Fox J, Barthold S, Davisson M, Newcomer C, Quimby F, Smith ...

M. Suckow, K. Stevens, and R. Wilson, editors, 2012. The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 1st edition. Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Chapter 27 Hamster Anatomy, Physiology, and Behavior 753 - 763


1. How to distinguish male and female?

a. Pointed posterior in the female

b. Pointed posterior in the male

c. Large flank glands in male

d. Short ano-genital distance in the female

2. True or False:

a. flank glands are used to mark territory

b. Incisors stop erupt when the hamster reach sexual maturity

c Hamsters do not have a diastema

d Hamsters are used as a model for human dental carries

3. The main proteolytic enzyme activity is confined in:

a. the submaxillary gland

b the parotid gland

c at the same location as rats and mice

4. Cheek pouches can be used to store:

a. Food

b. Bedding

c. Feces

d. Newborn

5. True or False:

a Hamsters have large bilateral buccal cheek pouches

b Cheek pouches are not easy to revert

c Hamsters have a long ileum

6. The hamster pancreas consists in :

a. two lobes

b. three lobes

c. four lobes

7. True or False:

a. the hamster liver consist in four lobes

b. The hamster does not have gallbladder

c Liver weight decrease during pregnancy

8. The pulmonary system of the hamster consists in:

a a single lobe on the left

b. two lobes on the left

c. three lobes on the right

d. four lobes on the right

9. True or False:

a. The Hamster has an orbital sinus similar to the mouse

b. The hamster has a relative slow coagulation time

c. The Hamster’ kidneys enable high urine concentration

10. The heart rate is around

a. 200-350

b. 350-500

c. 500-600

11. Sexual maturity in the male and female occurs

a. at approximately 12 weeks

b. at approximately 15 weeks

c at around 70g of body weight

d. at around 90g of body weight

12. True or False:

a. The breeding activity in the male is conditioned by the daylight cycle

b. The hamsters have an average of 8 pairs of mammary gland

c. The female has a 4-day estrous cycle

13. True or False:

a. The hamsters have a small binocular vision

b. The hamsters have keen olfactory capabilities

c. Male hamsters lack from vomeronasal chemorecepteurs

d. The hamsters use its vibrissae in a various complex pattern to explore

14. True or False: Commonly hamsters :

a. Are Diurnal

b. live singly

c. Display aggressive towards conspecific

d. build nest but only the female

d spent a lot of time exploring


1. a, c, d

2. T, F (continually), F, T

3. b

4. a, b, d

5. T, F, F

6. b

7. T, F, F (it’s the opposite)

8. a, d

9. T, F (it’s the opposite), T

10. b

11. a, d

12. T, F (7), T

13. F, T, F, T

14. F, T, T, F (both), F (sleeping)


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