Cambridge University Press

Supplementary MaterialTitle: Drones as a threat to wildlife: YouTube complement science in providing evidence about their effect Table S1. Animals from different localities that interacted with drones as showed in YouTube videos. TargetBehavioral responseLocationInteraction typeSourceBirdsAmerican black vultureAttack (fly aggressively towards the drone)San Antonio, Texas, USA?incidental cliff swallowAttack (fly aggressively towards the drone)provoked puffin and Black-legged KittiwakePuffin: fly into the water, Black-legged Kittiwake: fly offLatrabjarg, Icelandprovoked MagpieAttack (take down the drone)incidental kiteChase, fly circling around and attack (hit the drone)Western Australia’s Kimberley regionincidental MarshbirdChase and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Salinas Victoria Nuevo Leon, Mexicoincidental buzzardAttack (take down the drone)incidental swiftAttack (chase and take down the drone)Italyincidental call, chase and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Byron Bay, Australiaincidental (fly aggressively towards the drone)Australiaincidental and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental Fly off and evasive behaviourTbilisi, Georgiaprovoked with droneSpisska Nova Ves, Slovakiaincidental collisionFlorida, USAincidental away from droneCanadaprovoked (hit the drone)Australiaincidental (take down and capture the drone)incidental approachSalzkammergut, Austriaincidental gooseAttack (hit the drone)Port Sheston, South Africaincidental with droneprovoked eagleAttack (take down the drone)incidental and then fly off and evasive behaviourprovoked, Portugalincidental and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)PCH, Newport Beach, USAincidental off and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Swedenprovoked Chase and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental's GullEscape, fly offSouth Africaprovoked, fly offHutan Mangrove Nguling, Java , Indonesiaprovoked offJapanprovoked off of the lagoonJapanprovoked and storkFly offMozambiqueprovoked (take down the drone)Melbourne, Australiaincidental and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Israelincidental (hit the drone)provoked kiteChase and attack (hit the drone)incidental Chase and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental (adult) and their chick in the nestAdult: fly off the nest and alarm behavior (watch the drone); chick: watch and stay in the nestFlorida, USAprovoked (adult) and their chick in the nestAdult: fly off the nest and atttack (fly aggressively towards the drone); chick: stay in the nestLong island, USAprovoked chickWatch (risk of falling from the nest)Alberta, Canadaprovoked flight to the droneMill Beach, Heybridge, Essex, UKincidental (hit the drone)incidental (take down the drone)incidental and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental circling around and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Saksun, Faroe island, Denmarkincidental and Turnstone Oystercatcher: attack (hit the drone); Turnstone: fly circling aroundIcelandprovoked circling aroundprovoked falconAlarm call and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)USAincidental *Fly off and refugeprovoked kiteAttack (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental kiteCurious approachincidental Hawk Attack (take down the drone)Massachusetts, USAincidental stork *fly offTanzania. Africaprovoked GooseCollision with droneincidental and attack (fly circling around)Jakarta, Indonesiaprovoked in a sanctuaryNo responseUSAprovoked vultureAttack (fly aggressively towards the drone)provoked EagleAttack (take down the drone)Melbourne, Australiaincidental Sea-eagleAttack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Singaporeincidental Sea-eagle Fly circling around and attack (fly aggressively towards the drone)Australiaincidental turkeysTakes refuge in the woodsprovoked (fly aggressively towards the drone)Irvine Ca, turtle rock, California. USAincidental (fly aggressively towards the drone)incidental (hit the drone)incidental (hit the drone)Vitoria, Brazilincidental (take down the drone)incidental mammalsArtic wildlifeNo responseArcticprovoked whaleNo responseSan Diego, California, USAincidental whaleNo responseAustraliaincidental whale No responseSan Diego, California, USAincidental whale and Bottlenose dolphinNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental responseUSAincidental responseRhode island, USAincidental responseincidental responseUSAincidental No responseFlorida, USAincidental, Humpback whale, tortoiseNo responseAustraliaincidental whaleNo responseChileincidental whale?No responseCalifornia, USAincidental and Humpback whaleGray whale: dive into the water; humpback whale: no responseUSAprovoked whaleDive into the water San Diego, California, USAincidental whaleDive into the water California, USAincidental whaleDive into the water Oregon, USAprovoked whaleDives into the waterUSAprovoked whaleDives into the waterUSAprovoked whaleNo responseCalifornia, USAprovoked whaleNo responseUSAprovoked whaleNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental whaleNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental whaleNo responseOregon, USAincidental whaleNo responsePacific oceanincidental whale and Common dolphinsNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental whale and dolphinsNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental whale and Pacific white-sided dolphin No responseUSAincidental sealHead up and watch dronePuget Sound, USAprovoked whaleNo responseMozambique, Africaincidental whaleNo responseMonterey bay, California, USAincidental whaleNo responseSouth Africaprovoked whaleNo responseUSAincidental whaleStart to move when drone approachincidental whale?Dive into the water Hawaii,USAincidental whale?Dive into the water Mauritus, Africaincidental whale?No responseNewfoundland, Canada?incidental whale?No responseCanadaprovoked whale?No responseBermudaprovoked whale?No responseMaui, Hawaii, USAincidental whale?No responseUSAincidental whale?No responseUSAprovoked whale?No responseAustraliaincidental whale?No responseincidental whale?No responseSouth Africaprovoked whale?No responseNajarit, Mexicoprovoked whale?Start to move when drone approachRussiaincidental Humpbacked DolphinNo responseAustraliaprovoked whaleNo responseSan Diego, California. USAprovoked whaleNo responseKamchatka, Russiaincidental whaleNo responseBritish Columbia, Canadaprovoked whaleNo responseArgentinaincidental whaleNo responseUSAincidental's dolphin No responseCalifornia, USAincidental lionHead up and watchprovoked lionNo responseCalifornia, USAincidental lionRefuge into the waterPeruprovoked right whaleNo responseAustraliaincidental right whaleNo responseSouth Africaincidental right whaleNo responseSudáfricaincidental right whaleNo responseSouth Africaincidental right whaleNo responseAustraliaincidental Right WhaleNo responseSouth Africaprovoked Right WhaleNo responseSouth Africaprovoked Right WhaleNo responseSouth Africaprovoked mammalsAfrican elephantStart to moveprovoked elephantWatch, chase and alarm postureAfricaprovoked wild dogNo responseAfricaincidental wild dogNo responseTanzaniaprovoked black bearApproach and curious behavior (touch the drone)Canadaprovoked black bearWatch and fleeUSAprovoked *Run away from droneprovoked bearChase and attack (try to capture the drone)Kamchatka, Russia?provoked away from droneincidental in a zooAttack (take down the drone)South Africaprovoked (take down drone)Netherlandsincidental and alert behaviorprovoked and avoid droneprovoked away from droneCanadaprovoked away from droneprovoked and runincidental FleeUSAprovoked and avoid contactFraser Island, Australiaprovoked, gazelle and zebraFleeKenia, Africaprovoked: Take down the droneAustraliaprovoked and curious approachSouth Africaprovoked while restTampa, USAincidental away from droneincidental away from droneCanadaprovoked and WolfMoose: watch; wolf: watch and stop chase the mooseOntario, Canadaincidental deerAlert behavior (stop feed and watch) and fleeUSAincidental deer Stop move and watchprovoked tigerChase and attack (try to capture the drone)Canadaprovoked tiger in a zooChase and attack (take down the drone)Chinaprovoked tigers in an enclosureChase and attack (take down the drone)Chinaprovoked (watch and stop feeding) and fleeSouth Africaincidental animalsBuffalo, wildebeest and rhino: Run away from drone; lion: watch, hypho: start to move and dive into the waterAfricaprovoked animalsCape buffalo and Lion: watch the drone, elephant: stop move and watch; Hippo: alert and attack posture; Africaprovoked animalsNo responseAfricaincidental animals in a reserve *Elephant: watch; Giraffe: flee; Lion: watch while rest; Deers and Hippo: watch the droneTanzania. Africaprovoked animals in a zooTiger, Giraffe: watch and chase; Rhino: watch; Red panda: watch and alert behaviour; Wildebeest: flee; Snow leopard: flee and refuge in a tree; Black bear: flee and refuge into the water; Lion: watch and agressive behaviour (roar); Lemurs: flee and refuge in treeFranceprovoked chamoisWatch and alert behaviorItalyprovoked away from droneCanadaprovoked feed and watch the droneKenyaprovoked crocodile?No responseRio Tarcoles, Costa Ricaprovoked Attack (try to capture the drone)incidental Chase and attack (try to capture the drone)provoked No responseUSAincidental Escape, alarm behavior (coil and warning rattle) and attack (hit the drone)Montana, USAprovoked dive when drone approachprovoked tunaNo responseprovoked responseTexas. USAincidental responsePeterborough, Englandincidental responseEnglandincidental movementAustraliaprovoked SalmonIncreased movementUSAprovoked rayHasty change of movement directionincidental**Fly, attack camera while the honeycomb is brokenprovoked insectAttack ?incidental* Videos showing more than one taxa.** Wasp attack response results from the drone attack on the wasp nest. Table S2: Binomial GLM predicting the probability that wildlife have a behavioral response depending of the type of habitat predominantly used (n=186)Estimate (±SE)z valueP value(Intercept)-1.335 (±0.2902)-4.64.22E-06***Aerial habitat3.5 (±0.4934)7.0941.31E-12***Terrestrial habitat3.0527 (±0.5027)6.0721.26E-09***Significance codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘’ 1Table S3: Binomial GLM predicting the probability that wildlife have a behavioral response depending of the type of habitat predominantly used using only the videos with incidental interactions (n=101)?Estimate (±SE) z valuePr value?(Intercept)-1.743 (± 0.4097)-4.2542.10E-05***Aerial habitat3.9943 (± 0.6664)5.9942.05E-09***Terrestrial habitat2.8416 (± 0.7825)3.6312.82E-04***Significance codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘’ 1 ................

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