Exploring Walt Whitman

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An Event in Autumn by Henning Mankell

20+ Questions

Begin to explore your basic understanding of this detective story by the popular 20th Century Swedish mystery writer.

Ch. 1: How is Wallander feeling at this point in his life?

Ch. 2: What is offered to Wallander?

Ch. 3: What unexpectedly happens to Wallander in this specific location?

Ch. 4: What does Wallander and his partner, Martinson, find?

Ch. 5: How has this “situation” changed?

Ch. 6: How has this specific setting changed?

Ch. 7: What decision is Wallander now faced with?

Ch. 8: What is Wallander still having difficulty dealing with?

Ch. 9: What does Wallander resolve to do about the “situation?”

Ch. 10: What does Wallander find out that helps him with his investigation?

Ch. 11: What does Wallander wonder about?

Ch. 12: What does Wallander and his team learn that advances their investigation?

Ch. 13: What significant clues are added to the “file?”

Ch. 14: What do Wallander and his daughter argue about?

Ch. 15: What clue does Wallander notice on his return to the scene of the crime?

Ch. 16: What significant development in the case happens here?

Ch. 17: What does Wallander’s old colleague reveal that either furthers the case?

Ch. 18: What does Wallander’s team learn that furthers their theory about the case?

Ch. 19: What does Wallander’s team learn that either clarifies or complicates the case?

Ch. 20: What important clue do we learn here about the two bodies?

Ch. 21: What does Wallander find that seems to “break” the case?

Ch. 22: What does Wallander finally learn here about the family in question?

Ch. 23: Where does Wallander go to test his theory?

Ch. 24: What happens here that Wallander doesn’t expect?

Ch. 25: This is the climax! What happens?

Ch. 26: What do Wallander and his daughter suddenly realize at lunch?


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