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Medical Student LabNAME: Med Student: /20 Patient: /15 You will be playing the part of a medical intern, where patients will be presenting with symptoms that you need to diagnose. In groups of 4, number off 1, 2, 3, 4. One person will be assigned to be a patient, and given a scenario. The other three will be medical interns. One person will be the 'lead' person, so if there is a disagreement about the diagnosis, this person will be the deciding vote. Make sure to listen carefully to the patient, and remember to ask questions that cover eating and sleeping patterns, background stress in their life, age and chronic conditions of the patient. Make sure that you write down all the things the patient said. Get to know as much as you can about your patient. Make sure to take the blood pressure and heart rate. Write these down. Once you've diagnosed the problem, prescribe a treatment for the problem. Write this down. Your instructor (acting as the Attending physician) will come around and listen to your case. You will present it to her/him for approval. Once this is done, change roles and get another scenario and begin again. Each student will be expected to be a patient and a doctor, and be assessed for each. CASE # _____________________Patient Name: Date / / _____________________________________________________________________________________Sex: M F Age: Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________Existing Conditions:_____________________________________________________________________________________HR / bpm BP mm Hg 43053004445Physical Exam: Symptoms:Diagnosis:Treatment:Signature of Attending Physician:____________________________________________PatientConditionSymptomsJacob McKnightUlcersLots of pain in left side of abdomen, often can't lay down to sleep (too much pain), especially after eating44 married father of 3Dramatization:Play person nervous but angry and (possibly) yellingTreatment:Background: Businessman, high stress job, working lot of overtime, overindulging in alcohol, smoking, eating (one or more)PatientConditionSymptomsMargaret RhodesColon CancerPain in abdomen, on left side, lower back, bending over is painful, problems eating, blood clotting problems, painful gas and passing stool. 78 Widow Grandmother of 5 Background: Farmer, cattle and corn, owned farm for 50 years, Dramatization: Farmer's wife, matter of fact, sensitive to touchTreatment:PatientConditionSymptomsStephen ChongHigh Cholesterol/Heart ProblemsTrouble with low exercise (going up stairs, coughing, pressure in chest, warm pain, can feel heart racing in chest35 Unemployed Laid off Background: On welfare, eating a lot of fast food, drinkingDramatization: Wheezing, tired, sleepy, swearing and upsetTreatmentsPatientConditionSymptomsRaymond ChavezVitamin C deficiencyBlood vessels burst on body, blood on gums, 9 Gamer Kid Background: Only eats chicken mcnuggets and hotdogs, no vegetables or fruit, drinks Kool AidDramatization: Pushy kid won't put down phone, body hurts when touched ................

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