United States History I: The Second Great Awakening

United States History I: The Second Great Awakening

Joseph Smith and the Mormon Religion

Excerpted from John Krakauer’s “Under the Banner of Heaven”

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1. What did Smart’s kidnapper, Brian David Mitchell, propose to name his new fundamentalist church?

2. Who was the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

3. What “dogged the Smith family throughout the childhood of” Joseph Smith Jr.?

4. Palmyra, New York was a town that sprouted alongside what engineering project?

5. Fawn Brodie’s book, “No Man Knows My History” is an account of what?

6. Define ubiquitous.

7. What was the “Second Great Awakening” characterized by?

8. Joseph was a natural raconteur (storyteller) whose salesmanship was so formidable he could sell what?

9. Joseph devoted a great deal of time to black magic and crystal gazing in an attempt to locate what?

10. When Joseph used Sally’s peep stone he was treated to a vision of what?

11. What is a “scryer?”

12. In the six years Joseph devoted to money digging, how much treasure did he find?

13. In 1823 Joseph Smith met an individual named Moroni. What was special about this individual?

14. Why did Smith return to the Hill Cumorah every September 22nd?

15. Joseph gazed into his “most reliable peep stone” and learned he must marry a girl named?

16. What color were the clothes, the carriage and horses Joseph Smith wore, rode in and harnessed when he visited Hill Cumorah in 1827?

17. The golden plates Joseph found had been hidden on the hill for how many years?

18. How many witnesses “swore jointly” they had seen the golden plates?

19. Initially Joseph able to decipher the “strange hieroglyphics” and understand the “long dead language” the plates were inscribed in because Moroni gave him an aid. What was the aid?

20. Joseph’s second attempt to decipher the plates was accomplished not with the tool Moroni had initially given him but instead with the help of what object?

21. When Joseph was unable to come up with three thousand dollars to pay for printing his book, he prayed for guidance. God told Joseph the money should be provided by whom?

22. How did the individual God had designated obtain three thousand dollars?

23. What was the title of the 588 page book the printer produced?

24. How many miles lay between the city of Rochester, New York and Hill Cumorah?

25. In what year did the Mormon community begin presenting “The Hill Cumorah Pageant: America’s Witness for Christ”?

26. The author writes that many evangelical Christians come to the Pageant. Why do they come?

27. The author compares the energy at the pageant to what type of concert?

28. How many actors take part in the two hour reenactment of the Book of Mormon?

29. What city did Lehi and his followers abandon before coming to North America by boat?

30. How did God punish the followers of Lehi’s “miscreant son” Laman?

31. How many Nephites did the followers of Laman slaughter around 400 AD?

32. What was the name of the last surviving Nephite?

33. Has modern DNA analysis proved a link between American Indians and any Hebraic race?

34. What observation did Mark Twain make about “The Book of Mormon”?

35. The author states inconsistencies in the Bible and the Koran (Qur’an) are much harder to refute than inconsistencies in the Book of Mormon for what reason?

36. How many copies of the Book of Mormon are in print today? (approximately)

37. In 1830 the Mormon Church claimed 50 members. How many did it have a year later?

38. Smith argued that the doctrines of the Catholic and Protestant faiths were what?

39. Smith said there were two churches; the church of the “Lamb of God;” and the church of ?

40. What did God reveal to Joseph about the location of the Garden of Eden?

41. What is the “bedrock” of the Mormon faith?

42. Joseph’s job was to reinstate the Church and prepare the earth for what?

43. Why did Joseph call his followers “Latter Day Saints?”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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