Religion 211

New Testament: The Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles

Winter Semester 2010

Boyd A. Calderwood, Taylor 148,

Course Objective: To see how the hand of the Lord works in our everyday lives.

Course Description: The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are known as The Gospels. These books contain accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, including his pre-mortality and mortal birth. Many of His teachings are a part of the great atonement. A careful study of these books will help us understand the role and significance of Jesus as Christ the Anointed One. This course gives us the most in-depth look at His life and teachings out of all the standard works. It is always a blessing to learn of the Savior. In addition, this course covers the Acts of the Apostles and Prophets. It is also a time to see how the church grew after the ascension of Jesus, as well as how apostasy became a major concern. We will better appreciate the church today as we see its organization and doctrinal foundation as set up in the meridian of time.

Required Course Texts:

1. The Standard Works

2. New Testament Student Manual

Course Requirements and Grading:

1. Class Attendance (200 Points)

a. For each unexcused absence, (25) points will be subtracted from the total of (200) points. To be excused for an absence, you need to make arrangements to meet with me during my office hours.

|Days Missed |Possible Points |

|0 |200 |

|1 |175 |

|2 |150 |

|3 |125 |

|4 |100 |

|5 |75 |

|6 |50 |

|7 |25 |

|8 |0 |

b. If you miss 8 or more days you will receive a failing grade from the university. Students with 0 absences will have (25) points added to their final score.

2. Reading Assignments (380 Points)

a. (10) Points @ 38 = 380 total points for completing the reading assignments before class. You will get (0) points for the days in which you are unable to complete the reading before class. You can still read the assignment after class, which I suggest, but you will not get any points for reading.

b. You will note the reading assignment required for each class on the attached paper, with assigned reading and date given. You are to have the reading assignment done before class next to the date the class is held. Again, late assignments will not be accepted.

3. Journal Entries (570 Points) – Take this assignment very seriously.

a. Journal Entries (15) Points @ 38 = 570

b. From your daily reading you will keep a journal. Your journal entry will include:

• What time period is this reading block about?

• What principles and doctrines are being taught or discussed in the reading block?

• How (Is/can/has/does) the study of these doctrines and principles affect my life?

• By my study of this reading block, how can this strengthen my testimony?

• Can I apply in my life what I have learned from this reading block?

• How can I help others with what I have learned from this reading assignment?

c. I will be spot checking your journals throughout the semester.

d. Your journal will be kept neat and legible. It should be something that you will be proud to show your future offspring…That’s if you get off your duffs and find an eternal companion. I refer you to D&C Sections 131: 1-4

4. Daily Questions (114 Points)

a. (3) Points @ 38 = 114

b. From your reading assignment, you are to come to class each day prepared with (1-2) well thought-out questions. This is not for the purpose of trying to stump the teacher, for we know that even the teachers don’t know everything. And if I don’t know I sure know how to find out. This is your opportunity to search the scriptures to find the answer to your questions.

c. To get credit for the questions, you need to email the questions to me at no later than 8:00pm the day before the questions are due.

5. Quizzes (60 Points)

a. 10 Questions @ (1) Point Each = 10 Points Per Quiz

b. There will be (6) Quizzes during the Semester, Dates of the Quizzes are listed on the attached reading assignment.

6. Class Participation (190 Points)

a. 5 Points @ 38 = 190

b. Points will be awarded based on the following criteria:

• Came to class on time that day.

• Participate and volunteer for assignments for the devotional.

• Willing to raise your hand and become part of the discussions. (Read D&C Sections 88-122)

• Take an active roll in the Journal Discussion Groups.

7. Journal Discussion Groups (60 Points)

a. 10 Points @ 6 = 60

b. You will be divided into journal groups on the designated days listed on the reading assignment. In these groups, you will discuss some of the insights that you have discovered in your reading of that particular reading block, or of any insights that you have learned in class. Each person will be given about 3 minutes to share something from their journal experience. One week prior to the end of the semester your group will review your journal and grade your journal accordingly.

8. Mid-Term and Final Papers (400 Points)

a. There will be a mid-term paper and a final paper. 200 points possible for the Mid-Term Paper and 200 for the Final Paper.

b. Mid-term and Final papers will need to be at least 5 pages minimum, doubled-spaced.

c. Papers will be focused on the most significant principles or insights you have learned from your reading and insights from class discussions – and hopefully what you have felt and learned form the Spirit.

d. Names will be called randomly from the roll and these students will be invited to take 3-5 minutes and share some of their insights from their paper.

e. Each student will turn in a hard copy of their paper for a final grade.

Grading Breakdown

|Attendance |200 |

|Reading |380 |

|Journal Entries |570 |

|Daily Questions |114 |

|Quizzes |60 |

|Participation |190 |

|Journal Discussion Groups |60 |

|Mid-term Paper |200 |

|Final Paper |200 |

|Total Points |1974 |

|2000-1901 |= |A |

|1900-1801 |= |A- |

|1800-1701 |= |B+ |

|1700-1601 |= |B |

|1600-1501 |= |B- |

|1500-1401 |= |C+ |

|1400-1301 |= |C |

|1300-1201 |= |C- |

|1200-1101 |= |D |

|1100- |= |F |


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