Spirituality and Hope - Book and Article List

Books and Resources on Bereavement

Shaping Bereavement Care: A Framework for Action for Bereavement Care in NHS Scotland, February 2011

knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/bereavement. Grief and Bereavement hub on the Knowledge Network

.uk CRUSE Bereavement Care – includes access to on-line resources and book shop

.uk CRUSE Scotland – information on accessing bereavement counselling and support from CRUSE in Scotland

.uk Child bereavement charity, for education and support both when a child dies and when a child is bereaved


Royal College of Psychiatrists web-pages on bereavement

uk- Support network for those who have lost a baby

Yorkhill Family Bereavement Service: A Support and Counselling Service for parents and carers affected by the death of a child and support for bereaved children. Tel: 0141 201 9257

Cooperative Funeral Care Ways We Say Goodbye

(Results of research into funeral customs and trends in the 21st century)

Anne Gordon Death is for the Living (Paul Harris 1984)

(A fascinating study of customs and traditions surrounding death and funerals in post-reformation Scotland)

Nancy Kohner & A. Henley When A Baby Dies (Pandora 1991)

(The experiences of late miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death)

E. Kubler-Ross On Death and Dying (Tavistock 1970)

(A classic text including the famous ‘stages of grief.’ Essential reading in this field)

Harold Kushner When Bad Things Happen To Good People (Pan 1981)

(Written by a Jewish Rabbi, in the pop-psychology vein; a very thought-provoking approach to theodicy.)

C. S. Lewis A Grief Observed

(Now a classic of its type: Lewis records his thoughts and emotions following his wife’s death)

Colin Murray Parkes Bereavement (Penguin 1975)

J. William Worden Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy (2010, 4th edition)



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