Newton Lagoons History

1679486488950039976794907300206890020000Slavery existed in the southern states of the USA from 1615. President Abraham Lincoln made a famous speech called the “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863 and announced that slavery should stop and all slaves would be free. Most of the plantations were in the southern states and many people had become rich because of slavery so the southern USA decided to fight the north in a civil war. They didn’t want slavery to end. 620,000 people died in the fighting. The American Civil War ended in 1865 and the Northern Army won. So the south had to accept the end of slavery, even though they didn’t like it!352996556515007227925697200African Americans (ex-slaves) made up about 30% of the population and in some areas they were 50% of the population. This made many white Americans scared that they would take over and maybe get revenge for the many horrific years of slavery.Many white Americans in the southern states had brothers, fathers and grandfathers who had died defending slavery. They felt very angry that African Americans were now free. They did not want to share their restaurants, cinemas, buses, hospitals or schools with the ex-slaves.101018259690020000313673831100458235238400-318992000In many states in the south, ‘Jim Crow Laws’ were introduced. Jim Crow was a character from a song that made fun of African Americans.These laws were supposed to keep southern USA ‘separate but equal’. White and black Americans used different hospitals, went to different schools, and watched movies in different theatres. They used the same buses but African Americans had to sit at the back of the bus and give their seat up to any white American who wanted it. A pregnant black woman would have to stand up if a young white man wanted her seat.-17018026035000359327333464500In theory, Jim Crow Laws (in the yellow states on the map) were supposed to keep white and black Americans ‘separate but equal’ but, in reality, African American schools were poorer than white schools. African American hospitals were much worse than white hospitals. Many restaurants refused to serve black customers. Difficult literacy tests were introduced to stop black Americans from voting.Jim Crow Laws were designed to make sure that Black America could never challenge White America. Although Jim Crow laws didn’t exist in the north, racism was still a big problem.Introduction to Jim Crow Laws Questions:When did Slavery start in the USA?Who said slaves should be free?Why didn’t many people in the south of the USA want slavery to stop?How many people died in the American Civil War?When did the civil war finish?Who won?How many Black / African Americans lived in the south? (%)Why were White Americans scared?Who was Jim Crow?What were Jim Crow Laws supposed to do?Give three examples of how JCLs affected life.How did schools and hospitals for African Americans compare to White American schools and hospitals?How were African Americans stopped from voting?In reality, what were JCLs designed to do?What were race relations like in the northern states of the USA?Introduction to Jim Crow Laws Questions:When did Slavery start in the USA?Who said slaves should be free?Why didn’t many people in the south of the USA want slavery to stop?How many people died in the American Civil War?When did the civil war finish?Who won?How many Black / African Americans lived in the south? (%)Why were White Americans scared?Who was Jim Crow?What were Jim Crow Laws supposed to do?Give three examples of how JCLs affected life.How did schools and hospitals for African Americans compare to White American schools and hospitals?How were African Americans stopped from voting?In reality, what were JCLs designed to do?What were race relations like in the northern states of the USA? ................

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