Babbage, Charles - Gears EdS

Who’s Who in Computers and Computing

Babbage, Charles

He was born December 26th, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire and died October 18th, 1871, London. He is most famous for his ideas about building an "analytical engine", the predecessor of the digital computer.

Backus, John W

(1924 - ) developer of Fortran

Ballmer, Steve

co-founder Microsoft

Bardeen, John

(1908-1991) co-inventor of the transresistor, or transistor

Bartik, Jean


revamped the ENIAC to be a stored program computer, wrote the code

Bemer, Bob

(Robert William); (1920 - ) One of the developers of COBOL and the ASCII naming standard for IBM (1960s); inventor of the ESCape sequence, the universal switching mechanism for all computer-controlled communications

Berners-Lee, Tim

developer and promotor of the World Wide Web (www)

Berry, Clifford

(1918-1963) together with John Atanasoff designed the first machines to use electronic techniques in digital calculation

Booth, Andrew Donald

(1918 ) magnetic drum memories, tried to construct a floppy disk with oxide coated paper.

Brainerd, Paul

(1947) founder of the Aldus Corp creator of Aldus PageMaker

Brattain, Walter

(1902-1987) co-invented the transistor, with John Bardeen and William Shockley

Brattain, Shockley en Bardeen; inventors of the transistor; they shared a Nobel Prize in physics in 1956.

Bricklin, Daniel

(1951) Daniel Bricklin was the co-inventor of the first spreadsheet program, called VisiCalc, with Bob Frankston. This was the software application that first got personal computers into corporations in a big way.

Brody, Florian T

groundbreaking work on CD-ROM (1984)

Brooks Jr., Frederick Phillips

(1931) Managed the development of the 360 operating system software for IBM (1960s); wrote The Mythical Man-Month about software project management

Bushnell, Nolan

creator of Pong

Canion, Rod

Insource Technology, co-founder of Compaq computers

Cerf, Vinton

(1943) co-developed the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) for the Internet

Clark, Jim

co-founder of silicon graphics and Netscape corporation and Silicone Graphics

Codd, Dr. Edgar F.

Inventor of relational database theory in the 1970s Gerald Cohen; Designed early non-procedural language; founded Information Builders in 1975

Colmar, Thomas de

one of the first marketable mechanical calculators

Cray, Seymour

(1925-1996) Cray supercomputers,also founded the Control Data Corp along with Eckert, William Norris and six others

Christen, Ward

first operational bulletin board

Cullinane, John

Founded Cullinane Corp., which sold the IDMS database system, in 1968; it was the first software product company to go public in 1978

Eckert, John P.

(1919-1995) co inventor of one of the first fully electronical digital computer, along with Cray, William Norris and six others,

Ellis, Jim

(1956-2001) co-created Usenet the second most important Internet application

Ellison, Lawrence (Larry)

Co-founded Oracle Corp in 1977; pioneered relational DBMS

Engelbart, Douglas

(1925) - pioneer in human-computer communications, developer of the mouse and graphical user interface

Estridge, Don

(1938-85) projectleader for the IBM PC/XT/AT (1981-1985)

Flemming, John Ambrose

Inventor of the vacuum tube diode

Flint, Charles Ranlett

Founding father of IBM (l850-1934)

Forrester, Jay Wright;

(1918) - inventor of magnetic-core memory, led the team that created Whirlwind

Bob Frankston

Wrote the code for Visicalc

Fylstra, Dan

Viscalc the first spreadsheet program

Gates, William H. III (Bill)

(1955) one of the founders of Microsoft, DOS, Windows, (see also interview and unofficial information)

Geschke, Charles M.

Founder of Adobe Systems in 1982 who, along with John Warnock, created "the desktop publishing" environment

Goetz, Marty

Co-founded Applied Data Research (ADR) in 1959; received the first patent issued on a software product

Goldstine, Herman Heine

(1913) helped design the ENIAC, wrote one of the most complete computer history books.

Gödel, Kurt

Grad, Burt; One of the members of the IBM team which developed the plan for unbundling software from hardware in 1969.

Goto, Eiichi

Inventor of analog computer

Grove, Andrew

Co-founder Intel

Harris, Dr. Larry

Founded AICorp in 1975; developed AI-based natural language technology

Hewlett, William R.

(1913) co-founder of Hewlett Packard

Hill, Richard

Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962

Hoff, Ted; Marcian Ted Hoff

(1937) developer of the microprocessor

Holberton, Betty

(1927) one of a team of 5 programmers on the ENIAC

Holt, Ray

(19..) invented central processor in 1971 - as member of a team for the F14A

Hopper, Grace Murray


Naval officer and computer scientist who led the effort in the 1960s to develop COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language)

Hoover, Bill

President from 1964 to 1995 of Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) which was an early entrant (late 1960s) in the software products market; it ultimately became a multi-billion dollar software services company

Hyatt, Gilbert

Co-inventor of the microprocessor in 1968, patent awarded in 1990

Iwatani, Toru

Inventor of Pac Man video game

Jaquard, Joseph Marie

(1752-1834) French weaver who built a fully automated loom programmed by punched cards. Jaquet-Droz, Pierre en Henry; (1700s) punch card weaving

Jobs, Steve

(1955) Co-founder and CEO of Apple and Pixar and founded Next.

Kapor, Mitch

(1950- ) developer of Lotus 1-2-3 along with Jonathan Sachs, and founded the Lotus Development Corp. in 1982, Kapor Enterprises

Katz, Philip

(1963 -2000) Inventor of PKZip

Kay, Alan

Early advocate of using graphics for computer user interfaces, and of using computers to educate children creatively (*NOT* by wrote memory via drillware), one of the creators of object-oriented programming, leader in the creation of Smalltalk and the personal computer. Now working on Squeak and related software.

Kemeny, John G.

(1926-1992) co-developer along with Thomas Kurtz, of the programming language BASIC and  founder of true basic corporation in 1964

Kernighan, Brian

Co-creator, with Dennis Ritchie, of the Unix operating system and C programming language.

Kildall, Gary


The creator of the CP/M operating system and founder of Digital Research. Gary was the first person to interface a disk system to a microcomputer and create an operating system for it. He changed what had previously been a circuit designed for process control applications into a fully functional computer.

Kilby, Jack Sinclair,

(1923) co-inventor of the integrated circuit at Texas Instruments independently and at the same time as Robert Noyce did this at Fairchild Semiconductor; Along with Jerry D. Merryman and James Van Tassel, Kilby helped invent the first electronic handheld calculator by adapting the integrated circuit.

Kubie, Elmer

Founded Computer Usage Company, the world’s first computer software company, with John W. Sheldon in March, 1955

Kurtz, Thomas E.

(1928) co-developer (Kemeny) of BASIC programming language in 1964 and  co-founder of true basic corporation

Lans, Håkan

Håkan Lans is an inventor from Sweden. He has invented several things including colour computer graphics (U.S. Patent 4,303,986 Data processing system and apparatus for color graphics display) and the first mass produced pointing device (not a mouse but a digitization tablet), the HI Pad, made by Houston Instruments.

Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm von;

(1646-1716) the first to discuss the binary system

Lovelace, Augusta Ada Countess of

1816-1852 translating from French to English a report on a lecture Babbage gave, she added her own lengthy notes to the text, and has been credited with developing the concepts of "loop" and "subroutine".

Lyons, Mike

Software re-engineering pioneer; co-founded Catalyst Corp. in 1979

Machover, Carl

Pioneer in graphics and image processing techniques and consultant to CAD and CAM companies


Discovered a way to create a complete graphical image with mathematical formulas

Markkula, A.C. "Mike"

Former Intel executive who invested in Apple early on, essentially becoming a third partner to Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

McCarthy, John

(1927- ) co-inventor of artificial intelligence (AI) and LISP, 1958

Mauchly, John William

(1907-1980) created with J. Presper Eckert and a 50 member team the first electronic large scale, general purpose calculator, known as the ENIAC.

Metcalfe, Bob

(1946) inventor of Ethernet and founder of 3Com corporation

Miner, Robert (Bob)

(1942-1994); Co-founded Oracle Corp. in 1977; pioneered relationship DBMS

Miner, Jay

(1932-1994) Jay Miner is known as "Father of the Amiga" and he was the hardware designer behind the computer. He also designed some of the first digital voltmeters and calculators. For Atari he developed the Video Computer system (VCS). He also worked on the design for the Atari 400 and 800 computers.Miner, Jaywas responsible for the development of the "Amiga", along with RJ Mical, Dave Morse and Carl Sassenrath.

Minsky, Marvin

One of the oldest leading figures in artificial intelligence research, considered by some the father of AI. A founder of: MIT AI Lab, MIT Media Lab, open source/content Open Mind Commonsense project.

Mock, Owen

first operating system

Nelson, Ted

(1937) the creator of Xanadu. An early (failed) incarnation of hypertext.

Norris, William

(1911) co-founder of control data corporation

Noyce, Robert N.

(1927 - 1990) co-inventor of the microchip and founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel corporations

Nutt, Roy

(deceased); Co-founder of Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC)

Olsen, Kenneth Harry

(1926) member of Whirlwind team, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

Osborne, Adam

(1939) inventor of portable computers, Osborn I

Packard, David

(1912-1996 ) co-founder of Hewlett Packard

Papert, Seymour

Main inventor of Logo programming language (Lisp for kids), and pioneer in using computers in education. Mostly ignored by the orthodox education establishment.

Patrick, Bob

first operating system

Pickette, Wayne D.

inventor of the principle of the CPU on a chip

Postley, John

Developed Mark IV (1967), the first million dollar software product, for Informatics

Ritchie, Dennis

(1941) Dennis Ritchie co-created Unix with Ken Thompson, created the C programming language, lead development of Plan 9, and leads development of Inferno.

Roberts, H. Edward

with three friends, founded the Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS), the company soon introduced the Altair

Rock, Arthur

co-founder Intel, primary funder Fairchild

Roberts, Larry

(1937) considered "the father of the Internet"

Ross, Douglas

Developed Automatically Programmed Tools (1958), paving the way for computer-aided manufacturing

Sammet, Jean

(1928- ) Early language compiler programmer; author of a book on history of computer languages, she was the first female president of ACM

Sassenrath, Carl

one of the designers of the Amiga OS

Scheutz, Georg Pehr

(1785-1873) Difference Engine, Sweden

Schrayer, Michael

electric pencil, first word processor

Shockley, William Bradford

(1910-1989) British co-inventor of the transistor, with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. The three shared a Nobel Prize in physics in 1956.

Sholes, Christopher

5.25" disk

Shugart, Alan

5.25" disk; co-founder of Seagate Technology Corporation

Sinclair, Clive

invented the ZX80, brought with it the price of computers below $100.00

Skoll, Jeff

co-founder of e-bay

Stallman, Richard

In 1984, Richard Stallman founded the FSF (Free Software Foundation) and related GNU project (GNU's Not Unix). Stallman is the person who formalized then prevailing practices of the Unix/Internet operations and programming community into a licensing system called 'Free Software'. Later, other people renamed this to 'Open Source'.

Stibitz, George Robert

(1914-1995) computernetworks, datacommunication, used Boolean logic to add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. This Complex Number calculator, completed in 1939, provided the foundation for digital computers

Stroustrup, Bjarne

(1950), invented the C++ programming language

Sutherland, Ivan  

electronics engineer, computer graphics and virtual reality pioneer,

Teal, Gordon

(1907) transistor, perfected a way of making transistors out of silicate, one of the most common elements, instead of using germanium, which is expensive

Tramiel, Jack

Commodore PET, the C64 computer a multimillion seller

Treybig, Jimmy

Founder of Tandem computers

Veit, Stan

(1919-) Pioneer in the PC arena, setting up one of the first computer outlets in the US, publisher

Wang, An

(1920-1990) Magnetic Core Memory

Wang, Charles

Founded Computer Associates (1975), first software company to exceed $500M

Warnock, John E.

invented Post-Script PDL (Page Description Language) a major factor leading to the desktop publishing revolution. He and Charles Geschke were the founders of Adobe Systems

Watson, Thomas John

(1874-1956) president of the International Business Machines (IBM) Corp. who built up the company during WWII and also invested in Howard Aiken's plan to build the Harvard MARK I calculator

Watson, Jr., Thomas John

(1914-1992) He took over his father's position as president of IBM in 1952, convinced that the company should build and market computers. He eventually led the company to having total domination of the computer market

Williams, Hugh

One of the members of the IBM team which developed the plan for unbundling software from hardware in 1969

Wolfram, Stephen

Mathematica software

Wozniak, Stephen

(1950- ) co founder of Apple


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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