Grace Community Church Softball - MetroCast

Grace Community Church Softball

2007 Sign-up

Thank you for your interest in GCC Softball! We look forward to another great season of fun and friendships this year and are excited you are interested in joining with us!

GCC is a member of a 16 team seacoast softball league and we hope to field two teams again this year. Catering to different abilities and enthusiasm, each team has a slightly different emphasis but both are open to men and women and place a strong value on friendships, character, and building community, in addition to competition.

The softball season begins the second week of April and goes through the second week of August. We usually play once a week and games begin at 6pm with players arriving at 5:30pm.

Please fill this form out completely and return it by Sunday, April 15th (info at the end of this form). If you have any questions or concerns, contact Norm Fracassa at 603-749-3298, Mike Patton at 603-973-2551, or Clyde Annach at 603-335-4901.

Contact Information (please print clearly)

Name ________________________________ Home phone ___________________

Address __________________________________ Work phone ___________________

City/State/Zip _____________________________ Cell phone ____________________

Birthdate _______________ Email ________________________

Church Background

Do you consider Grace Community Church to be your home church? □Yes □ No

How long have you attended at Grace:

□ 0-6 mos. □ 6-12 mos. □ 1-2 yrs. □ 2-5 yrs. □ 5+ yrs.

Are you a member at Grace (completed Grace 101 class)? □ Yes □ No


I have played softball/baseball for (check all that apply):

□ College or City Softball League

□ Church Softball League

□ High School Softball/Baseball

□ Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Softball/Baseball

Have you played for Grace Community Church Softball in the past? □ Yes □ No

If yes, how many years? ____________

Complete both sides


I prefer this type of “level of play” and prefer to play on:

□ Team A (very competitive) □ Team B (recreationa./competitive)

I strongly prefer to be on the same team as: ____________________________

Player Position/Role

To help us created a balance on both teams, please number the top 5 positions you like/can play. You will not be “locked” into playing these positions, but this will help us ensure each team has enough players at each position. If there is a position(s) that you are very confident or strong in, please put an exclamation point (!) after that position and we’ll take note.

My team shirt size is: □ M □ L □ XL □ XXL

My schedule commitment to GCC softball this year is:

□ I plan on being at every game □ I’ll try to make most games

□ I’ll be there when it’s convenient □ Commitment is a low priority

Important Additional Information

The participation fee for the 2006 season is $30 for each player and covers your league fee, cookouts, supporting our sponsored children, and a team shirt if you’re a new player. If you are not employed or if this fee will be a challenge for you, please let me know. We do not want this to be an obstacle to participation for anyone.

Thank you for filling out this form completely. We hope your experience on the GCC Softball Team this year is fun and encouraging to you. As the season gets closer, we’ll contact you with more detailed information.

Please return this form with your cash or check for $30 no later than Sunday, April 15. If paying by check, please make it payable to Grace Community Church.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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