Test 13 - World War II and the Holocaust

World War II


Indicate whether the statement is true or false

1. During World War II, Russia, Germany, and Italy were known as the Axis Powers.

2. Before World War II, Hitler’s Nazi government passed restrictive laws severely limiting the rights of Jews in Germany.

3. The dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war in the Pacific.

4. The German militarization of the Rhineland violated the Treaty of Versailles.

5. The annexation of Austria by Germany began World War II.

6. Only Jews were targeted by the Nazi campaign to kill “inferior” people.

7. Germany attacking Czechoslovakia is what officially starts World War II.

8. Fascism is a type of government that bans private property, eliminates social classes and attempts to spread revolution world-wide.

9. World War II was the first war in which American women were allowed to take part in combat.

10. During WWII, Jews were sent to concentration camps like Auschwitz to be executed.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

11. What recent invention allowed the British to more effectively defend against German air attacks?

|a. |trench warfare |c. |the submarine |

|b. |radar |d. |the sitzkrieg |

“We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the street, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!”

—Winston Churchill, June 4, 1940

12. Read the quote from Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill’s words inspired people during the

|a. |attack on Pearl Harbor. |c. |Battle of Britain. |

|b. |Battle of Guadalcanal. |d. |Battle of the Atlantic. |

13. What event led to a decisive shift away from isolationism in the United States?

|a. |the Battle of Britain |

|b. |the discovery of Auschwitz |

|c. |the sinking of American ships by German submarines |

|d. |the attack on Pearl Harbor |

14. Control of North Africa was vital for the Allies because

|a. |large numbers of terrorist attacks against Allied ships were being launched from the area. |

|b. |they needed to control the Panama Canal in order to obtain oil from the Middle East. |

|c. |North African countries provided the best area from which to launch air attacks against Italy. |

|d. |they needed to control the Suez Canal in order to obtain oil from the Middle East. |

15. The Nazi campaign to imprison inferior people included which of the following targets?

|a. |Jews and Aryans |

|b. |only Jews |

|c. |Jews, homosexuals, disabled people, Poles, Slavs, and Gypsies |

|d. |all residents of Allied countries |

16. Why did American and British forces plan a massive invasion of Western Europe?

|a. |to maintain control of Atlantic shipping routes |

|b. |to open a second front and put the Axis forces on the defensive |

|c. |to avenge Pearl Harbor |

|d. |to help the Soviets, who were battling German forces in Stalingrad and Leningrad |

17. The D-Day invasion of Normandy was launched from

|a. |Belgium. |c. |Berlin. |

|b. |the United Kingdom. |d. |the Soviet Union. |

18. For the Soviet Union, what was the turning point in the war in Europe?

|a. |the end of the Siege of Leningrad |c. |the Battle of Iwo Jima |

|b. |their victory at Stalingrad |d. |the Battle of Midway |

19. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, he

|a. |was breaking the Soviet-German nonaggression pact. |

|b. |threatened the alliance between the Axis Powers. |

|c. |felt invincible because of his victory in Great Britain. |

|d. |hoped to draw the United States into war. |

20. Hitler’s Final Solution included

|a. |opening a second front in Western Europe. |

|b. |less restrictive laws benefiting Germany’s Jewish population. |

|c. |concentration camps, death camps, and Einsatzgruppen. |

|d. |deportation of European Jews. |

21. Which of the following was the Prime Minister of England that negotiated the Munich agreement with Germany in 1938.

|a. |Neville Chamberlain |c. |Joseph Stalin |

|b. |Winston Churchill |d. |Adolph Hitler |

22. Which of the following countries contained the Sudetenland, a region with a large German-speaking population, that Adolph Hitler wanted under German control?

|a. |France |c. |Serbia |

|b. |Poland |d. |Czechoslovakia |

23. Which of the following terms describes giving in to aggressive demands in order to maintain peace?

|a. |lebensraum |c. |capitulation |

|b. |appeasement |d. |blitzkrieg |

24. Which of the following terms is best used to describe the Holocaust?

|a. |Genocide |c. |Fascism |

|b. |Homocide |d. |Racism |

25. Which person of the following was the leader of Russia during WWII?

|a. |Joseph Stalin |c. |Adolph Hitler |

|b. |Benito Mussolini |d. |Franklin Roosevelt |


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