
Who created all living things?



What did God make the

first day?


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|How many days did it take | |

|God to create the |What did God do on the seventh day? |

|whole world? | |

| |(Rested) |

|(Six) | |

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|Who were the first man and woman? |Where did Adam and Eve live? |

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|(Adam and Eve) | |

| |(In the Garden of Eden.) |

| | |

|What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do? | |

| |Who told Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? |

|(Not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.) | |

| |(The snake.) |

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|Who built the ark? |How long did it rain when |

| |they were in the ark? |

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|(Noah) |(For 40 days and nights.) |

| | |

|What was the sign that God did that promised that He would never flood the|Why did Joseph’s brother |

|whole Earth again? |hate him? |

| | |

|(A rainbow.) |(They were jealous of him.) |

| | |

|What did Joseph’s father |What did the brothers do |

|give him? |to Joseph? |

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|(He gave Joseph a |(They sold him as a slave to some merchants.) |

|wonderful coat.) | |

| | |

|The Hebrews in Egypt were forced to work as what for the Egyptians? |The King of Egypt ordered his soldiers to do what to all the Hebrew baby |

| |boys as soon as they were born? |

|(Slaves) | |

| |(Kill them.) |

| | |

| |What did Moses do to an Egyptian who was whipping a Hebrew slave? |

|Who found Moses’ basket floating down the river? | |

| |(Moses killed the Egyptian.) |

|(The Egyptian Princess.) | |

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|Where did Moses go after killing the Egyptian? |What did God tell Moses to ask the king? |

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|(He went and lived in the desert.) |(To let the Hebrews leave Egypt.) |

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|What terrible things happened because the King would not let the Hebrews |What did Moses do to the Red Sea so the Hebrews could escape from the |

|leave? |Egyptians? |

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|(Ten terrible plagues.) |(He parted the Red Sea.) |

| | |

|Who led the Israelites |What did God give the Israelites to eat in the desert? |

|from Egypt? | |

| |(Bread called manna and quail.) |

|(Moses) | |

| | |

|How did Moses get water for the Israelites while they were out in the |At Mount Sinai what did God give Moses that the people must always keep? |

|desert? | |

| |(The Ten Commandments.) |

|(He hit a rock with a stick and water gushed out.) | |

| | |

|The Israelites soon forgot the laws and didn't keep to them. How did God |What did Samson’s parents do to him to show that he belonged to God? |

|punish them? | |

| |(They never cut his hair.) |

|(By making them stay in the desert for 40 years.) | |

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| |What did the Philistines do to Samson after they captured him? |

|What did Delilah do to Samson to loose his strength? | |

| |(They blinded him.) |

|(Cut his hair.) | |

| | |

|Samson’s hair slowly grew back and what did he ask |How did Samson rescue the Israelites from their hated rulers, the |

|God to do? |Philistines? |

| |(Samson pushed the two pillars over and the whole temple crashed down. |

|(Give him back his strength.) |Samson, all the Philistine rulers and thousands of people were killed.) |

| |How did David kill Goliath? |

| |(He put one of the little stones in his sling, swung the sling around his |

|Who was not scared to |head, faster and faster, and let it go. The stone hit Goliath right in |

|fight Goliath? |the middle of his forehead and killed him.) |

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|(David) | |

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| |What happened to Daniel for breaking the law? |

|Who would Daniel only pray to which was against the law? | |

| |(The King ordered Daniel to be put into the lion pit.) |

|(God) | |

| | |

|Why didn’t the lions eat Daniel? | |

| |Who was swallowed by |

|(God kept the lions’ mouth shut.) |a whale? |

| | |

| |(Jonah) |

|When the whale spat him out, Jonah went to Nineveh. He told the people | |

|that they must tell God that they were sorry for being bad and from now on|Did the people of Nineveh listen to Jonah and do what God said to do? |

|do the right things. What would happen if they didn’t do what God said? | |

|(God would destroy their city in 40 days.) |(Yes) |


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