GM GREEN SUMMIT PRE-WORKSHOP - Building a Zero Carbon Greater Manchester:PATHWAY / ROUTE-MAP TEMPLATEJR V0.3 – 01-03-18These ‘pathway / route-map templates’ are a resource for the Pre-workshop & related events, come up with tangible outcomes. These will be in the form of - ‘Now’ – starting points Short term (1 year) research / early action programme. Medium term (5 year) policy & action programLonger term (20 years) goals & horizonsEach template contains some draft suggestions from the GM buildings group. The workshop is invited to improve on these and work out how to put them into practice. To move towards practical action, we use the template attached: with each sector (new build, retrofit etc) and each cross-cutting ‘delivery challenge’ (finance, skills, innovation, governance, social issues) : Headline questions & goals – what is the big vision?? (some text is suggested, to be improved)Pathway questions – what is to be done, who can do it, how, and where? (some text is suggested, to be improved)‘How much’ questions – ‘value chains & business models’ – a key component (with ongoing research in the Mini-Lab, to be followed up in the next workshop)When questions – what to do: now, 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years horizon. Visual thinking with diagrams & cartoons, is strongly encouraged… This ‘master template’ can be used as a checklist & to track back the ‘delivery challenges’ to the ‘sector challenges’. HOUSING RETROHOUSING NEWCOMMERCIAL RETRO / NEWSUPPLY CHAINENERGY SYSTEMSFinance & economicsSkills & enterpriseInnovation & technology: Governance & procurementSocial & community . SECTOR CHALLENGES – RETROFIT / NEW HOUSING / COMMERCIAL / SUPPLY CHAIN / ENERGYHeadline question – how to achieve zero-C GM by 2040?Headline vision – GM will join the growing community of zero-carbon cities by 2040When>>Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Who is involved?How much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?Where to target?Finance & economicsHeadline question – how to get forward investment into zero-carbon buildings in GM?Headline vision – GM will have a world-leading zero-C finance package / business model for the zero-C transition. When>>Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Lower Business Rates for better buildings in a defined areaGM wide project to explore supporting domestic retrofit to the ‘able to pay’ marketPublic sector equity / 0% retrofit loanCommercial property low carbon loanPublic sector aggregatorWho is involved?Finance, developers, landownersReal estate, legal, surveyorsConstruction, maintenanceOwners, tenants, building managersHow much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?take in large scale low cost finance from multiple sources, distribute to fund householders works,make policy led decisions on offering equity loans to less well-off householders,hold, redeploy or share out surpluses from different elements of the programme.differential business ratesWhere to target?Areas of greatest opportunity Areas of greatest challengeSkills & enterpriseHeadline question – What is needed to replicate good practice / address skills deficiency and who can lead in GM?Headline vision – GM will have a fully skilled and enabled human resource at every level of the industryWhen>>Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Deliver a public funded training programme for multi skilled tradesSupport development of the Retrofit Pattern BookDeliver a public funded Retrofit Coordinator type programmeSocial landlords request multiskilled apprenticesWho is involved?Education sector: Construction firms & supply chainprofessional bodies & unionsGovernance & accreditation How much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?introductions to appropriate skills & trades in schools - design > woodworkapprenticeships - where appropriate twinned with college courses to create suite of qualifications eg retrofit co-ordinator, retrofit multi-skills tradespersontrade union engagement: greater college and university engagement in creating the right skillsets - quicklyindustry participation - eg travelling classroomsWhere to target?Areas of higher unemployment / lower skill levelsAreas of advanced retrofit / regeneration Innovation & technology: Headline question – how to bring on board the potential for new technology (hardware & digital) to help achieve the zero-C targetHeadline vision – GM will lead the way for zero-C technology innovation with the combined resources of universities, knowledge business & public procurement When>>Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Lower Business Rates for better buildings in a defined areaLEED / BREEAM new build minimumCouncil tax rebate based on SAP / EPC ratingRequirements for Passivhaus / Net Zero Energy etc new buildMerton style ‘% of energy demand met by renewables’ or energy efficiency over and above building regs by XXXXAll public owned buildings to be ‘DSR ready’ by XXXXWho is involved?Universities & technology developers knowledge based business & consultantsenterpreneurs & social innovatorspublic procurementHow much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?Development of IT systems & interoperable software - to improve speed and accuracy - ? enable choice and mass customisation, ? reduce on-costs and streamline design - site management - cost estimating and control.Better contract models and delivery structures - reduce chains of sub-contracting - partnering contracts that reduce adversarial issues on variations - stimulate innovation - reduce ineffectual regulation - eg energy performance guarantees.Where to target?Current & forthcoming innovation zones & corridorsOther areas of change & regeneration Governance & procurementHeadline question: how to mobilize the scarce resource in the public sector to best effect? Headline vision: GM will be the leading ‘Devo’ city-region for integrated zero-C governance, with strategic public procurement, ‘doing more with less’ Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Lower Business Rates for better buildings in a defined areaLEED / BREEAM new build minimumCouncil tax rebate based on SAP / EPC ratingRequirements for Passivhaus / Net Zero Energy etc new buildMerton style ‘% of energy demand met by renewables’ or energy efficiency over and above building regs by XXXXAll public owned buildings to be ‘DSR ready’ by XXXXWho is involved?Local & national governmentPublic services & agencies & supply chainsProfessional & industry bodiesHow much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?1. detailed register of regional retrofits -shows what’s been done for building owners to see it, how effective it is 2. cost of occupation compulsory on sales particulars(recognised in mortgage affordability test)3. differential council tax bands4. landlord certification scheme with variable fees for different energy performance5. variable tier shares in financial vehicle to incentivise going earlybut with deferred payment to keep early costs down6. co-operative air b&b- encourages better use of existing buildings but also creates income to fund their improvement7. further development control clarification -possibly marry up with pattern book to expand Permitted Development rights 8. regeneration schemes - led by or at least partnered with retrofitWhere to target?Social & communityHeadline question: how to balance the carbon priority with social & economic priorities such as poverty & vulnerability, employment & livelihood? Headline vision: GM will eradicate energy poverty & poor housing conditions as part of the zero-carbon agenda.When>>Pathways - initial notesStarting now1 year5 yearsLonger What is to be done?Demand management, technology managementEnergy poverty & vulnerability programmesCarbon literacy, home energy managementSocial enterprises, neighbourhood resourcesWho is involved?Residents, tenantsLandlords & building managers, social / privateLocal authorities, public agencies, community organizations How much? Value-chains & business modelsHow to do all this?(UKGBC retrofit & regeneration report) Where to target?Areas of greatest carbon potential (e.g. large houses)Areas of greatest social benefit (generally houses in poor condition) ................

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