Macbeth - Psolka


1. How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his valor (bravery)?

2. In Macbeth's letter to his wife, he wishes to share the news of the prophecy of his becoming king with his wife. What is her response to the promise of kingship?

3. Macbeth responds to Duncan's naming of Malcolm "Prince of Cumberland" with these lines:

"The Prince of Cumberland--that is a step,

On which I must fall down, or else o'er leap,

For in my way it lies."

These lines suggest that...

4. When lady Macbeth learns that Duncan will spend the night at Inverness, she...

5. How does Macbeth's initial response to the prophecy of becoming king differ from Lady Macbeth's reaction?

6. The signal for Macbeth to come to Duncan's room is...

7. When Macbeth appeared before the king, Macbeth did not expect...

8. Even before Macbeth goes to kill Duncan, he has second thoughts by...

9. When the captain reports of the battle, what interrupts his report?

10. Who does Macbeth tell that he, Macbeth, does not think about the witches?

11. What is Banquo's warning to Macbeth when the prophecies begin to come true?

12. Who discovers Duncan's body?

13. What foreshadows the evil deeds of the night?

14. Why did Macbeth say he killed the guards?

15. Macbeth is able to get by the guard and kill Duncan because...

16. The phrase, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." is intended to...

17. Why does Banquo have bad dreams?

18. Who notices that Macbeth is not completely happy with the announcement by the witches?

19. How do we know that Macduff is not convinced that Macbeth was not involved in the king's death?

20. Macbeth almost ruins the plan to kill Duncan by...

21. What does Macbeth mean when he complains that "Macbeth shall sleep no more."

22. Why does Shakespeare begin the play with the scene with the three witches?

23. One reason Lady Macbeth does not kill Duncan is...

24. When Malcolm and Donalbain learn of their father's murder, why are they also afraid for themselves?

25. Why is there suspicion about the guards' involvement in the king's death?

Macbeth Part 2

26. The traitor to the king Duncan was...

27. When Macbeth asks Banquo to "counsel" with him, Banquo responds...

28. Which of the following do the witches NOT promise to Duncan

29. When the prophecies start to come true, what is Macbeth's reaction?

30. What do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to do after their father's murder?

31. How does Lady Macbeth assist in the murdering of Duncan?

32. Why do Lennox and Macduff come to Inverness?

33. What do the following lines, spoken by Macbeth after he's murdered Duncan, suggest about his character?

"Still it cried, sleep no more, to all the house

Glamis has murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor

shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more"

34. What is the significance of Lennox's description of the events of the night before he and Macduff arrive at Inverness?

"The night has been unruly. Where we lay,

Our chimneys were blown down, and as they say,

Lamentings heard i' th' air, strange screams of death

And prophesying with accents terrible,

Of dire combustion, and confused events,

New hatched to th' woeful time."

35. Which of the following is not a reason for the nobles to believe that Malcolm is responsible for the murder of Duncan?

36. The three witches greet Macbeth with the "new" title, "Thane of Cawdor." What happened to the previous thane?

37. Who is Malcolm?

38. How does Macbeth gain such easy access to Duncan's bedchamber?

39. After the murder, who comes knocking at Macbeth's gate, awakening the porter?

40. Why do Donalbain and Malcolm flee the country?

41. What is Scone?

42. At the banquet, whose ghost becomes the uninvited guest?

43. When Macduff tries to enlist Malcolm to return to Scotland, Malcolm tells him that he would be a worse tyrant than Macbeth. Why does he say that?

44. Who brings Macduff the bad news that his family has been murdered?

45. What trick do the attacking soldiers use to disguise their movements?

46. Macbeth won the respect of King Duncan by

47. In addressing Banquo, the witches call him which of these?

(I) "lesser than Macbeth, and greater"

(II) "Not so happy as Macbeth, yet much happier"

(III) "a foster father of kings."

48. When Macbeth said, "Two truths are told/ As happy prologues" he was referring to:

49. "Nothing in his life / Became him like the leaving it" is a reference to

50. Duncan's statement, "I have begun to plant thee and will labour / To make thee full of growing" is an example of:

Macbeth Part 3

51. Lady Macbeth characterizes her husband as being

52. As part of the plan to kill the king, Lady Macbeth would

53. Macbeth arranges for Banquo's death by telling the hired killers that

54. Macbeth startles his dinner guests by

55. The three apparitions which appeared to Macbeth were:

(I) an armed head

(II) a child with a crown

(III) a bloody child

56. In ACT IV, Malcolm is at first "lukewarm" toward Macduff because he

57. Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane when

58. Who does Macbeth kill or cause to be killed? (check all that apply)

59. According to the witches' prophecy, Macbeth has nothing to fear "till Birnam Wood come to high Dunsinane." What is Birnam Wood?

60. The witches also prophesied that Macbeth had nothing to fear of any man "not born of woman." How does Macduff qualify as one who "was not born of woman?"

61. Which apparition appears to Macbeth?

62. What was the name of Macbeth's home

63. Malcolm tests the loyalty of...

64. Which of the following plays was NOT one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies?

65. Who told Fleance to escape if he could?

66. Duncan's sons are...

67. Who becomes king at the end of the play?

68. Who was at war with Scotland as the play opens?

69. Duncan's death is initially blamed on...

70. The porter scene is the play's

71. In Shakespeare's plays, "Richard II", "Henry IV" and "Henry V" what war serves as the background to the plays' action?

72. Who faints upon hearing of Duncan's murder?

73. What place served as a refuge for Malcolm?

74. Who was a traitor to Scotland?

75. Macbeth in ultimately killed by...

Macbeth Part 4

76. Macbeth's evil side is associated with

77. When did Shakespeare die?

78 Who was the man "not born of woman?"

79. The wife of Fife is

80. What was a mystery play?

81. What position does the textbook take on the existence of William Shakespeare?

82. The former Thane of Cawdor had been

83. Who was praised for his healing touch?

84. Which of the following is NOT a prediction of the witches for Banquo?

85. Macbeth meets death...

86. The doctor says that Lady Macbeth's illness is...

87. Lady Macbeth becomes...

88. Hecate is linked to...

89. At the end of the play, who displays loyalty to Macbeth?

e) no one

90. Banquo's son is...

91. Lady Macbeth receives a diamond from...

92. What similar circumstances did Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare share regarding family?

93. After Duncan's death, Macbeth finds killing

94. At his wife's death, Macbeth...

95. Who is warned of treachery but nevertheless is murdered?

96. For his bravery and loyalty, Macbeth becomes...

97. As king, Macbeth is...

98. Why did Shakespeare leave his family and move to London?

99. What was the name of the collection of plays by Shakespeare?

100. Malcolm's invasion is launched from


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