
Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: _________

A New World Emerges

Walk It Out!!

Tell me about a time in your life when you or someone you knew was jealous of what someone else had or you or someone you knew hurt some else to be liked by others ?



1. What did the Spanish hope to gain through exploration?

_______________________ _______________________


Now that England had all this new land they need people to come to the new world and begin setting up colonies. The new theory of Mercantilism evolved.

Q. What was the idea of mercantilism?

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What three ways did the colonies promote the idea of mercantilism?

• 1. ______________________________________________________

• 2. ______________________________________________________

• 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did England get people to want to come to the New World?

England began using propaganda promising their people great and wonderful things if they would leave England and journey to the new world. England convinced the people that with colonization: England and its people stood to gain glory, profit, and adventure.

❖ The younger sons of English nobility, lacking property at home, would____________________________


❖ Merchants would have ____________________________________ to bring home and new markets in which to sell their goods.

❖ The clergy could _______________________"savages" ___________________________.

❖ The __________________________, who burdened English towns and cities in increasing numbers, would have opportunity to rise up from their _____________________________________________.

6. What crops were being grown to help England get rich? ______________________________________________


Textbook Review

Directions: Review pages 108-113 and complete the following questions

1. What was De Soto searching for in Georgia? ________________________________________________________

2. What part of Georgia was the first to be settled and what was built to secure the Spanish control of Georgia? _______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did Spain’s wealth and power affect other countries? ___________________________________________


4. What did English sea captains do to Spanish Ships and missions?_____________________________________


5. What name did the Spanish call themselves? _______________________________________________________

6. What lead to the defeat of the Armada? ____________________________________________________________

Vocabulary Terms: Match the terms with the correct definition


There were several reasons why colonialists wanted to settle Georgia:

1) Mercantilism

□ the idea that trade and colonies exist only to make the parent country more rich and powerful

□ a government should regulate production and trade to become self-sufficient (to exist without help from another country)

□ countries should export more than they import

2) Supplied Cheap Raw Materials

□ parent country didn’t have to get these from another country

3) Supplied Cheap Labor

□ indentured servants, slaves

4) Provided a market for trade


1. You have been hired by a company to convince families to move to Georgia. The more families that move to America and open businesses the more money you will receive as a bonus.

2. Using the above information, create a poster that someone would see in a shop window in England.

3. Your poster needs to convince merchants to come to America and open businesses. Use the rubric as a guide for how your poster will be graded. Remember you will want to be as persuasive as you can so that families will want to move to America and you can make money.

|Rubric |1 |2 |3 |Total |

| |All four reasons for wanting to |All four reasons for wanting to |All four reasons for wanting to | |

|Reason for |colonize were not stated as a written |colonize were stated as a written |colonize were clearly stated as both a| |

|Wanting to |section of the poster and the main idea|section of the poster and the main |written section of the poster and the | |

|Colonize |was not clear and concise. |idea was clear and concise. |main idea was clear and concise. | |

| |Poster did not have a central idea with|Poster had a central idea but was |Poster had a central idea with | |

| |examples, illustrations, facts, and |lacking examples, illustrations, |examples, illustrations, facts, and | |

| |details. |facts, and details explaining the |details explaining the reason for | |

|Details | |reason for wanting to colonize. |wanting to colonize. | |

| |Poster did not have a clear title which|Poster had a title but title did not|Poster has a clear title which gives | |

|Title |gives specific information about the |give specific information about the |specific information about the main | |

| |main idea of the poster |main idea of the poster |idea of the poster | |

| |The poster is not attractive in terms |The poster is attractive in terms of|The poster is exceptionally attractive| |

|Attractive |of design, layout, and neatness. |design, layout, and neatness. |in terms of design, layout, and | |

| | | |neatness. | |


Essential Questions

1. To what extent did European contact effect native groups in Georgia?

2. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America.

3. What was the purpose of building Spanish Missions in Georgia?

4. What was the cause and effect relationship of French, Spanish, and British settlements in Georgia?

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

a. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.

b. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.

Spanish Missions pg. 21 (CB)

1. Where did the Spanish choose to build their missions? ___________________________


2. Where was Santa Catalina built?


3. What was the main purpose of the Spanish Missions? ___________________________


4. What caused tension between the natives and Spaniards? ______________________




5. How did the natives respond to the Spanish Missions? __________________________



6. Why did the native population decrease due to Spanish Missions? __________________





The _____________ and ___________ ________________winds helped ______________



The _________________ and the ____________________ current helped ________


Effect of Colonization…

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Because of this, which three countries are known for attempting to colonize Georgia?

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

A. Winds that moved clockwise and counter clockwise in the Atlantic ocean that sailed ships and explores to the new world.

B. An all-water route to Asia through the North American Continent.

C. traders who buy goods from producers and sell them to other traders and consumers

D. A citizen army that defends a town or area

E. People from other countries that agree to work for someone for a set period of time in return for passage to the New World.

F. A person forced to work

G. England’s trade policy—export more than you import

H. Kings and queens

1. _________ middlemen

2. _________ monarchs

3. _________ Northwest Passage

4. _________ mercantilism

5. _________ indentured servant

6. _________ slave

7. _________ Trade Winds


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