Print these letters on Pink Cardstock (LOWERCASE VOWELS)

Print these letters on Pink Cardstock (LOWERCASE VOWELS)

15 copies of the Vowels should be enough for a class or 30 (Cut along guidelines)

|a |a |a |a |a |a |

|e |e |e |e |e |e |

|i |i |i |i |i |i |

|o |o |o |o |o |o |

|u |u |u |u |u |u |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .

Print these letters on the backside of the lowercase vowels.

|A |A |A |A |A |A |

|E |E |E |E |E |E |

|I |I |I |I |I |I |

|O |O |O |O |O |O |

|U |U |U |U |U |U |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .

Print these letters on White Cardstock (Consonants Part 1)

30 copies of Consonant Part 1 will provide enough letters for a class of 30. (Cut along guidelines)

|b |c |d |d |c |b |

|f |g |h |h |g |f |

|j |k |l |l |k |j |

|m |n |p |p |n |m |

|q |r |s |s |r |q |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .

Print these letters on backside of Consonants Part 1 sheet.

|B |C |D |D |C |B |

|F |G |H |H |G |F |

|J |K |L |L |K |J |

|M |N |P |P |N |M |

|Q |R |S |S |R |Q |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .

Print these letters on White Cardstock (Consonants Part 2)

30 copies of Consonant Part 1 will provide enough letters for a class of 30. (Cut along guidelines)

|t |v |w |w |v |t |

|y |x |z |z |x |y |

|p |n |m |m |n |p |

|l |d |c |c |d |l |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .

Print these letters on backside of Consonants Part 2 sheet.

|T |V |W |W |V |T |

|Y |X |Z |Z |X |Y |

|T |S |R |R |S |T |

|P |N |M |M |N |P |

|L |D |C |C |D |L |

Blackline masters for the Making Words Activities were created by Joe Fuhrmann of .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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