Delegate Survey mtgs & support services 2015 analysis and ...

6 November 2015

EMA/730380/2015 "Error*"EMA/730380/2015 \* MERGEFORMAT EMA/730380/2015


Delegate Survey 2015 – Executive Summary, Analysis and Recommendations

The Meeting Management (MM) Department launched a delegate survey in order to evaluate the level of service provided by the Agency. The survey was sent to 612 delegates representing members of the main committee meetings and their alternates together with members of the main working parties (CHMP SAWP & BWP and CVMP SAWP & PhV). The survey covered the following areas:

• Meeting Management support

• Accommodation arrangements

• Travel arrangements

• Meeting reimbursement

• Virtual meetings

• Video conferencing

• General IT/technical equipment

• Catering

• Security

• Reception and switchboard services

• Environment

The results have been analysed together with the comments which have highlighted areas in need of improvement and recommendations have been proposed as appropriate.

The outcome of the survey is very positive overall and delegates continue to comment on the efficient and helpful service they receive from the Agency. Taking into account all areas of Meeting Management support, virtual meetings, video conferences and building services, the results show a 93% satisfaction rate from the delegates.

However, there are still some areas where delegates have expressed a need for improvement which primarily include better audio quality and connections for virtual meetings and videoconferences, air conditioning being too cold together with the need for printer access and storage in the delegate lounge.

Executive Summary

A total of 149 delegates completed the survey representing a response rate of 24%.

|Committee |No of delegates responding |% of delegates responding |% total delegates |

| | |per committee | |

|CHMP |19 |31% |13% |

|CVMP |22 |36% |15% |

|COMP |12 |35% |8% |

|HMPC |15 |22% |10% |

|PDCO |16 |23% |11% |

|CAT |12 |19% |8% |

|PRAC |18 |26% |12% |

|Management Board |9 |14% |6% |

|Other |26 |21% |17% |

The Meeting Management Department has gathered the results and comments from the delegates which have provided a useful insight into the services provided by the Department and the Agency as a whole.

Meeting Management support

Support provided by the Meeting Management Department continues to be positive. 100% of delegates were satisfied with the support of which 97% found the support to be either Excellent or Very Good. Delegates continue to commend the department on its prompt and helpful service.

89% of delegates who completed the questionnaire are using the MMSe booking system. This ties with the department statistics which shows that 96% of delegates use MMSe. 75% of these delegates are using it for both travel and accommodation requests. The delegate information pages in MMSe are used by 67% of delegates and were found to be very useful or useful by 88%. Only 3% of delegates expressed a request for more information, which included MMD system access and a map of all recommended hotels in London with transport links.

Accommodation arrangements

87% of delegates were satisfied with the the processing of their accommodation arrangements. Only 1% was dissatisfied and their comments focused on their first choice of hotel not being respected and with regards to meeting organisation, the late sending of the meeting invitation resulting in bookings being more expensive.

Travel arrangements

78% of delegates were either satisfied or highly satisfied with the processing of their travel bookings. For the 1% of dissatisfied delegates, processing times were a factor and, in relation to the meeting organisation, the late sending of the meeting invitation was also mentioned.

For both accommodation and travel bookings, 86% of delegates were either satisfied or highly satisfied with the efficient handling of their queries.

Meeting reimbursement

70% of delegates were either satisfied or highly satisfied with the reimbursement for their meetings with comments focusing on the timeliness and improvement in the service.

For reimbursement queries, 62% of delegates were satisfied that they were handled efficiently and appreciated the direct payment of travel and accommodation by the EMA. Only 1% was dissatisfied and mentioned restrictions in changes to bookings as a result of external factors such as strikes and the need for a dedicated e-mail address for reimbursement queries.

Virtual meetings

Of the 82% of delegates who have participated in an Adobe Connect meeting organised by the EMA, 88% participated in a meeting, 45% in a webinar and 17% in screen sharing with no audio. 67% of delegates found the quality to be either Excellent or Good, 30% Average whilst 3% found the quality to be poor.

For delegates attending Adobe Connect virtual meetings remotely, 51% found the audio connection either Excellent or Good, 35% Average however, 14% found it to be poor quality.

With regard to technical support, 63% of delegates found the support to be either Excellent or Good and 11% Average. The remaining 26% had not used technical support.

The training and support materials provided were rated positively with 70% of delegates finding them to be either Excellent or Good, 12% Average and only 3% Poor.

Video conferencing

7% of delegates have participated in a video conference organised and chaired by the EMA with 64% finding the quality to be either Excellent or Good. 27% found the quality to be Average, however 9% found the quality Poor.

General IT/technical equipment

With regards to the technical equipment, such as microphones, headsets and computer equipment, 91% of delegates found them to be working satisfactorily at the EMA. 66% of delegates had contacted the IT service desk for technical issues and queries, with a positive 94% rating the service as either Excellent or Good. Furthermore, 90% of delegates who had contacted the IT service desk found that their query had been resolved satisfactorily.

Feedback from the delegates regarding virtual meetings, video conferences and technical equipment included:

➢ Frequent disconnections and interruptions

➢ Poor audio quality and difficulty in hearing other participants

➢ Microphones with poor quality sound

➢ Printing difficulties and need for better access to printers

➢ Fluctuating wi-fi signal

On a more positive note, the delegates commented on the excellent service and the EMA providing a good platform for NCA staff to follow trainings and meetings.


With regards to catering, 71% of the delegates found the EMA restaurant and coffee bar excellent or good value for money with a focus on the quality and choice of food, especially the salad bar. 25% of the delegates gave an average rating. However, 4% of delegates found the restaurant and coffee bar poor value. For those dissatisfied, their comments suggested it was due to high prices, long queues and not being able to use cash. Delegates who experience late finishing meetings also expressed a lack of choice and quality of food when having a late lunch.


100% of delegates felt that there was an adequate level of security within the Agency. Comments from delegates included the suggestion for the provision of overnight lockers and the absence of easy access to the stairs.

Reception and switchboard

With regards to the service received upon arrival at the EMA, a positive 97% of delegates found the service to be either Excellent or Good with just 3% finding the service Average. The comments suggest that the Reception and Switchboard are primarily used for issues regarding passes however assistance with meeting registration, taxi bookings and directions were also indicated. 71% of delegates were satisfied with the assistance they received and commented on the friendly and efficient staff. The remaining 29% had not used the service.


83% of delegates found the overall level of comfort provided and efficiency of space to be Excellent or Good, whereas 17% found it to be Average. Comments included the air conditioning being too cold, difficulty in seeing the screens and speakers in the meetings rooms and most commonly, the lack of space and storage in the delegate lounge compared to the delegates offices in the previous building.


With regards to the frequency of the delegate survey, 89% felt that a survey every two years was just about right, 6% felt that it should be carried out more often and 5% less often.

74% of delegates felt that improvements had been made to the quality of service since the last survey in 2013.

Delegate comments and suggestions for improvement included:

➢ Connectivity tools for virtual meetings with easy video and audio facilities

➢ A virtual room for testing

➢ Modernisation of MMD for ease of access and improved location of meeting documents

➢ Meeting organisation a year in advance to enable early booking of travel and accommodation each quarter

➢ Generic invitation letters to be changed from “Dear Sir” and to be addressed to both male and female delegates

➢ Increase in daily subsistence allowance to reflect rising costs

➢ Increase in hotel choice to include more hotels outside the Canary Wharf area and increase in hotel ceiling

➢ Provision of lockers or storage for delegates

➢ Adjustment of air conditioning in meeting rooms to increase temperature

➢ Improvement to coffee quality available in meeting breakout areas.



|Do you use the EMA’s booking system, MMSe, for travel and accommodation requests? |

|Yes, both |Yes, travel only |Yes, accommodation only |No |

|75% |2% |12% |11% |

|Do you use the delegate information pages in MMSe |

|Yes |No |

|67% |33% |

|If yes, how useful did you find them? |

|Very useful |Useful |No opinion |Not useful |

|46% |42% |12% |0% |

|Is there any additional information you would like to see? |

|Yes |No |

|3% |97% |

The response from the survey shows that a high number of delegates are using the MMSe booking system and the majority for both travel and accommodation requests. 89% of the delegates responding to the survey are using the MMSe booking system for travel and accommodation bookings.

The addition of the information pages has been well received and a request for more information has been expressed. However, only 67% of delegates are using the delegate information pages which would indicate that the information pages need to be further promoted to encourage delegates to refer to them more frequently.

An analysis of the comments received highlighted two requests access to the MMD system and a map of recommended hotels.


• A map of hotels in the Canary Wharf area together with transport links will be added to the orientation for guide for delegates and highlighted on the delegates’ information pages in MMSe.

• A request for MMD system access will be addressed by the meeting organisers.

Accommodation and travel ARRANGEMENTS

|How satisfied are you that your accommodation bookings are processed in a timely manner? |

|Highly satisfied |

|Highly satisfied |

|Yes |No |Not Applicable |

|86% |0% |14% |


Delegates continue to be pleased with their accommodation arrangements, with an 87% satisfaction level. Only 1% expressed their dissatisfaction, with comments focusing on the first choice of hotel not always being respected.


• In response to the comments regards the choice of hotel, the first choice of hotel is respected where possible but if fully booked, Meeting Management are obliged to book the second choice.

• The late sending of the meeting invitation will be addressed by the meeting organisers.


Satisfaction with travel arrangements remained stable at 78% with comments suggesting processing times could be faster and the meeting invitation sent out earlier. Delegates continue to be satisfied with the handling of their queries for both accommodation and travel arrangements with delegates mentioning the efficient service provided during adverse events such as transport strikes.


• The late sending of the meeting invitation will be addressed by the meeting organisers


|How satisfied are you that your meeting reimbursement is processed in a timely manner? |

|Highly satisfied |

|Yes |No |Not Applicable |

|62% |1% |37% |

|How would you rate the overall support provided by the Meeting Management (MM) Department? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|64% |33% |3% |0% |0% |

100% of delegates were satisfied with the support provided by the Meeting Management

Department compared to 99% from the previous exercise.

Delegates are very satisfied with the prompt reimbursement and their comments reflect their appreciation for the EMA’s direct payment for both hotels and flights.

Reimbursement queries are handled efficiently with just one comment requesting a dedicated e-mail address.


• A dedicated e-mail address has already been in place for reimbursement queries for some time, However, for delegates who are unaware of this, it will be highlighted together with the publication of the survey analysis on the delegate information pages in MMSe in order to remind delegates.


|Have you participated in an Adobe Connect virtual meeting organised by the EMA? |

|Yes |No |

|82% |18% |

|If yes, which types of meeting have you attended (please select all that apply)? |

|Meeting |Webinar |Screen sharing (no audio) |

|88% |45% |17% |

|How would you rate the quality of the Adobe Connect virtual meetings system in terms of reliability, ease of use and effectiveness of the tool?|

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|11% |56% |30% |3% |0% |

|How would you rate the overall quality of the audio connection when attending Adobe Connect virtual meetings remotely (from outside the EMA)? |

|Excellent |

|Excellent |

|Excellent |

|Yes |No |

|7% |93% |

|If yes, how satisfied were you with the overall quality of the video conference? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|9% |55% |27% |9% |0% |


|In general, is the technical equipment at the EMA working satisfactorily, e.g. microphones, headsets, computer equipment? |

|Yes |No |

|91% |9% |

|Have you contacted the IT Service Desk for any technical issues or queries? |

|Yes |No |

|66% |34% |

|If yes, |

|How would you rate the support provided by the IT Service Desk? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|39% |47% |11% |3% |0% |

|Was your issue or query resolved satisfactorily? |

|Yes |No |

|90% |10% |

The majority of delegates, 88%, had participated in a virtual meeting of which 67% found the quality to be Excellent or Good, whereas only 7% of delegates had taken part in a video conference.

Issues with audio quality remain a concern for delegates since the previous exercise as their comments indicated frequent interruptions and disconnections, unreliable wi-fi and difficulty in hearing participants. Better printer access was also requested. However support from the IT service desk was rated highly with 94% giving a rating of Excellent or Good.


• Issues of audio quality and disconnections o be addressed by IT

• In response to the request for printer access, there is a printer in the delegate lounge however it is clear from the comments that its presence needs to be made more apparent. A simplified wi-fi access would also assist delegates to access printers on the meeting room floors.


|How would you rate the value for money provided by the EMA restaurant/coffee bar? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|21% |50% |25% |4% |0% |

Quality and choice of food are well received by the delegates, 71% of delegates are satisfied the restaurant provides excellent or good value for money.

However, for the 4% of delegates dissatisfied, their comments suggest that they would like to see a reduction in prices and queuing times together with the option to be able to use cash.


• Issues of pricing, queuing and the cashless system to be addressed by Iserv


|Do you feel that the security at the Agency is adequate? |

|Yes |No |

|100% |0% |

The security provided by the Agency continues to be appreciated by the delegates who have given a 100% satisfaction rating.


|How would you rate the service received on arrival at the EMA building? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|45% |52% |3% |0% |0% |

|Were you satisfied with the assistance you received? |

|Yes |No |Not Applicable |

|71% |0% |29% |

The service provided by the Reception and Switchboard continues to be highly appreciated by the delegates with 100% satisfaction rating.


|How would you rate the overall level of comfort provided and efficiency of space? |

|Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |Very poor |

|25% |58% |17% |0% |0% |

There is overall satisfaction with the environment of the new building, with 83% of delegates giving a rating of Excellent or Good. An analysis of the comments clearly suggests that delegates would like to see an adjustment to the temperature of the air conditioning in the meeting rooms.

A request for more storage in the delegate lounge was also made with delegates favouring the dedicated delegate rooms of the previous building over the booths provided in the lounge.


• Adjustment to the air conditioning temperature to be addressed by Iserv

• Storage in delegate lounge to be addressed by Iserv.


|The delegate survey is launched every two years. Are you satisfied with the frequency of the delegate survey? |

|Just about right |More often |Less often |

|89% |6% |5% |

|Do you feel that improvements to the quality of service have been made since the last survey: |

|Yes |No |

|74% |26% |

At 89%, the majority of delegates feel that the frequency of the survey is just about right. Nearly three quarters of the delegates also feel that improvements to the quality of service have been made since the last exercise.


• To continue to carry out the survey every two years thus providing sufficient time in order to implement and gauge the satisfaction with subsequent improvements.


|Meeting Management Support |A map of hotels in the Canary Wharf area together with transport links will be added to the |

| |orientation for guide for delegates and highlighted on the delegates’ information pages in |

| |MMSe. |

| |A request for MMD system access will be addressed by the meeting organisers. |

|Accommodation and travel arrangements |In response to the comments regards the choice of hotel, the first choice of hotel is |

| |respected where possible but if fully booked, Meeting Management are obliged to book the |

| |second choice. |

| |The late sending of the meeting invitation will be addressed by the meeting organisers. |

|Meeting reimbursement |A dedicated e-mail address has already been in place for reimbursement queries for some |

| |time, However, for delegates who are unaware of this,|

| |it will be highlighted together with the publication of the survey results on the delegate |

| |information pages in MMSe in order to remind delegates. |

|Virtual meetings, video conferencing, general |Issues of audio quality and disconnections to be addressed by IT |

|IT/technical equipment |In response to the request for printer access, there is a printer in the delegate lounge |

| |however it is clear from the comments that its presence needs to be made more apparent. A |

| |simplified wi-fi access would also assist delegates to access printers on the meeting room |

| |floors. |

|Catering |Issues of pricing, queuing and the cashless system to be addressed by Iserv. |

|Environment |Adjustment to the air conditioning temperature to be addressed by Iserv. |

| |Storage in delegate lounge to be addressed by Iserv. |

|General |To continue to carry out the survey every two years thus providing sufficient time in order |

| |to implement and gauge the satisfaction with subsequent improvements. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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