Date: ___________


Multiply 5-or more digit factors by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000

Value: Health consciousness


Skill: Multiply 5 or more digit factors by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 1.5

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, charts, number wheel


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Basic multiplication facts using flashcards

2. Motivation

Show pictures of athletes playing basketball, tennis, swimming, etc. Can you become an athlete if you are sickly? How can you, become healthy?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Barrio San Agustin was hit by typhoon lucing last October. The president promised to give each family P12,250. If there were 100 families in the barrio, how much will be given to the families in Barrio San Agustin?

Analyze the problem

a. What hit Barrio San Agustin last October?

b. What did the. president promise each family in the barrio?

c. What operations will help solve the problem?

d. What is the answer? Show and discuss the solution on the board.

Challenge the class to find the pattern for the following

A. 52 163 x 4 = 208 652

52 163 x 40 = 2 086 520

52 163 x 400 = 20 865 200

52 163 x 4000 = 208 652 000

2. Practice Exercises

Solve for n.

a. 31 142 x 500 = n c. 82 214 x 700 = n

b. 72 416 x 900 = n d. 22 135 x 1 000 = n

3. Generalization

How do we multiply numbers by multiples of 10? 100? 1 000?

Multiply the non-zero digits first, then annex to the products as many zeros as there are in the factors.


Find the product.

1. 32 561 x 20 =

2. 46 128 x 300 =

3. 15 212 x 40 =

4. 62 183 x 100 =

5. 21 421 x 5 000 =


Complete the table

| |60 |1 200 |6 000 |

|1. 21 345 | | | |

|2. 53 466 | | | |

|3. 25 364 | | | |

|4. 51 528 | | | |

|5. 85 432 | | | |

Solve the following language of math problems

1. Multiply 80 to the sum of 320 and 180 gives a result of n. What is n?

2. What is the product of 2 145 and 50?

3. What is 319 000 minus the product of 376 and 800?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Show the different properties of multiplication

Value: Love for reading


Skill: Identifying the properties of multiplication

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: counters, cartolina strips, chart


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Answer the fast as you can (written on cartolina strips)

9 + 6 4 + 7 5 + ( 3 + 6 ) 7 + 4 6 + 9 ( 2 + 5 ) + 6 ( 5 + 3 ) + 6

2. Motivation

Miss Daisy has 25 pupils. She required each pupil to read two books for home reading per month. How many books will the children read in all?

▪ What do you think will be developed among the pupils of Miss Daisy?

▪ What do you think shall we get from reading many books?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation


What are the factors? Do you think , that if we interchange the factors, the . product will still be the same? So,

25x2=2x25 50=50


▪ Distribute 40 counters to each pair

▪ Say 2 multiplication problems using some factors (e.g.3x6,6x3)

▪ Each student in pair shows and solves one of the problems using counter

▪ Students compare the products and discuss

▪ Repeat activity ( 5 – 10 mins )

Distribute cards to all the pupils. Each card contains a different multiplication fact such as 4x2=8 and 2x4=8. Each child will look for his/her partner. Include in the multiplication facts 0 and 1, factors like 0x1, 1x0 =0, 3x1 = 3 1x3 = 3.

2. Practice Exercises

Mang Tonyo prepares his harvest to be brought to the market. He has 5 kaings of tomatoes. If each kaing contains 300 tomatoes, how many tomatoes are there in all? (Prove your answer by showing the commutative property)

Solution: 5x300=300x5


3. Generalization

What are the properties of multiplication? Define each.


➢ Commutative Property-Changing the order of the factors does not change the product

➢ Associative Property-changing the grouping of the factors does not change the product .

➢ Zero Property-any number multiplied by zero equals zero

➢ Identity property any number multiplied by 1 equals the number


What property of multiplication is indicated?

1. 6 x 4 = 4 x 6 4. 11 x 1

2. ( 3 x 9 ) x 6 = 3 x ( 9 x 6 ) 5. 92 x 3 = 3 x 92

3. 4 x 0


Solve for answer

1. 5 + 8 = 8 + 5 3. 6 x 0 = ____ 5. 7 + 3 = 3 + 7

____ = ____ ____ = ____

2. 9 + 4 = 4 + 9 4. 80 x 1 = ____

____ = ____

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Identify the distribute property of multiplication over addition.

Value: Dignity of labor


Skill: Showing the distribute property of multiplication over addition.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 2.6

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, charts, picture, counters, activity cards


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Flash a cards and drill the pupils orally on multiplication facts.

2. Motivation

Rene works as a dishwasher in Chefoo restaurant in the afternoon after his classes. He is able to wash 74 dishes in one day. If he worked in 5 days, how many dishes was he able to wash?

- Describe Rene. What kind of a person is he?

- How many dishes was he able to wash?

- How many days did he work?

- If you were Rene, would you want to be a dishwasher? Why? Stress the value of one's work

- Have pupils sing the song "Dignity of Labor".

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Present the following illustrations. Write the number sentence below the illustration

3 x 4 ( 4 + 5 )

3 x 9 = ( 3 x 4 ) + ( 3 x 5)

27 = 12 + 15

27 = 27

Group Activity

Divide the class into 3 groups. Give them counters. Distribute the activity cards. Show by means of counters the following combination facts showing the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

A = 2 X 12 B = 5 X 14 C = 4 X 15

2. Practice Exercises

Do your work as fast as you can. The example is given to you.

( 3 + 4 ) x 8 = ( 3 x 8 ) + ( 4 x 8 )

= 24 + 32

= 56

a. 6 x ( 3 + 3 ) b. 4 x ( 5 + 4 ) c. ( 6 + 3 ) x 7 d. ( 2 x 7 ) x 8 e. ( 3+2 )x 4

3. Generalization

What is another property of multiplication?

Another property of multiplication is its distributive property over addition. "Breaking apart" 'a factor does not affect the product or renaming either factor as two addends does not change the product


Give the missing numbers.

1. 3 x ( 7 + 4 ) = ( __ x 7 ) + ( 3 x 4 ) = ___

2. 9 x ( 3 + 4 ) = ( 9 x 3 ) + ( 9 x __ ) = ___

3. 5 x ( 10 + 3 ) = ( __ x 10 ) + ( 5 x 3 ) = ___

4. 6 x ( 4 + 4 ) = ( 6 x 4 ) + ( __ x 4 ) = ___

5. ( 3 + 4 ) x 5 = ( 3 x 5 ) + ( __ x 4 ) = ___


Show the distribute property of multiplication over addition then solve for the product.

Example: 6 x 7 = 6 x (4 + 3 )

= ( 6 x 4 ) + ( 6 x 3 )

= 24 + 18

= 42

1) 9 x 15 2) 3 x 21 3) 2 x 9 4) 8 x 18 5) 4 x 10

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Estimate the products of two factors with 5-or more digits by 2-to 3-digit numbers

Value: Love for nature


Skill: Estimating the products of two factors with 5-or more digits by 2-to 3-digit numbers

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 3

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: cut outs, chart, activity cards,


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Basic multiplication facts

Game: “Picking Guavas”

A pupil picks a guava with a multiplication fact. He/She answer as fast as he/she can. A correct answer gets a candy.

2. Motivation

a. Show the picture 0 three baskets full mangoes. About how many mangoes do you think are contained in the baskets?

(pupils are expected to give different numbers)

b. Explain that what they give are just estimates. They give an estimation of the amount of mangoes in the baskets. They are not sure and die not actually count the number of mangoes in the baskets.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

The garden club is selling orchid plants at P 12,323 a plot to collect funds. If 123 pots were sold, about how much money did the club get?

a. How much is a pot of orchid plant?

b. How many pots were sold?

c. What phrase in the problem indicates that what is asked is an estimated product?

d. How do we estimate products? What did we do first? /

e. Orchids are beautiful flowers, what do they do to our surroundings? Are they important to us? Why?

2. Practice Exercises

Find the product

1) 14 325 x 42 = 3) 56 683 x 62 = 5) 34 625 x 63

2) 21 178 x 43 = 4) 47 928 x 37 =

3. Generalization

How do you estimate the product of 2 factors?

To estimate the products, round the factors. to the highest/greatest place value then multiply the rounded factors.


Find the product

1) 34 231 x 62 = 3) 265 463 x 371 = 5) 98 521 x 241 =

2) 184 599 x 586 = 4) 43 960 x 42 =


Estimate then multiply.

1) 631 236 x 143 = 3) 265 463 x 371 = 5) 491 641 x 334

2) 184 599 x 86 = 4) 572 169 x 39 =

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Multiply mentally 2 digit numbers with products up to 200 without regrouping

Value: Health consciousness


Skill: Multiply mentally 2 digit numbers with products up to 200 without regrouping

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: textbook, flashcards, activity cards .


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Basic multiplication facts using flashcards

2. Motivation

Do you like fruits? What is your favorite fruit? What food nutrients do we get from fruits? Which do you prefer to eat, chocolate candies or fruits? Why? Why do we have to eat fruits everyday?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Present this word problem.

A kilo of mango cost P 80. how much will you pay for 2 kilos?

a. How much is a kilo of mango? What is the cost of 2 kilos?

b. What did you do to solve the problem?

c. Can you solve it without using paper and pencil?

2. Practice Exercises

Solve mentally.

a. Three are 4 rows of chairs in Miss Luna's class. If three are10 chairs in each row, how many chairs are there in all?

b. Rizal Primary School has 3 sections for grade 4. Each section had 42 pupils. How many grade 4 pupils are there in Rizal Primary School?

3. Generalization

How do you multiply mentally 2 digit numbers by 1 digit number without regrouping?


Multiply mentally

1) 41 x 2 = 2) 86 x 2 = 3) 42 x 3 = 4) 31 x 3 = 5) 44 x 2 =


Solve for n by multiplying mentally

1) 23 x 3 = n 2) 2 x 50 = n 3) 21 x 4 =n 4) 21 x 9 = n 5) 3 x 62 =n

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Write numbers of exponent form

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Writing numbers in exponential form

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 5

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: textbook, flashcards, activity cards


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Use flashcards in conducting this drill. Select two to three volunteers/pupils to act as contestants. Whoever answers first will e given points until the time limit has been consumed.

Example: 25 x2 = 36 x 4 = 22 x 3 = 81 x 2 = 18 x 5 =

2. Motivation

Look at the given data below. Notice how the numbers are written.

|Standard Form | |Product Form |Exponent Form |

|2 |= |2 | |

|4 |= |2 x 2 | |

|8 |= |2 x 2 x 2 | |

|16 |= |2 x 2 x 2 x 2 | |

|32 |= |2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 | |

|64 |= |2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 | |

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of lesson

Ask the pupils the following questions:

1. What happens to 2 when multiplied by another 2? By another 2?

2. What do you observe about the numbers from 2 up to 64? How about factors?

3. How did you work with the other members in your group? It is important to cooperate with other while working on something? Why?

2. Practice Exercises

Write in exponential form.

1. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 3. 4 x 4 x 4 5. 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9

2. 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 4. 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

3. Generalization

The exponent tells how many times the base is used ads a factor.

A number to the zero power is always 1

A number to the first power is always itself the second power is squared and so on.


Write the standard form.

1. 35 2. 54 3. 54 4. 54 5. 54


Select the correct answer

1. 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7

a. 77 b. 75 c. 57

2. 9 x 9 x 9 x 9

a. 49 b. 94 c. 99

3. 10 =

a. 100 b. 101 c. 102

4. 43

a. 12 b. 16 c. 64

5. 64 =

a. 82 b. 28 c. 88

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Write numbers from standard from to scientific notation Without regrouping

Value: Accuracy


Skill: Writing numbers in scientific notation and Computing the power of a number

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 6.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart, learning activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Find each product.

1. 10x10=



2. a. 1x10=n

10 x 10 = n

b. 3 x 200 = n

30 x 200 = n

c. n x 40 = 20 x 80

30 x 100 = n x 50

2. Motivation

The teacher shows a picture of the solar system and asks the following questions:

a. What is the composition of a solar system?

b. What is the closest planet to the sun?

c. How far is this planet from the sun?

Do you know what is this planet? It is mercury.


Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. It is about 60 000 000 kilometers from the sun. How far is it from the sun

1) How are you going to answer the different exercises? Why?

2) How do you fell if you get correct answer?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Strategy: Concept Development

Introduce the lesson through illustration/drawing

Mercury is 60 000 000 km away from the sun.

Standard form Scientific notation

Look at this illustration: 60 000 000 -------------( 6 x 107

2. Practice Exercises

Write in scientific notation.

1) 30 2) 600 3) 7 400

3. Generalization

How do we write numbers from standard form to scientific notation?

Standard numerals are written in scientific notation as a product of 2 factors. First factor is less than 10 but more than 1 and the second factor is a power of 10.


Write in scientific notation

1) 80 2) 500 3) 240 4) 6 700 5) 31 000


Express in scientific notation

1) 500 000 3) 6 000 000 000 5) 4 000 000

2) 3 000 000 4) 70 000

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Write the numbers in scientific notation to standard form

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Writing numbers in scientific notation and using powers of 10 to write numbers in exponential form.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 6.2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart, learning activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Mental computation using multiplication facts

2. Motivation

Poblem: Mercury is the planet closet to the sun. It is about 60 000 000 km from the sun.

Question: a. How far is Mercury from the sun?

b. What did we study yesterday?

c. How did we change the number?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

60 000 000 is in what form of the number?

6 x 107, what is this form/ How did we express the numbers? Suppose, we will do it this way:

6 x 107 ----( 60 000 000

How did I write the given number? Do you know how to do it?

2. Practice Exercises

Group of four (Quad)

a. 3 x 103 b. 4 x 106 c. 6 x 108 d. 6.1 x 103

3. Generalization

How do we write numbers in scientific notation to standard form?

To change scientific notation to standard numerals move decimal point to the right depending on the exponent. It makes it a whole number.


Write in standard form

1) 8 x 102 2) 8.1 x 102 3) 2.16 x 105 4) 3.49 x 108 5) 6.11 x 107


Write in standard form

1) 3 x 102 2) 4 x 104 3) 9.3 x 106 4) 12 x 106

5) The earth is about 1.5 x 108 km from the sun.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Solve word problems involving multiplication of whole numbers including money

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Solving word problems involving multiplication 0 whole.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 7.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart, learning activity sheet


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

a. Basic multiplication· facts using window cards

b. Solve for the product of factors with multiples. of 10 and 100

Examples: 40 x 9 = 50 x 30 = 20 x 700 = 600 x 8 =

2. Motivation

How many of you have gardens at home? What are planted in your garden? Are they in rows? How do farmers plant seedlings in a farm?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

An Orchard contains 8 rows of trees. There are 10 trees in a row, how many trees are there?

The teacher specifies that to solve a word problem, we must always think of the steps in solving a word problem. Let us use these steps to solve word problems.

a. What is asked?

b. What are given?

c. What operations to be used?

d. Write the number sentence.

e. How will you do the operation?

f. What is the answer?

2. Practice Exercises

Read and solve on your paper

1. Mrs. Dizon, the school nurse examined 48 pupils per day. How many pupils did she examine in 5 days?

2. Alissa arid her classmates used 5 packs of corn starch for their maja blanca recipe. Each pack cost themnP19.00. How much did they spend in all?

3. Generalization

If you were asked to find the total amount in a given number of equal amount, what are you going to do? What are the steps in solving' the problem?


Read the problems carefully. Solve and label your answer.

1. Mr. Fuentes ordered 45 boxes of baseball gloves. Each box contains 12 gloves. How many baseball gloves will Mr. Garcia receive?

2. Jose earned P48 a day. How much did he . earn in Gne. week?

3. Mark planted 16 plots of pechay plant in the garden. Each plot contains 26 pechay plants. How many pechay plants are there in all?

3. Which is better, planting ornamental plants or planting vegetable plants in your backyard? Why?

3. Is it cheaper to buy by the dozen? If you have money, how will you buy, by piece or by the dozen? Why?



1. Aling Rosa' sells flowers. She can sell 12 dozens of roses a day. How many roses can she sell in two weeks?

1. It was Lara’s seventh birthday. Her mother bought 15 kilos of pork. If each kilo costs P120.00, how much will her mother spent for pork?

Or create 2 word problems involving multiplication of while numbers including money then solve for the answer.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


▪ Analyze word problem involving multiplication by telling what is asked, what are· given, the world c1ues/s, the hidden question and the operation to be used.

Value: Hard work and resourcefulness


Skill: Analyzing word problems involving multiplication.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 7.1.1 – 1.4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, charts, learning activity sheets, strips of cartolina with steps in analyzing word problems


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

a. Multiplication facts in flashcards

b. Solve mentally

123 x 3 = _______ 23 x 3 = _______

50 x 7 = _______ 124 x 2 = _______

2. Motivation

Mr. Jamison's family holds a reunion once a year. 15 of the grandchildren invited 3 friends each. How many of their friends are expected to attend the reunion?

a. What did Mr. Jamison's family do every year?

b. Are you doing it too?

c. If Mr. Jamison's family holds a reunion once a year, what do you think he should do so that there will be no problem financially?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

The teacher groups the pupils into 4. Each group is given a card with a problem written on it. Read and answer the questions that follow.

Rose bought 4 ribbons at P86.50 each. She gave a 500 peso bill. How much change did she get?

a. What is the hidden question? Write the number phrase

b. What is the mathematical sentence?

c. What is the answer?

d. Look back

2. Practice Exercises

Read and solve on your paper

Ben bough 6 T-shirts. His brother also bough 6 T-shirts. Each T-shirt costs P285. How much did all the T-Shirt cost?

a. What is asked in the problem?

b. What are given?

c. What is/are the word c1ues/s in the· problem?

a. What operation/s to be used?

b. Transform the word problem into a number sentence

c. What is the answer?

3. Generalization

How do we analyze and solve word problems involving multiplication?

Review the questions to e answered in analyzing word problems.

In analyzing word problems, find:

a. What is asked

b. The given facts

c. The word clue/s

d. The operation/s to be used

e. The hidden question/s

f. The mathematical sentence

g. Solve for the answer

h. Write the label

i. Don't forget to look back


The teacher will present problems and asks the pupils to answer the questions that follow.

1. In the canteen's refrigerator, there were 4 trays of eggs. Each tray had 12 eggs. The cook use 15 eggs. How many eggs were left in the refrigerator?

a. What is asked in the problem?

b. What are the given?

c. What is/are the word c1ue/s in the problem?

d. What operation/s to be used?

e. Transform the word problem into a number sentence

f. What is the answer?


Read the analyze the following problems.

Answer the questions correctly

1. A farmer planted 145 tomato seedlings in 3 days and 157 eggplant seedling in 4 days. How many vegetable seedlings did he plant in all?

1. Lita bought 5 kilograms of Lapu-lapu which costs P150 per kilograms and 3 kilograms of bangus which costs P110. How much did she pay for the Lapu-lapu? How much did she pay or the bangus?

a. What is asked in the problem?

b. What are given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. Write the mathematical sentence.

e. What is the word clue in the problem?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Solves 2-step word problems involving multiplication and any of addition/subtracting.

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Solving 2-step word problems involving multiplication and any addition/subtraction

Reference: BEC-PELC I D 8.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: textbook, flashcards, chart, learning activity sheet with steps in analyzing word problems


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

In the blank after each word name, write the standard name.


The statue of Liberty is one hundred fifty-one _____feet tall. The tip of the torch is three hundred five _____feet above the ground. It was a made with over three hundred _____ thin sheets of copper. To climb the top of the statue, there are one hundred sixty-eight ___ steps

1. The largest number in the story is _____.

2. The smallest number in the story is _____.

3. The numbers in this story that are less than 186 are ____ and ___.

4. The numbers in this story that are grater than 200 are ___ and ___.

2. Motivation

Do you know what a mailman is? What is his work?

What do you notice on the mail envelope?

Is this important? Why?

Here is a problem about stamps. Let us find what it is all about


Marie had 153 pages in her stamp album. There are 12 stamps in each page. She gave 63 stamps to her friend. How many stamps were left with her?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Children, if you are to solve the problem, what are you going to do? If I will let you work in groups, what are you going to do? Why?

Activities – Discovery Approach

Group 1

Materials: magazines, pieces of art paper

The pupils are to present the problem by acting it out. One member will act as Marie and others will help in answering the problem using improvised album and stamps

Group 2

Solving the problem (Computation)

Materials: chalk, mini-boards

The group is allowed to have a direct computation based on their understanding about the problem.

The numbers will come out to only one common answer.

Group 3

Picture illustrations about the problem

Materials: manila paper, mini board, chalk, crayons, marker pen

The group is to give the answer to the problem b illustrating it through pictures.

They should indicate the number of the given data. Report their answer.

Group 4

Answering the problem by following the steps

1. What are given?

2. What is asked?

3. What are the operations to be used?

4. Write the number sentence?

5. How will you do the operations?

6. What is the answer?

2. Practice Exercises

Solve the problems carefully

a. Manny had boxes of paper. Each box contains 36 plates. He used 73 paper plates for the birthday party of his son. How many paper plates were left?

b. There were 27 people who went to the library in the morning and 16 people in the afternoon. Each person read 7 books. How many books were read by them?

3. Generalization

In solving 2-step word problems involving multiplication and any of addition/ subtraction, follow the following steps

a. Read

b. Understand

c. Plan

d. Solve

e. Look back to check the answer


Solve and give the correct answer.

1. Rey bought 3 boxes of apples. Each box contained 321 apples. He gave 480 apples to his brothers and sisters. How many were left with Rey?

2. Letty bought 15 kilos of rice at P25 per kilo. How much should be -her change if she gave P500?

3. A pre-school teacher charges P125 per tutorial classes for one hour per person. The teacher pays P35 per hour for the rental of her place. How much does she earn for a 12-hour tutorial class?


Solve the following word problems and label your answers

1. Jubal packed 12 pillowcases in a box. Each pillowcase cost P25

How much would 3 boxes of pillowcase costs?

2. A group of balikbayan rented 3 cottages at P1, 275 each. They also rented 2 extra beds at P475 each. How much did the group pay for the cottages an extra beds.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Divide 5 or more digit numbers by 3-digit numbers without remainder

Value: Helpfulness and cooperation


Skill: Dividing 5 or more digit numbers by 3-digit numbers without remainder

Reference: BEC-PELC I D E.1.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: window cards, butterfly cut outs


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Game-Catching the Butterflies (butterfly cutout from a garden of flowers and answer the combination at the back). Each pupil will get one butterfly cutout.

20 ÷ 5 24 ÷ 4 35 ÷ 7 15 ÷ 3

10 ÷ 2 36 ÷ 6 21 ÷ 3 28 ÷ 7

2. Motivation

A while ago, we used cut outs of butterflies. Talking about this insect, where do butterflies stay? Why is it that they love to stay in the garden?

What are gardens for? What do we find in this place?

Present the lesson through this problem:

Ruben helped his father in gathering tomatoes in their vegetable garden. If he gathered 671 875 tomatoes and placed 215 in each bag, how many bags did Ruben use?

What kind of a boy is Ruben? Are you like Ruben? Are you also helpful at home?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. The pupils are going to answer the following:

- Who helped father in gathering tomatoes?

- How many tomatoes did they gather?

- What did they do to the tomatoes?

- How many bags were used?

b. The teacher may answer the problems with the whole class or let the pupils work in dyads. Let the pupils work and have them explain why they arrived to that answer.

2. Practice Exercises


a. 52 216 ÷ 122 b. 266 299 ÷ 473 c. 66 248 ÷ 292

3. Generalization

In dividing 5 digit numbers by 3-digit numbers, take the first 3 digits at the left then divide, multiply, subtract and bring down. Check the answer by multiplying the quotient by the divisor. The answer is correct if the product is equal to the dividend.


Divide the following

1) 39 751 ÷ 127= 4) 237 744 ÷ 321

2) 50 924 ÷ 131 = 5) 240 264 ÷ 422

3) 167 072 ÷ 368 =


Find the Quotient

1) 76 622 ÷ 421 = 4) 663 552 ÷ 864

2) 57 024 ÷ 166 = 5) 554 552 ÷ 673

3) 564 ÷ 926 =

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Divide 5-or more digit numbers by 4-or more digit , numbers without and with remainder.

Value: Helpfulness


Skill: Dividing 5-or more digit numbers by 4-or more digit numbers without or with remainder and solving problems.

Reference: BEC-PELC I E 1.2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, charts, activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Game: "-Mix and Match"

Teacher, prepares several pairs of division equations. Distribute these to each pupil in class. When teacher announces "mix" task of each pupil in class is to mix up with each other. When the teacher says 'match" task of each pupil to look for their partner which will mach the card that they are holding. Discuss solutions in class.

1. 5 ÷ 165 2. 7 ÷ 763 3. 9 ÷ 819 4. 6 ÷ 426 5. 4 ÷ 848

2. Motivation

What kind of invitation did you receive? I have here a story of a class who prepared some invitation cards.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. A big school of 2 134 pupils made166 452 invitations for their program. If each pupil made an equal number of cards, how many invitations did each pupil make?

b. A school principal had 425 326 letters inviting friends to his school for a cultural show. If 1 075 teachers helped send the letters to those who were invited, how many letters did each teacher take?

2. Practice Exercises

Solve for this problem

A bakery bakes 75 550 pieces of pandesal in 60 days. What is the average number of pandesal it bakes in one day?

3. Generalization

How do we divide 5-or more digit numbers by 4- digit divisors?

a. Divide the first partial dividend by the divisor

b. Multiply the partial quotient by the divisor then write the answer below the first partial dividend

c. Subtract the partial product from the first partial dividend

d. Bring down the next digit


Solve for the quotient

1. 2 237 ÷ 259 492

2. 1 118 ÷ 386 828

3. 1 679 ÷ 574 923

4. 2 563 ÷ 2 971 356

5. 1 719 ÷ 4 746 422


Divide and check

1. 834 726 ÷ 4 213 = n

2. 797436 ÷ 5 314 = n

3. If the divisor is 235 and the dividend is 87 954, what is quotient?

4. What is 32 615 dividend by 24?

5. A number divided by 23 equals 398 r 6.

Solve for the missing number.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

Value: Willingness


Skill: Dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

Reference: BEC-PELC I D E 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Basic division facts. Boys – girls contest or do the relay game

12 ÷ 3 = ____ 56 ÷ 8 = ____ 64 ÷ 8 = _____ 24 ÷ 8 = ___

2. Motivation

The Bureau of Plant Industry will distribute 13 000 mango seedlings to 10 provinces. How many seedlings will each province receive?

a. What did the Bureau of Plant Industry do?

b. What will you do to solve the problem?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. Is it possible to divide any number by zero? Explain your answer.

b. Suppose there are 100 barangays? How about 1 000 provinces?

1. 13 000 ÷ 10 = 1 3000 3. 13 000 ÷ 1 000 = 13

2. 13 000 ÷ 100 = 130

2. Practice Exercises

Solve for the quotient mentally

1. 420 000 ÷ 600 = _____ 4. 270 000 ÷ 900 = _____

2. 51 000 ÷ 500 = _____ 5. 6 650 ÷ 70 = ______

3. 56 000 ÷ 700 = _____

3. Generalization

How do we divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1 ODD? Ellicit the pattern.

❖ When dividing numbers that are multiples of 10, 100 and 1000, cancel as many zeros in the dividend as there are in the divisor before dividing. This means dividing the dividend and divisor by the same power of 10.


Solve for the quotient

670 ÷ 10 =

3 500 ÷100 =

78 000 ÷ 100 =

5 000 ÷ 1 000 =

9 300 ÷ 100 =


Complete the table. Divide by 10, 100 and 1000.


|Dividend |10 |100 |1000 |

|1. 63 000 | | | |

|2. 800 000 | | | |

|3. 2 500 000 | | | |

|4. 130 000 | | | |

|5. 75 000 | | | |

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Divide 4-to 5-digit numbers by 2-to 3-digitnumbers with zeros in the middle or continuous zeros in the dividend.

Value: Helpfulness


Skill: Dividing 4-to 5-digit numbers by 2-to 3-digitnumbers with zeros in the middle or continuous zeros in the dividend.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D E 1.4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: charts, flashcard earning activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Game: Picking mangoes

Picking Apples (apple cut outs) from the tree and answer the combinations at the back.

90 ÷ 5 = 60 ÷ 15 = 28 ÷ 14 =

2. Motivation

Who among you are member of boy and girl scouts? What are the activities which your club 'Sponsor to help other people?

If you are helping somebody who is in need, are you going to tell it to everyone: Why?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation


The Girl Scouts collected 1 308 canned goods to be given to 25 poor families. How many pieces of canned goods should each family receive?

1. Analysis/Discussion

a. Why did the Girl Scouts collected canned goods?

b. What are the given facts?

c. What is asked in the problem?

d. What operation is needed to solve the problem?

e. How do we divide 1 308 by 25?

2. Show the step-by-step process using long division on the board.

3. Check the answer by multiplication

2. Practice Exercises

Read and solve the following problems

1. The Grade 4 classes will go on a field trip. There should be one teacher for every 25 pupils. There are 1 025 pupils. How many teachers are needed.

2. There are 50 026 mangoes. One basket can hold 46 mangoes. How many baskets are needed to put the mangoes in?

3. Generalization

How do you divide 4-to 5-digit numbers by 2-t0 3-digit numbers?

In dividing dividends with zeros, use the same step: divide, multiply, subtract and being down.

When you are dividing, why should you compare after you subtract?


Copy and divide the following on your paper.

1. 27√ 4080 4. 84 √70035

2. 28 √ 5508 5. 25 √ 54054

3. 38 √ 20160


Answer the following then check by multiplying the quotient by the divisor.

1. 63 √ 4095 4. 156 √ 60400

2. 24 √ 2360 5. 411 √ 28060

3. 35 √ 28070

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Estimate the quotient of 4-to 5-digitdeieds by 2-digit numbers

Value: Helpfulness and cooperation


Skill: Estimating the quotient of 4-to 5-digitdeieds by 2-digit numbers.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D E 2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcard, charts, drill board


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Mental computation to sharpen your mind skill. Give the quotient as fast as you can.

1) 3 000 ÷ 30 2) 6 000 ÷ 20 3) 81 000 ÷ 90 4) 14 000 ÷ 70 5) 24 000 ÷ 80

2. Motivation

What do we usually so before entering a movie house? If you don't pay for the tickets, do you think you can watch the show? We are going to read a problem regarding pupils who work for a cause.

A group of students collected P1, 290.00 from the tickets sold for their stage play. Each ticket costs P15.00. How many tickets were they able to sell?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

If you are a member of that group, how are you going to answer the problem? We are going to group together and find out some ways to answer the problem.

2. Practice Exercises

Estimate and divide.

1. 5 136 ÷ 21 = 3. 62 926 ÷ 47 = 5. 8 445 ÷ 92 =

2. 1 501 ÷ 69 = 4. 34 108 ÷ 82 =

3. Generalization

In estimating quotients, first round off the dividend and the divisor to the highest value then divide.


Write the reasonable estimate for each of the problem.

1. P98.95 ÷ 48 = ____ 3. 17 399 ÷ 34 = ___ 5. 69 673 ÷ 68 = ___

2. 41 872 ÷ 19 = ____ 4. 19 457 ÷ 23 = ___


Round both numbers then estimate the quotient

1. 62.95 ÷ 56 = ____ 3. 44 867 ÷ 93 = ___ 5. 9 536 ÷ 16 = ___

2. 43 209 ÷ 18 = ____ 4. 27 431 ÷ 34 = ___

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Divide mentally 2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit number without remainder

Value: Health consciousness


Skill: Estimating the quotient of 4-to 5-digitdeieds by 2-digit numbers.

Reference: BEC-PELC I D E 3

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcard, charts, picture of fruits, show board


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Teacher tells the pupils, they're going to have a contest. It will be called "A Step for Victory". A participant from each group will be called. The teacher will flash the cards. In the

cards are written two numbers; the first number gives the product and the number gives the quotient of the number pair the contestant will say. The first one to give the correct answer will make a step until he or she reaches the vase. Upon reaching vase, he/she will be given a flower to be placed in their flower vase. The groups with the most number of flowers in the vase will be declared as winner.

Product Quotient

24, _______, _______, 6

18, _______, _______, 2

25, _______, _______, 1

16, _______, _______, 4

2. Motivation

What is your favorite fruit? Why? Why are the fruits important to our body? What do they do to our body? To our health? What vitamins can we get from mangoes?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Read the problem carefully and give the answer without using your pencil and paper.

Kent and his three friends picked 124 mangoes for the farm. They divided the mangoes equally among themselves. How many mangoes did each boy receive?

Solution: Divide 12 by 4 mentally, the give the quotient.

2. Practice Exercises

Divide the following numbers mentally.

39 ÷ 3 50 ÷ 5 846 ÷ 6 84 ÷ 4 848 ÷ 4

3. Generalization

How do we divide numbers mentally? When we divide numbers mentally, we first think of one or two dividends at a time then divide without using paper and pencil. Do the same with the remaining digits.


Solve for n mentally

1. 66 ÷ 6 = ____ 3. 110 ÷ 5 = ___ 5. 819 ÷ 9 = ___

2. 99 ÷ 3 = ____ 4. 884 ÷ 4 = ___


Divide mentally

1. 49 ÷ 7 = ____ 3. 120 ÷ 6 = ___ 5. 442 ÷ 2 = ___

2. 63 ÷ 9 = ____ 4. 550 ÷ 5 = ___

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Solve 1-step word problems involving division of 5 or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit numbers including money

Value: Neatness and orderliness


Skill: Solving 1-step word problems involving division of 5 or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit numbers including money

Reference: BEC-PELC I E 4.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: charts, flashcard, activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Wheel of fortune.

Pupils will use the wheel of fortune and answer it.

2. Motivation

1. Sing the song “Happy in Math”

2. Who among you have a father or mother who works in the factory? What factory? What does he/she do there?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

The class will be divided into 3 groups with their leader and recorder. Each group will be given an activity sheet with a problem situation. Read the problem' carefully and analyze it.

Mr. Cruz, a factory owner has 156 workers. The weekly pay of the workers amount to P185,328.00. About how much does each worker get weekly?

a. What is asked in the problem?

b. What are the facts given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. Transform the word problem into a number sentence

d. solve for the correct answer

e. Label your answer

The first group to finish will be the one to present their work.

2. Practice Exercises

Read the problems carefully and solve for the answer. Write the label or units.

1. There were 25, 200 bars of soap at the wholesale counter. If these were distributed equally among 101 retailers, how many bars of soap will each retailer get?

2. Mr. Perez spent P 1, 883, 222.50 for the bangus fingerlings he placed in his 122 fish ponds. How much did he append for each fish pond?

3. Generalization

What are the steps in solving word problems.

Steps in solving word problems

1. Read – Know what is asked, what are given?

2. Plan - Draw the problem, know the operation, write the number sentence..

3. Solve – Write the correct units and label your answer.

4. Look back – Review and check your answer


Read the problems carefully, then solve for the answer. Label your answers.

1. There are 21, 550 coconut tress to be distributed to 345 barangay's in Laguna. How many coconut trees will be given to each barangay?

2. A factory can manufacture 125 fish nets using 156, 250 meters of nylon thread is used for each net?

3. Dave gathered 17, 040 oranges. He packed them in boxes which each can hold 284 orange. How many boxes did Dave use?

4. A Christmas tree cost P 950.00. How many Christmas tree can be brought from P 34, 200.00?

5. A delivery truck unloaded 600 boxes of canned milk at a supermarket. There were 14, 400 cans of milk in all the boxes. How many cans were in each box?


a. Mr. Sison had 69, 965 kilograms of apple available for sale. Two hundred sixty tree vendors prought equal weight of apples. How many kilograms did each vendor get?

b. There are 225, 190 cookies to be packed in a plastic container. One hundred thirty-five cookies are in each pack. About how many plastic containers are needed to pack all the cookies?

c. Mangoes are sokJ by the "kaing". If one kaing cost P1, 025.00, how many "kaings" of-mango can you buy in P 142, 475.00? Construct a word problem involving division of 5 or more digit number by 3 or more digit numbers including money.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Analyze the word problems involving division of 5 or more digit numbers by 2 to 3 - digit numbers including money buy telling what is asked, what is are given, the word c1ue/s, the operation/s to be used and transform the problem into a number sentence

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Analyzing Word problems involving division of 5 or moire digit numbers by 2 to 3 digit numbers including money

Reference: BEC-PELC I E 41 1.-4.1.4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: activity sheet, chart, flashcards


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Group work

The group that finishes first is declare the winner.

Do the operation follow the path.


2. Motivation

Show a picture of a forest. Ask: have you been to the forest? What did you do there? Share some of your experiences.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Problem situation

A total of 93 184 pupils in Cavite will joined the tree planting program. If there were 256 pupils in each municipality, how many municipalities joined the tree planting program?

1. What is asked in the problem?

2. What are the given facts?

3. What word clue would help you to solve the problem?

4. What question is to be used?

5. Why do you think many pupils joined the tree planting program?

2. Practice Exercises

Read the problem carefully and answer the question that follow.

There are 63 360 textbooks to be shipped to Cebu City. If there are 165 boxes how many books are there in each box?

a. What is asked in the problem?

b. What are the given facts?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. How will you write a mathematical sentence of the problem?

e. Transform this problem into a number sentence.

3. Generalization

How do we analyze word problems?

a. To analyze word problems, read the problem carefully, tell what is asked? What are the given? What is/are the word clue/s, what operation to be used and transform it problem into a number sentence?


Read the problem carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A farmer wants to ship 11 088 eggplants. A crate holds 144 eggplants, how many crates are needed?

1. What is asked in the problem?

2. What are the given facts?

3. What operation is to be used?

4. How will you write a mathematical sentence of the problem?

5. Transform this problem into a number sentence.


1. Construct word problems on the following data:

a. P 65 340.00 ÷ 235 =

b. P 73 342.00 ÷ 176 =

2. Ben has P 3000 in P 100 bills how many pieces of hundred peso bill does he have?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Solving 2-to 3-step word problems Involving Division and Any One of Two of the Other Fundamental Operation Learned Including Money.

Value: Fairness, sharing and kindness


Skill: Solving 2-to 3-step word problems involving division and any one of two of the other fundamental operation learned including money.

Reference: BEC-PELC I E 501

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards and chart


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Using flashcards

Solve for the correct answer

a. ( 5 + 9 ) ÷ 7 =

b. ( 15 ÷ 3 ) + 8 =

c. ( 25 ÷ 5 ) – 4 =

2. Motivation

Read this problem carefully and answer the question below.

The national library has 28 470 books. 130 books can fit in one shelf. How many shelves can be filled?

a. What is asked?

b. What is/are given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. What is the number sentence?

e. What is the correct answer?

f. Show how you check the answer.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Read the problem and let the pupils answer the question below.

Mang Celso can collect 540 eggs in a week in his poultry farm. If he will collect in six weeks and we deliver this to 8 egg dealers, how many eggs will each received?

a. What is asked?

b. What is/are given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. What is the hidden question?

e. What is the number sentence?

f. What is the correct answer?

g. Show how you check the answer.

2. Practice Exercises

Solve the following

Mang Ito gathered 350 mangoes which equally shares among his 13 cousins and 12 neighbors. How many mangoes will each of his friend and relatives received?

a. What is asked?

b. What is/are given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. What is the number sentence?

e. What is the correct answer?

f. Show how you check the answer.

3. Generalization

How do you solve 2-to 3- step word problem.

b. To solve 2-to 3- step word problem, analyze the problem correctly then follow the steps in problem solving.


Solve the following problem

1. Four people share a room in a hotel. The cost of renting a room is 3 576. They paid a down payment of one thousand and share equally the cost of the remaining balance. How much did each of them contribute?

2. Mr. Miranda collected 1 250.00, 1 350.00 and 1 550.00 as rent for their 32 door apartment. If he were do to divide the total amount collected among her 5 children? How much would each child get?


Solve the following problem.

1. Last month, Rico and Jojo worked in Mrs. Agsaway’s farm. They earned P5 150 but spent P750 for their food. If they divided what was left equally between them, how much did each of them get?

2. Noli had 9 850 mangoes. He placed 1 100 small mangoes in a sack could hold 50 pieces each. How many basket did he use?

3. Mr. Cruz bought a new TV set worth P28 575 in an appliance center and availed of its “zero-interest plan” promo. If he paid a down payment of P8 000 and she will pay the balance in 5 months, how much will be the monthly amortization?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Analyze 2 to 3 step word problems involving division and any of the other fundamental operations.

Value: Kindness


Skill: Analyzing 2 to 3 step word problems involving division and any of the other fundamental operations.

Reference: BEC-PELC - I E 5.1.1 – 1.4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: problem solving chart, flashcards


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Drill on dividing 3 to 4 digit numbers b 1 digit number. You may used flashcards or have a relay game to be done by columns.

235 ÷ 5 824 ÷ 4 650 ÷ 2 328 ÷ 8 738 ÷ 6

2. Motivation

Katrina has P20 for her snacks. Anne has P25 and Chritine has P30. if they decided to divide their money equally among themselves, how much will each of them get?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation


1. Call one pupil to read the problem a loud?

2. Have the pupils analyze the given problem. The show and discuss the solutions on the board. Ask:

a. What is asked?

b. What are given?

c. What operation is to be used?

d. What is the hidden question?

e. What is the mathematical sentence for the problem?

f. If you were Katrina, are you willing to give your P20 to a classmate without food for recess? Why?

2. Practice Exercises

Read and solve.

The Farmer’s Association of Nueva Ecija planted rice, corn, mongo, peauts and other crops in their fields. By the end of the year, they harvested about P 3 250 woth of rice, P 7 500 form corn and P 2 300 from the crops. If there are 45 members in the association, how much did each farmer earn?

3. Generalization

What are the steps needed in solving 2 step word problems.

c. To solve 2 step word problems involving division and any of the other operations, follow the steps: read, understand, plan and solve.


Read the problem. Don’t forget to write the necessary label for the given problem.

The Grade 1 class in Sta. Monica Elementary has a population of 245 pupils. Grade 2 has 230, Grade 3 has 340, Grade 4 has 500, Grade 5 has 501 and the Grade 6 classes have 620. what is the average enrolment of the grades.


Analyze the following word problems using the different steps learned in the class. Then solve for the final answer with the necessary label.

1. Last month, John and Jun worked in Mr. Castro’s farm. They earned P4 276 but spent P800 for their food. If they divided what was left equally between them, how much did each get?

2. Mr. Santos used his jeep to transport 1 629 kilograms of bananas. He delivered 649 kilograms to his customers in Divisoria and the rest to his 4 customers in Quiapo. How many bananas did each customer in Quiapo receive?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Visualize multiplication of fractions

Value: Generosity


Skill: Visualizing multiplication of fractions and identifying a given fraction

Reference: BEC-PELC – II E. 1.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: textbooks, strips of cartolina with different shapes, learning activity sheet, crayon.


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Answer the basic multiplication facts using flash cards.

3 x 2 = 4 x 3 = 3 x 6 = 5 x 3 = 2 x 3 = 5 x 6 =

2. Motivation

Acting out a problem (Kinesthetic)

Ask a group of 8 pupils to stand in 2 rows in front of the class. Ask ¾ of the group to sit down then ask 1/3 of the group who sat down to kneel. What part of the whole group would still be kneeling?

What did you do to find out the answer? How do we get ½ of ¾?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. Present the word problem

Mayumi bought 1/3 meter of linen cloth. She used ½ of it to make a handkerchief for her mother. What part of the cloth was used or the handkerchief?

Ask What kind of daughter is Mayumi? Is it good to be generous? Why?

Ask for the multiplication sentence = ½ of 1/3

b. Help them visualize and interpret the multiplication sentence. Make necessary illustration. Give emphasis to the double shaded part.

c. Present the multiplication sentence by computation:

2. Practice Exercises

Read and solve on your paper. Write the multiplication sentence then express your answer in lowest term.

Rorie has ¾ meter of red ribbon. She used ½ of it in decorating a gift package for her mother. What part of a meter of ribbon was used in decorating the gift package for her mother?

What kind of daughter is Rosie Are you like Rorie.

3. Generalization

Ask: How do you visualize multiplication of fractions?

a. Divide the whole by the first denominator having equal parts then shade parts according to its numerator. Divide again the whole by the second denominator with interested lines and then shade using the second numerator. The double shaded part is the product in the multiplication of fraction.


Draw the following fraction.

1) 3/5 of 1/3

2) 3/5 of ¼

3) 2/4 of 1/5

4) 2/3 of 1/5

5) 2/5 of 1/2


Illustrate the following fractions

1) 3/8 of 2/4

2) 2/5 of 2/4

3) 3/6 of ¼

4) 3/7 of ½

5) 5/8 of 2/3

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Read decimal numbers through hundredths.

Value: Hospitality


Skill: Reading decimal numbers through hundredths.

Reference: BEC-PELC- II A 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart, place value chart


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Show illustrations of figures divided into 10 or 100 equal parts. Let children identify the fractional parts of the whole.

2. Motivation

There were 100 boys and girls who welcomed the vice-president of the USA at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Of the 100 pupils, 60 were girls.

Do we have to welcome foreign visitors in the matter? Why?

What character trait of Filipinos did the boys and girls demonstrate?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Analyze the situation given.

a. How many pupils welcomed the vie-president of the USA?

b. How many were girls

c. What is the number of girls in fraction form? In decimal form?

d. How many were boys?

e. What is the number of boys in fraction form? In decimal form?

2. Practice Exercises

1. Read the following

0.15 0.16 0.56 0.25 0.05 0.18 0.35 0.02 0.59

2. Write the following as decimals

ten hundredths three hundredths

twenty-five hundredths six hundredths

3. Generalization

What should you remember in reading and writing decimals.

1. Read the number after the decimal point as a whole number and then name the place value position of the last decimal.

2. There are two decimal places after the decimal point in hundredths.


Write the following decimals

Seven hundredths

Eighty-two hundredths

Sixty-five hundredths.

Two tenths

Read the following decimals orally.

0.3 0.8 0.28 0.09 0.15 0.04


Read orally

0.33 0.15 0.75 0.13 0.05 0.46

Write as decimals

Three tenths

Five hundredths

Four tenths

Twenty – six hundreds

Thirty –five hundredths.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Rename in decimal form fractions whose denominations are powers of 10.

Value: Cooperation


Skill: Renaming in decimal form fractions whose denominations are powers of 10. writing fractions as decimals.

Reference: BEC-PELC I – II A 1.4

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: illustrations, counters, cartolina strips, activity sheets


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Let the pupils read the following decimals using flashcards.

0.43 0.9 2.5 4.46 0.7 0.25 3.65 9.2

2. Motivation

Distribute strips of cartolina to the pupils with the following information.

Four tenths 0.36

Two and five tenths 12.3

Twelve and three tenths 0.4

Two and five hundredths 2.05

Thirty – six hundredths 2.5

The first pair of pupils with the correct decimals in figures and words will come to the front and get the stick with the word “first”. The other pairs will do the same.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Let the pupils get 10 counters. Ask them to set aside 4 counters. What fractional part of our whole set is your 4 counters?

Write the answer on the board.

( 4/10, 3/10, 6/10, 9/10 )

Repeat the process with other numbers. ( 3, 6, 9 )

2. Practice Exercises

Write each number as a decimal.

1. Barbara rode her bicycle 8/10 of a kilomider to school.

2. The winner of the race was 24/100 of a second faster than the person who finished next.

3. Generalization

How do we rename fractions whose denominators are powers of 10 as decimals?

b. A tenths decimal has 1 place value. It represents a fraction with a denominator of 10. the decimal point is read as “and”.

c. A hundredths decimal has 2 decimal places. It represents a fraction with a denominator of 100.

d. A thousandths decimal has 3 decimal places. It represents a fraction with a denominator of 1000.


Write a decimal for each fraction

1. 8/10

2. 24/100

3. 9/100

4. 16/100

5. 5/10


Write the decimal for each number.

1. The meter taxi traveled 1 4/10 kilometers from St. Mark’s Square to the glass factory.

2. Venice is famous for its glass blowers. One glass blowers made a pitcher in the shape of a swan. The pitcher holds 1 75/100 liters of water.

3. The tour of Rizal Park takes 3 25/100 hours.

4. Joan walked 4 3/10 blocks to see San Agustin Church.

5. The length of my room is 2 3/100 meters.

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Name the place value of each digit of a given decimal number

Value: Sportsmanship and cooperation


Skill: Naming the place value of each digit of a given decimal number and telling how many tenths, hundredths, etc. in a given decimal.

Reference: BEC-PELC – II A 1.5

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: place value chart (on manila paper or cartolina), money, flashcards, show-me-cards


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Show decimal written on flashcards

Show decimal in words.

Pupils will write them tin standard form using the show-me-cards.

2. Motivation

Present this problem opener

Marc has only 10 centavo coins in his pocket. The coins total P 3.20. How many centavo coins does Marc have?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

1. Using play or real money, have pupils discover how many 10 centavo coins are there in P1.00, P5.00 and P0.50

2. From these, they will discover a pattern and will be able to find out if their answer in the problem opener is correct.

3. Use this strategy as a spring board to the lesson for the day.

4. Present the place value chart for decimals.

5. At this point, explain to the pupils the place value of decimal numbers.

2. Practice Exercises

Estella earned P92.75 from the sale of her banana fritters. She gave his amount to her mother for their daily expenses.

a. What is the value of 9?

b. What is the value of 2?

c. What is the value of 7?

d. What is the value of 5?

3. Generalization

Just like whole numbers, decimal numbers have place values. The value of each digit of a decimal number depends on its place position.

The decimal point is the boundary between numbers greater than 1 and numbers less than 1.


Identify the place value of the underlined digit in each given numeral.

21.614 428.095 113.015

37.59 78.0069


Give the place value of each underlined digit.

1. 215.05

2. 9.13

3. 14.165

4. 5.0052

5. 18.709

Identify the digit of the number 168.324 according to the place value indicated below.

1. tenths

2. thousandths

3. hundreds

4. hundredths

5. thousands

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Express money as pesos and centavos

Value: Thrift and economy


Skill: Expressing money as pesos and centavos

Reference: BEC-PELC – I A2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: play money, flashcards, charts


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Using flashcards, give the value of the following:

2. Motivation

Have you gone shopping? What did you buy? Did you buy everything that you like? Why? If you buy only what you need, what does that show? Is it important to be thrifty? Why? Therefore, what should you practice?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation


a. Put up a mini fruit stand in a pocket chart or on your table. Each fruit should have a tag price.

a. The pupils will buy from the fruit stand.

Example: Jose wanted to buy a bunch of bananas.

c. The seller would say the cost of the fruits bought.

Example: Bananas would cost P35.00 per kilo.

d. Using the play money, ask the pupil to give 1 P20, 1 P10 and 1 P5.

d. Write the amount of money as P35.00.

▪ What symbol was used?

▪ How is it written?

2. Practice Exercises

Match the amount in words with that of the amount in figures.

_____ 1. Thirty-six pesos a. P9.15

_____ 2. Two hundred pesos b. P 1 020.00

_____ 3. Forty-five pesos c. P36.00

_____ 4. Nine pesos and fifteen centavos d. P200.00

_____ 5. One thousand twenty pesos e. P0.45

f. P3.60

3. Generalization

How do we write money?

a. Remember, the peso sign (P) is used in writing pesos and centavos. The decimal point, which is read as “and”, separates the pesos from the centavos.


Write each number amount of money in decimals with the peso sign.

1. 3 pesos and 20 centavos

2. 9 centavos

3. 89 centavos

4. fifteen pesos and five centavos

5. nine hundred pesos and seventy-five centavos


Write each in decimal with the peso sign.

1. 720 centavos

2. 1 334 centavos

3. 17 000 centavos

4. 202 999 centavos

5. 5 871 000 centavos

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Round decimals to the nearest tenths/hundredths/thousandths.

Value: Preciseness and speed


Skill: Rounding decimals to the nearest tenths/hundredths/thousandths.

Reference: BEC-PELC – II A3

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Round off the whole number to the indicated place value.

6 754 (hundredths)

58 495 (thousands)

37 638 (tens)

38 754 (ten thousands)

76 850 000 (millions)

2. Motivation

Guessing Game

The teacher will dictate a number. The pupils will guess the number being referred to like: this number is close to 50. It is between 45 and 47. What is the number? Pupils will mention the number.

Another example : This number is 3 more than 40. What is the number?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Use a problem opener using a number line.

During the Palara ng Bayan, Aris rant he 100-meter dash in 11.843 seconds. Mike run the same event in 11.861 seconds. Who is faster between the two runners?

a. What time was utilized by Aris to cover the 100-meter dash? (11.843 seconds)

b. Locate this in number line.

c. Let us round the number 11.842 to the nearest tenths.

d. Who run faster? Who won the race?

e. Why do we have to speed up in doing our lessons.

2. Practice Exercises

Round then following to the nearest place indicated

| |Tenths |Hundredths |Thousandths |

|8.7256 | | | |

|12.6321 | | | |

|87.0568 | | | |

|22.0054 | | | |

|35.1069 | | | |

3. Generalization

How do we round decimals to the nearest tenths? Nearest hundredths? Nearest thousandths?


Round the following as indicated

1. 0.6542 (nearest tenths)

2. 0.9568 (nearest thousandths)

3. 10.2346 (nearest hundredths)

4. 73.6834 (nearest thousands)

5. 25.1934 (nearest tenths)


Round to the underlined digit.

a. 0.653

b. 0.467

c. 6.8321

d. 62.4623

e. 2.1832

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Add decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping

Value: Thoughtfulness


Skill: Adding decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping

Reference: BEC-PELC – II B 1, 1.1

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, charts


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Put the sum on the third outer box.


2. Motivation

What do you give your mother on her birthday? When you give her a gift, what does it show? It is important to be thoughtful? Why?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Elaine used 0.5 meter of red ribbon and 0.8 meter of white ribbon on the gift that she will give her mother. How many meters of ribbon did she use?

a. How many meter of red ribbon was used? (0.5)

How many meter of white ribbon was used? (0.8)

b. Let us illustrate using a number line

c. Using the shortcut method


+ 0.8


2. Practice Exercises

Arrange in column then add.

1. 0.12 + 0.15 = 4. 0.68 + 0.36 =

2. 0.25 + 0.38 = 5. 0.75 + 0.49 =

3. 0.34 + 0.99 =

3. Generalization

How do we add decimals?

Remember: Adding decimals is like adding whole numbers.

Remember to place all the decimal points in one column.


Answer the following

1. What is the sum of 0.72 and 0.49?

2. Increase 0.57 by 0.38.

3. Add 0.46 to 0.78 then add 0.16

4. Find n 0.47 + 0.36 + 0.12 = n

5. Add 0.69 to the sum of 0.37 and 0.79


Find the sum of each

1. 0.85 2. 0.62 3. 0.23 4. 0.96 5. 0.15

+ 0.66 + 0.78 + 0.57 +0.02 + 0.98

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: ___________


Subtract decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping.

Value: Thoughtfulness and creativity


Skill: Subtracting decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping.

Reference: BEC-PELC – II B 1.2

Enfolding Mathematics IV

Materials: flashcards, chart, counters


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Light up each bulb mentally every time you get an extract difference by subtracting the outer number from the middle number.

2. Motivation

How many of you are boys scouts or girl scouts?

What activities do you have in scouting?

Have you ever done some hiking?

Did you enjoy the activity?

What is the importance of doing this kind of activity?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. Read this problem:

Some boy scouts hiked a distance of 0.75 kilometer in the morning and 0.43 kilometer in the afternoon. How much farther did they hike in the morning than in the afternoon?

b. Analyze the problem and answer the question bellow.

1. How far did the boy scouts hike in the morning (0.75km)

2. How far did the boy scouts hike in the afternoon (0.43 km)

3. How much farther did they hike in the morning than in the afternoon?

4. Illustrate the problem.

2. Practice Exercises

Write the decimals in column then subtract.

1. 0.65 – 0.40 =

2. 0.12 – 0.05 =

3. 0.79 – 0.32 =

4. 0.22 – 0.16 =

5. 0.67 – 0.43 =

3. Generalization

How do we subtract decimals

When subtracting decimals, follow these steps:

a) Write them in column form with the decimal point and the digits properly aligned.

b) Regroup, if needed

c) Place the decimal point aligned directly below it in the answer.


Write the decimals in column then subtract.

1. 0.98 – 0.37 =

2. 0.57 – 0.32 =

3. 0.75 – 0.28 =

4. 0.65 – 0.39 =

5. 0.87 – 0.48 =


Answer the following

a. Subtract 0.38 from 0.51

b. Find the difference between 0.63 and 0.92

c. Take away 0.52 than 0.91?

d. What is 0.54 less than 0.91?

e. What is the value of n in 0.81 – 0.56 = n?

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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