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FOLIC ACID and VITAMIN D are Vital supplements pre/in pregnancy


New guidelines reinforce the message that any woman who may be trying to conceive or who has become pregnant should be recommended to take folic acid, from at least 12 weeks before conception until 12 weeks gestation. Additionally all pregnant and breastfeeding women should take a daily supplement of vitamin D.

You should take:

• 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day throughout your pregnancy and if you breastfeed

• 400 micrograms of folic acid each day – you should take this from before you are pregnant until you are 12 weeks pregnant

Do not take vitamin A supplements, or any supplements containing vitamin A as too much could harm your baby.

Where do I get pregnancy vitamins?

• You can get folic acid and vitamin D as separate supplements from pharmacies and supermarkets – they don’t cost much

• You can get a pregnancy multivitamin that has both folic acid and vitamin D from in pharmacies and supermarkets - check the label to be sure

• Your GP may be able to prescribe vitamins for you.

• If you are eligible for the Healthy Start scheme you can get pregnancy vitamins that contain folic acid and vitamin D free of charge.

• You may also be able to buy the Healthy Start vitamins at a low cost at some health clinics.

At risk group

Folic Acid 5mg is indicated for those women at higher risk of having a baby with a Neural Tube Defect (NDT). If you are in this at risk group (see below) please speak to your GP regarding a prescription and/or advice as appropriate if you fall into any of the following groups.

• There is a family history of NTDs (woman or father’s family)

• She has diabetes

• She is taking anti-epileptic drugs (Often used for other conditions eg: Gabapentin, Pregabalin)

• She has a BMI > 30

• She has coeliac disease

• She has thalassaemia


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