



Chapter 19 Road to WWII

Which was an example of Appeasement?

a) the U. S. Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937

b) the conquest of Poland in 1939

c) the entry of the U. S. into WWII in 1939

d) the agreement of Britain and France to give Germany the Sudetenland in 1938

Which most accurately characterizes the policy followed by the United States in the years between WWI and WWII?

a) isolation from European military conflicts

b) containment of communism

c) active membership in the League of Nations

d) military alliances with France and Great Britain

In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt exercised leadership when he responded to the start of WWII in Europe by

a) asking Congress for a declaration of war

b) selling military supplies to the Allied nations

c) urging continued appeasement of aggressor nations

d) attempting to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the hostilities

The America First Committee

a) organized support for retaliation after Pearl Harbor

b) believed that Franklin Roosevelt needed to go further with the Second New Deal

c) called for he United States to stay out of World War II

d) marched on the Japanese embassy to protest atrocities in China

e) focused on bringing social justice to African Americans

During the 1930’s, all of the following were examples of increased isolationist sentiment in the United States except

a) the “merchants of death” hearings that attacked war profiteers

b) the passage of the Neutrality Acts that forbade the US to sell arms to either side in any future war

c) the refusal of most Americans to become involved in the Spanish Civil War

d) the ratification by the senate of a treaty making the US a member of the World Court

e) the passage of legislation to prevent the US from entering the war.


Francisco Franco Militarists

Manchuria Spanish Civil War

Axis Powers internationalism

America First Committee Nye Committee

S.S. St. Louis

Pages 584 - 588

1. What is Fascism?

2. What were Hitler’s beliefs about lebensraum, race, Jews and communism?

3. How did Benito Mussolini seize power in Italy? In what year?

4. Who were the Blackshirts?

5. Were the Fascists anti Communist?

6. What does Il Duce mean?

7. What did the Italian conquest of Ethiopia mean to Hitler? (two things)

8. How did Joseph Stalin come to power in the Soviet Union?

9. What factors that might have caused the Holocaust?

10. How did Hitler come to power? What was the source of his popularity?

11. Who were the Brownshirts?

12. Who were the Stormtroopers?

13. How did the Japanese threaten world peace in 1931?

14. Who seized control of Spain in 1935?

15 .What is isolationism?

16. Was Roosevelt an interventionist or an isolationist?

17. How did the United States make the transition from creditor to debtor nation?

18. Why did isolationism grow in the era following the First World War?

19. Who were the “merchants of death” and what role did they play in encouraging isolationism?

20. What were the Neutrality Acts?

The Lend-Lease Act was Roosevelt’s way of getting arms to Britain without Britain having to

|a. |pick them up. |

|b. |return them after the war. |

|c. |take out loans to pay for them. |

|d. |pay cash. |

The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression treaty contained a secret deal to

|a. |divide Poland between them. |

|b. |divide France between them. |

|c. |not fight each other. |

|d. |fight France and Britain. |

Pages 589 – 594

1. The Neutrality Act forbids the US from selling arms to any country at war. How did Roosevelt get around this law to sell arms to China?

2. Generally, how did the Spanish Civil War occur? Who seized power?

3. Give two reasons the British and French failed to respond to German

Aggression? What was this strategy called?

4. What was the Anschluss? Why did it succeed?

5. What was the Sudetenland? Why did Hitler think it should to merge with Germany?

6. What was the Munich Conference? What was the effect of it?

7. What was the Russo/German Non-Aggression Pact? What was the secret deal of the treaty?

8. What was the Lend Lease Act?

In the Wannsee Conference, Nazi leaders

|a. |planned the invasion of Poland. |

|b. |negotiated with Britain and France for the Sudentenland. |

|c. |planned the “final solution.” |

|d. |negotiated a nonaggression treaty with the Soviet Union. |

A night of anti-Jewish violence became known as

|a. |blitzkrieg. |

|b. |Anschluss. |

|c. |Kristallnacht. |

|d. |Gestapo. |

Pages 595 – 605

Luftwaffe lebensraum

Blitzkreg Dunkirk

Internationalism Gestapo

Wehrmacht Aryans

1. What was the Holocaust?

2. What does Shoah mean?

3. What were the Nuremburg Laws?

4. What was Kristallnacht?

5. What was the Gestapo?

6. What was the Wannssee Conference?

Roosevelt sent destroyers to Britain in exchange for

|a. |cash. |

|b. |a promise to pay at war’s end. |

|c. |U.S. bases on British-held territory. |

|d. |manufactured British goods. |

Pages 601 – 606

1 What was the Good Neighbor Policy?

2. How did the Good Neighbor Policy differ from previous American policies concerning Latin America?

3. How did the Destroyers for Bases deal work? Why did it not violate the Neutrality Act?

4. What was the extension of the hemispheric defense zone and why did it help lead to American entry into the war?

5. What was the Atlantic Charter?

6. What were the events that led to war in the Pacific?

7. What was the Japanese strategy in attacking Pearl Harbor? Was it successful? Why?

8. Why did the American commanders at Pearl Harbor not respond to warnings of a possible attack?


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