Holocaust Reflections - Weebly

Holocaust Reflections and Screencast

Please complete the following Worksheet in class. It is due at the end of the period! When your done with this assignment you can email it to lgeldert@ to receive credit.

ScreenCast Notes: The Holocaust and the Creation of Israel

What was the Holocaust?

• _______________________________________ by the Nazi of any person they deemed less than human

• Hitler called it the “Final Solution”

• White Supremacy, German’s are the perfect race

• Aryan Breeding

• Jews were not allowed to marry ____________________________________

Why did it happen?

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

Who was taken in the Holocaust?

List below:

• 6 million Jews were killed (1 million

• 5 million non-Jews were killed

What were Concentration Camps?

• Started in ______________________________

• Heinrich Himmler’s took control in 1934-1935

• Also known as Execution/Death Camps

• Created to ________________________________________ of the state and __________________________________

Techniques used in the Camps

List the techniques used below:

• Camps had scientists which experimented on ways to kill people using chemicals, gasses, euthanasia

What happened after the War?

• Germans tried to hide the camps and evidence

• ___________________________ liberated the remaining camps and discovered the horrors

Results of the Holocaust

• Creation of _______________________________________

• Balfour Declaration

• Nuremberg Trials

• International Law concerning ___________________________________

Nuremberg Trials

• Military Tribunals by the ___________________________________

• Prosecuted ____________________________

• November 1945-October 1946

• Main target Hermann Goring: Hitler’s successor

• ____________________ Nazi leaders were convicted of crimes against humanity

• Hanged, life imprisonment, shot by firing squad

International Law


___________________________________________ is the set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between ____________________ and between _______________________. It serves as a framework for the practice of stable and organized international relations.

United Nations and International Criminal Court

• International cooperation; ______________ nations initially, __________________ currently

• Peace keeping organization

• Deals with disputes amongst nations

• Its effectiveness is debated

• ICC tries ____________________________________ and international villains

UN Declaration of Human Rights

Geneva Convention

Series of treaties on the treatment of __________________________________________ (pows) and soldiers who are otherwise rendered hors de combat, or incapable of fighting

List three provisions of the Geneva Convention:

United Nation Declaration of Human Rights

• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on _____________________________ at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris.

• _____________________________ of human rights

• Some articles are controversial, like” The right to refuse to kill”

• In order to belong to the UN a country must follow this declaration

The Creation of Israel

Why was Israel created?

Palestine vs Jewish Lands

According to the chart how much land was controlled by Palestine’s in 1945 (The green parts of the circles)

Editorial Cartoons

What is the message of this cartoon?

The Wall

What is the purpose of the wall?

Part Two: Holocaust Reflections

You must complete at least steps 1-2, steps 3-4 are extra credit

|Step One: The Rise of the Nazi Party |

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|    As a German citizen, you have found yourself an unemployed soldier after World War I. The Nazi party wants your support. Read |

|what you have learned about how the Nazi party came to power. Your reflection question is: Would you join the Nazis? Use the |

|information found in your reflection. |

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|Step Two: Propaganda |

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|(propaganda showing how the Nazi's will crush the Jews) |

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|    Whether you chose to join the Nazi party or not is now no longer an issue. They have seized the government and they have begun |

|to put their plans into motion. However, they still need the support of fellow Germans if they are to carry out something like the |

|Holocaust while also fighting a World War. Hitler was known for his incredible use of propaganda during this time period. German |

|propaganda during WWII is still one of the most common examples of propaganda. How affective was it? You decide. Use the following |

|links to learn a bit about German propaganda and see some examples of it. Your reflection question is: Would propaganda like this |

|have had an effect on you? Base your reflection on information and examples found in your search. |

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Step Three: The Making of a Soldier



    You have served as a German soldier in World War I. Your country needs your service yet again. You have been assigned to be a SS soldier. (SS stands for Schutzstaffel in German) As an SS soldier you began as a unit of the army that served as Hitler's bodyguards. Later, you are assigned as concentration camp guards. Use these links to find out about the German army. You can look at uniforms, copies of orders sent, and brief overviews of the different factions of the army. Your reflection question is: What did it mean to be a German solider during WWII and The Holocaust? Base your reflection on information and examples found in your search.

Step Four: Through the Eyes of a Soldier


WELCOME TO AUSCHWITZ...In the novel Night, a life at Auschwitz consisted of hard labor, constant physical and mental abuse, and an all encompassing fear of death. Elie Wiesel expressed the effects of Auschwitz on him. What, then, were the effects of Auschwitz on the SS soldiers who guarded the camp? SS soldiers like you for instance. Look through these images of concentration camps. These images would have been what you as a soldier saw everyday. How might this affect you? Your reflection for Step Four is not a direct question. Simply view these images and then write a reflection as an SS officer about what it is you witness daily.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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