adam Fletcher at (360) 489-9680, email adam@ or visit

The Freechild Project Youth Engagement Workshop Guide ? 2010 Adam Fletcher for The Freechild Project

All rights reserved. All worksheets and handouts may be duplicated, but must be duplicated exactly as is. Please obtain prior written consent from Adam Fletcher for any alternative usage.

Published by The Freechild Project, PO Box 6185, Olympia, WA 985076185 Phone (360) 489-9680 Email adam@

The Freechild Project Youth Engagement Workshop Guide

By Adam Fletcher

Table of Contents

Preface ...................................................................................................... 4 Workshop 1: Intro to Youth Engagement ............................................... 10 Workshop 2: Intro to Youth Engagement for Adults .............................. 12 Workshop 3: Are You Ready for Youth Engagement? ............................ 15 Workshop 4: Breaking Stereotypes ........................................................ 20 Workshop 5: Examining Media Bias........................................................ 24 Workshop 6: Be Who You Are ................................................................ 26 Workshop 7: Words as Weapons and Tools ........................................... 29 Workshop 8: Short Listening Activities ................................................... 31 Workshop 9: Feedback Techniques ........................................................ 35 Workshop 10: Jargon Flags ..................................................................... 38 Workshop 11: Power, Trust, and Respect............................................... 39 Workshop 12: Ground Rules ................................................................... 41 Workshop 13: Group Strengths and Weaknesses .................................. 42 Workshop 14: The Silent Circle ............................................................... 44 Workshop 15: Group Appreciations ....................................................... 46 Workshop 16: It's in the Bag ................................................................... 48 Workshop 17: Lava Rocks Problem Solving ............................................ 49 Workshop 18: Probing for Problems....................................................... 52 Workshop 19: Planning For Roadblocks ................................................. 54 Workshop 20: That's A Wrap .................................................................. 56 Workshop 21: Letting Go & Taking Charge............................................. 58 Workshop 22: Ideal Partners .................................................................. 60 Workshop 23: Creating Roles for Youth and Adults ............................... 63 Additional Activities: Brainteasers .......................................................... 65 Additional Activities: Reflection exercises .............................................. 66 Resources ................................................................................................ 68

2 | The Freechild Project Youth Engagement Workshop Guide


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