Religion 211 New Testament - The Teachings of Jesus and ...

Religion 211 New Testament - The Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles 

Terry W. Call, Taylor 107, 496-1489,

Office hours:  MWF 2:00-3:00; TT 9:00-10:00

Course Objectives:

1.     To come unto Christ by reading, studying and applying the teachings of Christ and His Apostles as found in the New Testament

2.     To understand and apply doctrines and principles of the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ and his Apostles

3.     To gain a stronger testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His divine work and to testify of the words He and His divinely called Apostles taught during their ministries on the earth 


Course Texts (Required)

1.      Authorized Version of the LDS Standard Works

2.      New Testament Student Manual, Religion 211


Course Requirements:

1. Class Attendance (200 Points)

Class attendance is an important part of a religion class. It is expected that you will be in attendance each class period and have the LDS Standard Works with you. There are 39 class periods during this semester. You may miss three class periods without affecting your grade. For classes missed after that, you will be deducted one-half (1/2) grade for each absence past three.. If you miss nine (9) or more days you will receive a failing grade for this class. Students with 0 absences will receive 25 points added to their final score. Students with 1 absence will have 15 points added to their final score.


2.   Academic Work

A. Reading the New Testament (76 pts)

The hope in teaching any class, especially Religion, is that the students will read the text assigned, for it is in the Word of God that the doctrines and principles of eternal life are taught to us. Two (2) points can be reported on I Learn for each class that you read the assignment before class. There are 38 reading assignments. The student manual is a great source of information. However, to receive credit for reading, you do not have to have read this manual. However, you will be held accountable for information found therein on quizzes and exams. Please come prepared and ready to teach one another the doctrines of the kingdom.

B.     Insight Papers (102 pts)

1. Insights which you obtain from the readings, discussions, studying, and pondering the New Testament and student manual are invaluable.  Please prepare an insight paper (3 pts. per paper) for each reading assignment that is given. There are 38 such reading assignments and you need to submit 34 Insight Papers. The insight paper is due before class begins on the day of the reading assignment or no points will be awarded. They will be graded on format, word count, and effort. If you choose to submit all 38 Insight Papers, extra credit will be given. They must be submitted on the due date or no credit or extra credit will be given.

2.     Each insight is a written (300 Word minimum) paper on an insight that you choose which answers the following questions:

1)      What is the reference of the insight?

2)      What principle or doctrine is taught?

3)      What message for improvement is taught?

4)      How can I apply this principle, doctrine, or message in my life?

3. Examples of Insight Papers are found on my Homepage. Please follow the format explicitly.

4.     Please submit each insight paper with your name, Course number, Section number, word count and date on the top of the paper as shown below and in the comments section of I Learn when you submit the paper:

Name_________________________ Rel 211 Section ______ Word Count_______ Date_______

5. These papers are to be submitted on I Learn under the assignment section.  

C.      Assessment of Understanding (160 pts)

1.    Eight quizzes will be given as per the schedule on material covered in readings and class discussions. There will be no make-up on quizzes given. (80 pts)

2.     One midterm exam on the Gospels and will consist of multiple choice, true/false and matching questions. It will be worth 40 points. (40 pts.)

3. A final exam will be given on New Testament material from the Gospels through the remainder of the book. It will consist of multiple choice, true/false and matching questions. It will be worth 40 points. (40 points)

Note:  These requirements may change during the course of the semester.


Course Grading:

Grades are a necessary part of the evaluation process at the University.  Theoretically, the effort one makes should translate into the desired grade.  It is the intent of your teacher to evaluate each of you so that excellent effort will be rewarded with the better grades.  Both the quantity and quality of your work is critical in the evaluative process.  Those exhibiting the highest levels of excellence will receive the highest grades.


I will be grading on a percentage.  Thus the grades are figured as follows:

90-100 % A Grades 485-538 Points

80-89 % B Grades 430-484 Points

70-79 % C Grades 375-429Points

Etc. Etc.


These points are approximate! 

Course Reading Calendar (subject to revision as needed)

|Date |Lesson Description |Scripture Reading |SM |Bible Dictionary |IPRA |

| | | | | |# |

|Apr 20 |Class Introduction |None |- |Codex, Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Gospels | |

| | | | |(of each author) | |

|Apr 22 |Intertestamental Period |Lk 1; Jn 1:1-18 |1,2 |Messiah, Zacharias, Pharisee, Scribe Sadducees, |1 |

|Apr 24 |Birth Narrative – John and Jesus |Mt 1-2;Lk 1-2 |3 |Herod, Roman Empire, |2 |

|Apr 27 |Jesus Youth, Baptism, Temptation and Disciples |Mt 3-4; Mk 1; Lk 3-4 |4 |Baptism, Andrew, Philip, Nathanael, John the Baptist |3 |

|Apr 29 |Events at the Temple and |Jn 1: 9-51; Jn 2-4 |5 |Nicodemus, Passover, Samaria, Samaritans, Temple of |4 |

| |Samaria | | |Herod, Galilee | |

|May 1 |Miracles of Jesus |Mt 4, 8-9; Mk 2; |6 |Miracles, Synagogue |5 |

| | |Lk 4-5 | | | |

|May 4 |Mission of the Twelve |Mt 10; Mk 3,6; Lk 6; Jn 5 |7, |Apostle, Peter, James, John QUIZ #1 |6 |

| | | |11 | | |

|May 6 |Sermon on the Mount |Mt 5-7; Lk 6 |8 |Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, Mammon |7 |

|May 8 |Signs, Satan and Testimony |Mt 11-12; Lk 7 |9 |Anoint, Centurion |8 |

|May 11 |Parables |Mt 13; Mk 4-5; Lk 8,15 |10 |Parables |9 |

|May 13 |Discourses: Bread of Life and Cleanliness, |Mt 14-15; Mk 7; Jn 6 |12-13 |Capernaum, Clean and Unclean |10 |

| |Feeding the 5000 | | | | |

|May 15 |Transfiguration of Christ, Children, |Mt 16-18; Mk 8-9; Lk 9 |14 |Transfiguration, Mount of, |11 |

| |Forgiveness and Mercy | | |Caesarea Philippi, Millstone | |

|May 18 |Jesus is the Light of the World |Jn 7-9 |15 |Light of Christ QUIZ #2 |12 |

|May 20 |The Great Commandments, Where Much is Given, |Lk 10-14; Jn 10 |16-17 |Feast of Dedication, Leaven |13 |

| |Much is Required | | | | |

|May 22 |The Resurrection and the Light |Lk 14, 16; Jn 11 |18 |Lazarus |14 |

|May 25 |Memorial Day – No School | | | | |

|May 29 |Beginning the Last Week of the Life of the |Mt 21; Mk 11; Lk 19; Jn 12 |20 |Hosanna, Bethphage, Bethany, Fig Tree |16 |

| |Savior - Week of Atonement | | | | |

|June 1 |Condemnation of the Pharisees, Scribes and |Mt 21-23; Mk 12; Lk 20 |21 |Hypocrite, Pharisee, Scribe, Sadducee |17 |

| |Sadducees | | | | |

|June 3 |Olivet Discourse |Mt 24-25; Mk 13; |22 |Olive, Mount of QUIZ #3 |18 |

| | |Lk 21 | | | |

|June 5 |The Last Supper |Mt 26; Mk 14; Lk 22; Jn 13 |23 |Passover, Sacrifices (1st Paragraph) |19 |

|June 8 |Strengthening the Disciples |Jn 14-16 |24 |Comforter, Vine |20 |

|June 10 |The Great Atonement, Intercessory Prayer |Mt 26; Mk 14; Lk 22; Jn 17 |25 |Gethsemane, Atonement |21 |

|June 12 |Arrest, Trial and Crucifixion |Mt 26-27; Mk 14-15; Lk 22-23; |26 |Crucifixion, Pilate, Caiaphas, Golgotha, Hyssop |22 |

| | |Jn 18-19 | | | |

|June 15 |Resurrection of Christ, Forty Day Ministry and |Mt 28; Mk 16; Lk 24; Jn 20-21 |28 |Resurrection, Cleophas, Mary Magdalene, Ascension |23 |

| |Ascension | | |QUIZ #4 | |

|June 15- 19 |MID TERM EXAM The Gospels |ON LINE (I LEARN) | | | |

|June 17 |“Ye Are My Witnesses”, God Is No Respecter of |Acts 1-12 |29-32 |Testament, Apostle, Paul, Gentile |24 |

| |Persons | | | | |

|June 19 |The Coming of the Lord |I & II Thessalonians, |33 |Thessalonica; Thessalonians, Epistle to; |25 |

|June 22 |Foolishness of Man |I Corinthians 1-8 |34– |Corinth; Corinthians, Epistle to; |26 |

| | | | |QUIZ #5 | |

|June 24 |Marriage and Sacrament and Resurrection |I Corinthians 9-15 |35-36 |Resurrection, Charity |27 |

|June 26 |Justified By Faith |Romans 1-8 |39-40 |Faith; Romans, Epistle to |28 |

|June 29 |Foreordination |Romans 9-16 |41 |Election |29 |

|July 1 |Bear Witness Throughout the World |Acts 13-28 |42 | |30 |

| | | | |QUIZ #6 | |

|July 3 |Independence Day Holiday |No School | | | |

|July 8 |Example of Believers, Overcoming the World |I Timothy; II Timothy, James |44-45 |Timothy; Timothy, Epistle to;James (paragraph 3), |32 |

| | |1-5 | |James, Epistle to; Bishop | |

|July 10 |Going Unto Perfection |Hebrews 1-6 |46-47 |Hebrews; Hebrews, Epistle to; Aaronic Priesthood; |33 |

|July 13 |Sanctification and Faith |Hebrews 7-13 |49 |Melchizedek Priesthood, Faith |34 |

| | | | |QUIZ #7 | |

|July 15 |Revelation of John |Revelation 1-5 |54 |Revelation of John; Nicolaitans; Thyatira; Laodicea |35 |

|July 17 |Revelation of John |Revelation 6-9 |55 |Wormwood |36 |

|July 20 |Revelation of John |Revelation 10-15 |55 |Dragon; War in Heaven |37 |

|July 22 |Revelation of John |Revelation 16-22 |55 |Book of Life; Armageddon |38 |

| | | | |Quiz #8 | |

|July 22-23 |FINAL EXAMINATION |ON LINE AT | | | |

| | |I LEARN | | | |

Code of Honor and other matters 

                We all promised to abide the conditions of the Honor Code, including the standards of academic honesty and the dress and grooming standards.  Please remember and keep your promises.

                Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an education program or activity that receives federal funds, including Federal loans and grants.  Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment.  If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please contact the Personnel Office at 496-1130.

                This school is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities.  If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office, 496-1158.  Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities.  Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by this office.  If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures.  You should contact the Personnel Office at 496-1130. 


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