If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it

German-American Social Club of Peekskill NY, Inc.

PO Box 395 11 Kramers Pond Road

Putnam Valley, NY 10579

July 2007 Newsletter Club House Tel.#: 845-528-5800 Club Web Site:

Coming Soon: -

Dart Tournament

Details in Newsletter

German-American Events:

September 8th & 9th, 2007 Oktoberfest at the

Peekskill German-American Social Club

1. June 30th – July 8th, Kutztown Festival – Kutztown, PA

2. July 8, German-American Summer Fest

Details in this newsletter

3. Aug. 11th & 12th – Hunter Mt. German Alps Festival. Hunter Mtn., NY.

4. September 1st & 2nd - Arion Singing Society, New Milford, CT., Annual Oktoberfest

5. September 15th – Annual Steuben Day Parade

6. September 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30.

October 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28

Oktoberfest Schedule for Bear Mtn. NY

7. October 20th & 21st – Annual Oktoberfest at the Taj Mahal Casino, Atlantic City, NJ.

Club Bus Trip on October 20th.

Marilyn A Buck – Chairperson


RENTAL OF THE CLUB FACILITY: Our club building and property are available for any number of reasons. Rentals of the club are handled by Kathy Scherer. Kathy can be reached at (914) 603-3373

Food Basket Program

Started in 2006, our Food Basket Program has become a successful charitable program of this club.Our members have been very generous in bringing food donations for this program. We are continuing to

collect food for the needy. Please continue your generosity, and bring nonperishable food items when you come to the club. The baskets are appreciated by those less fortunate. Christmas and Easter baskets were donated through Grace Lutheran Church in Yorktown.

G-A CLUB SUMMER DART TOURNAMENT – Details are somewhere in this newsletter

VOLUNTEERISM and YOUR CLUB: Organizations such as ours, can only survive if the members are prepared to offer some volunteer time. It is very critical to our club that we get these volunteer hours. Every hour of volunteer time, puts additional money ($$$) in our accounts.

Help The Bar Chairman

Our bar chairman, Ray Procious, is looking for a few good members that are willing to assist as bartenders. For those that have no experience behind the stick, Ray will train.

NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Our final meeting prior to the “GERMAN SUMMER FEST” (OXROAST) is JULY 14, 2007. This is a critical meeting. Volunteers are needed to perform the necessary work assignments that must be covered. Many members have signed up, but there are still a lot of holes that must be filled. So, please attend, and add your name to the Volunteer Work Assignment Sheets.

Dinner will be served at 7:30 PM.

July 14th Kitchen Duty: Anthony Restive & Johan Jung

August 18th Kitchen Duty: Joseph Russo & Siegfried Klammer

Special Request for Donations

DONATIONS NEEDED for the “Summer Fest” - Oxroast: Frances Konschak is asking you for your donations for her Basket of Cheer Raffles. She wants to fill two baskets with much cheer. These raffles that Frances has been doing for many years, are a tremendous plus towards the bottom line. Also, Frances could use a little help selling the tickets.

MORE DONATIONS WANTED for the “Summer Fest”- Oxroast: The ladies of the cake table are in need of cakes that they can sell. As we have done in past years, we are asking some members to bake cakes that we can sell at the coffee/cake table. We will still be purchasing cakes from the baker but we know that the homemade cakes are better sellers, and, give us a greater profit.

Volunteers are needed for the German Summer Fest. Sign–up sheets are at the club house. Pick your spot, and volunteer a few hours to help our club. PLEASE NOTE – a few of our regular workers at the entrance gate and the parking lot, are unable to attend this year. So if you can, offer us a few hours at these very important work areas.

Send your dues to Monika Wolf at 13 Boswell Rd., Putnam Valley, NY 10579, or to Linda Ahrens at 12 Gardineer Rd, Putnam Valley, NY 10579. Regular dues are $50 per year. All others dues are covered in the by-laws. Additional contributions are appreciated.

There are still approximately 35 members that are in “DUES ARREARS”.


INTERNET: Have you checked out the club web site? It is truly a great site. Maggie Kampp, (Kurt’s wife, and, she is not a member) has been maintaining the site for us for many years. Maggie continually updates the site as needed. Take a look – . The amount of hits that this site gets is continually rising.

ANNUAL STEUBEN DAY PARADE: September 15th, 2007. Our club will be represented in this annual German Heritage Event. Transportation will be provided as long as we get a volunteer driver for the rented van. After the parade, visit Central Park and participate in the German Celebration. All kinds of refreshments are available and there will be plenty of great entertainment.

November 24th, 2007 – HARVEST MOON DANCE - featuring the Alpine Squeeze

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$40.00 Per Person - Refreshments Provided

Cash Give Back from Casino will be available when club is notified of the amount.

We leave from the Home Depot parking lot on Rt. 6 at 8:00 AM.

We will make an additional pick-up in Westchester County.

All Reservations must be paid prior to the event.

Reservations – Marilyn A Buck @ 845-227-5159

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Our Annual Oktoberfest Sept. 9th and 10th, 2007

OUR MAJOR EVENT FOR THE YEAR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED *************************************************************

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country

NEW MEMBERS: We are pleased to welcome into our club the following new members: Robert Rudy of Shrub Oak, NY, and Peter Gibbons of Putnam Valley, NY.

U.S.A. NATIONAL EMBLEM: The Bald Eagle was officially declared the National Emblem of the United States by the Second Continental Congress in 1782. It was selected by the U.S.A.'s founding fathers because it is a species unique to North America. Ben Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the national bird, because he thought the eagle was of bad moral character. The Bald Eagle has since become the living symbol of the U.S.A.'s freedoms, spirit and pursuit of excellence. Its image and symbolism have played a significant role in American art, folklore, music and architecture.

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Honor a Soldier – Honor a Veteran


The Turning Point of the War: July 1st – 3rd, 1863

The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War. The Union victory in the summer of 1863, ended General Robert E. Lee's second and most ambitious invasion of the North. Often referred to as the "High Water Mark of the Confederacy", it was the war's bloodiest battle, with 51,000 casualties. It also provided President Abraham Lincoln with the setting for his most famous address.

German-American Summer Festival

July 8th, 2007 – 12 PM – Dusk

At the Kolping-on-Hudson,

96 Montrose Point Road, Montrose, NY

Sponsored by: German-American Society of Westchester

German Food, German Beer German Folk Dancers & Refreshments

Music by the Joe Unger Band

Performance by the Edelweiss Schuhplatters

Kolping Pool Available All Day for $3.00

Donation $8.00 – Children under 14 Free

Plenty of Free Parking

WANTED: For our New Year’s Eve Celebration, we are looking for a DJ. If you know of a DJ that might be available, (at a reasonable price) kindly inform the president or the entertainment chairman.

German-American Club Summer Dart Tournament

NO Entrance Fee – Sponsored by the Bartenders Fund

See Eric Boggs or Ray Procious to sign-up

Will be played as a Partners Tournament. Partners are randomly chosen, just put your name in the hat. Partners will be one league player and one non-league player

1st place - 2 tickets for each player for the Hudson River Cruise

2nd place - $25 gift certificate for each player to the Dart Store in Mahopac

3rd place - $10 gift certificate for each player to the Dart Store in Mahopac

4th place - 3 tokens for each player, each token good for a free drink at the bar, or 1

token, good for a free admission to a normal meeting dinner .

Volunteers Needed to Clean the Club House

We are in need of a few members that can help with cleaning the club-house. Facility must be cleaned prior to, and after rentals, meetings and club affairs. Anyone able to assist, please notify the president or the house chairman.

One Volunteer Needed to Assist the Kitchen Committee: Kitchen Chairwoman, Marilyn Buck, is looking for another member to assist her with the Kitchen Committee. Responsibilities are not difficult, and do not require a lot of time. If able to assist, contact Marilyn at 845-227-5159

Frank Schusteritsch could use some help with the Grounds Committee. Grass Cutters Wanted !!

New Alternate Director Needed. Due to the resignation of one of our alternate directors, this position must be filled. Nominations were accepted on June 16 and will be open at the July 14th meeting. Election will be held on July 14th. DID YOU KNOW ?? During the American Civil War, nearly 200,000 native Germans served in the Union Army. Second only to Irish-Americans, German-Americans in the American Civil War were the largest contingent to fight for the Union, with New York and Ohio both providing 10 divisions, dominated largely by native-born Germans. Approximately 516,000 (23.4% of all Union soldiers) were German-Americans; about 176,817 of these were born in Germany, although some sources suggest over 200,000. New York provided the majority of these

native-born Germans with 36,000. Behind the Empire State came Missouri with 30,000, and Ohio with 20,000.


Thanks to Maggie Kampp for locating the needed items

July 21st, 2007 - 4:00 PM – 10:30 PM

July 22nd, 2007 - 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Admission: $7.00 per adult * Children under 16 are free

Performing Saturday - Die Spitzbaum

Performing Sunday - The Adlers

Also appearing - Henry Leschke & Erich Bayer

Guaranteed to delight both children & adults with authentic German music and a great variety of delicious food that will have you coming back for seconds and thirds. Domestic and imported beer, bottled and on tap. Mixed drinks are available in the club house bar. Must be 21 years of age to drink alcoholic beverages.

Entertainment for the children.



MEMBERS: Please get you name on the volunteer work sheets located in the club house.

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“The Biggest Event in the Hudson Valley”

September 8, 2007 - 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM

September 9, 2007 - 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Featuring Entertainment by TRACHTENMUSICDAPELLE HENNDORF – our 35 piece band from Austria, Bud Gramer & Linda, Henry Leschke & Erich Bayer, German Schuhplatter Dancers and Irish Step Dancers from the Kelly-Oster School of Irish Dance.

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Absolute Flooring – 914-245-0225

Bill Volz Westchester Jeep Dodge Chrysler – 914-739-7100

Fugazy Continental Limousines – 1-800-924-5686

Hollowbrook Travel – 845-528-1123

JPK, LLC General Contractor – 914-557-5624

Marco’s Vino & Spirits – 914-526-9463

Northeast Outdoor Maintenance – 914-739-0133

Putnam Valley Petroleum – 845-284-2580

RJ’s General Construction – 914-788-9155

Spaten North America – 718-281-1912


On June 9, 1776, the Continental Congress accepted a resolution of Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee, appointing a committee to draft a declaration of secession from the dominions of the English king and parliament. On June 29, the committee – composed of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston – presented their draft for debate and a vote. On July 4, an amended version of that draft was accepted. The war that had been raging for more than a year had finally driven the reluctant revolutionaries to sever all ties with their motherland. Thus was born the greatest Democracy in recorded history.


Next Board Meeting - July 2nd , 2007 7:30 PM

German-American Social Club

of Peekskill, NY Inc.


Officers - 2007

President – Linda Geppert

1st Vice President – Margaret Russo

2nd Vice President – Kathy Scherer

Secretary – ( Vacant ) ******

Treasurer – Eric Boggs

Financial Secretaries (2)

Monika Wolf

Linda Ahrens

Director – Herman A. Buck - Chmn.

Director - Kurt Kampp

Director – John Brown

Director – Marilyn Buck

Director – Jeff Bernert

Director – Fred Sprado

Director – George Wolf

Alternate Directors: (2)

Trudy Reynolds

( Vacant ) ******


Committee Chairpersons

Atlantic City Oktoberfest Trip

Marilyn A. Buck

Bar – Ray Procious

Building - Paul Geppert

By-Laws – Fred Sprado

Events – Herbert Seeff

Grounds – Frank Schusteritsch

Housing of Bands - Herbert Seeff

Kitchen Coordinators (2)

Marilyn Buck

(** One More Needed ** )

Membership – Kathy Scherer

Newsletter (** for July 2007 **)

Herman A. Buck

Publicity – Chrissy Meslener

Rentals – Kathy Scherer

Souvenirs – Kathy Scherer

Sponsorship Program

Chrissy Meslener

Tag Sale - Monika Wolf

Web Master – Kurt Kampp

( Maggie Kampp)

Friday Night at the Club

Try it – You’ll like it

Festivities begin at 6:30 PM










In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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