ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

Super Blue Blood Moon


1. What did the BTN story explain?

2. A supermoon happens when the Earth and the moon are closer together than usual. True or false?

3. The moon revolves around the_____________ in an egg-shaped orbit.

4. About how much closer do the Earth and the moon get during a supermoon?

5. What is a blood moon?

6. Explain what happens during a total lunar eclipse.

7. A blue moon is…

a. When the full moon turns blue

b. The second full moon in a month

c. Another name for a lunar eclipse

8. When will be the next Super Blue Blood Moon?

9. Name three facts you learnt while watching the BTN story.

10. What was surprising about this story?


Class Discussion

Discuss the BTN Supermoon story as a class. Record what students know about the moon on a mind map. What questions do they have about the moon? Use the following questions to help guide discussion:

• How big is the moon?

• How far is it from Earth to the moon?

• What is the surface of the moon like?

• Why can we see the moon?

• How long does it take to travel to the moon?

• What is a lunar eclipse?

• What is a supermoon?



Students develop a glossary of words and terms that relate to the moon. Below are some words to get them started.

|lunar |lunar eclipse |gravity |orbit |

|phase |supermoon |solar system |blue moon |


Moon Research

|Define: What do I want to know? |

|Key questions to research |

|Students can choose one or more of the following questions or come up with their own: |

|Why can we see the moon? |

|What are the geographical features of the moon? |

|What would you find on the surface of the moon? |

|How far is the moon from the Earth and sun? |

|How long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth? Compare this to the time it takes for the |

|Earth to orbit the sun. |

|What is the relationship of the Earth, the Sun and the moon in space? |

|What is a full lunar eclipse? |

|What do the terms `perigee moon’ and `apogee moon’ mean? |

|How does the moon affect Earth? |

|Locate: Where do I find the information? |

|What resources will help answer my questions? (Internet, people, resource centre, organisations, print). Discuss with students what a |

|reliable source is. |

|Select: What information is important for the investigation? |

|Students may need support to sort through and select relevant information. |

|Organise: How do I make sense of the information? |

|Students can organise their research by creating main headings from their questions. Write each heading on a separate piece of paper. |

|Record the information found for each question. |

|Present: How do we let others know about this information? |

|Each group needs to discuss then decide on the best way to present the information. Possibilities could include: |

|A `Did You Know’ Facts sheet |

|Infographic |

|Oral presentation |

|Prezi presentation |

|Create an infographic using Canva |

|Evaluate: What have we learnt? |

|Each group reflects on what they have learnt about the moon during their investigation. Students will reflect on their learning and |

|respond to the following. |

|What I learned... |

|What I found surprising... |


Phases of the moon

Students will explore the phases of the moon. Explain to students that only one side of the moon is lit by the sun. As the moon orbits the Earth you see varying amounts of this half-lit face. The changing faces you see are called phases of the moon.

Watch the ABC Splash video - An Eclipse of the Moon to find out more about the phases of the moon.

Ask students to briefly explain what is happening at each phase of the moon. Create or find an image of each phase.

| |Waxing Crescent |First Quarter |Waxing Gibbous |

|New moon | | | |

| |Waning Gibbous |Third Quarter |Waning Crescent |

|Full moon | | | |

What is a supermoon?

Learn more about what a supermoon is. Watch the ABC Splash video Is the supermoon really super? Then answer the following questions:

• Why should the supermoon really be called a perigee moon?

• How far away is the moon when it is closest to Earth?

• What is an apogee moon?

• What was an interesting or surprising fact you learnt watching the video?


Compare the Earth and the moon

Working in pairs, students will create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Earth and the moon. Begin by brainstorming the characteristics of both the Earth and the moon. Record similarities in the overlapping areas.


Life on the moon

Students will investigate what it would be like to live on the moon and what would be needed to sustain human life. Students will watch the BTN Moon Living story to help with their research.

Begin with a class brainstorm using the following questions to guide discussion:

• What do you think it would be like to live on the moon?

• What are the benefits of having a space settlement on the moon?

• When planning for life on the moon what are some important things to think about?

Students will then need to research conditions on the moon so they can plan and design a settlement on the moon that will sustain human life.

Research questions

• What are the conditions like on the moon?

• What needs to be considered when planning a colony on the moon? For example:

o Water supply

o Atmosphere (air supply)

o Temperature

o Food Production

o Waste Management

o Gravity

• What materials could be used to build a space settlement


Create a Quiz

Use Kahoot! to test students’ knowledge about the moon. Quizzes can be created to recap learning or test personal knowledge. There is also the option to connect with classrooms around the world and play kahoot in real time.


NASA – The Moon

ABC News – Super blue blood moon: Spectacular photos from Australia and around the world

ABC News – A beginner’s guide to the moon

ABC News - `Super blue blood moon’ to grace Australian skies in special lunar eclipse

BTN – Moon Exploration


Episode 1

6th February 2018 November 2016


Students will research questions they have about the moon and learn about the phases of the moon.


Science – Year 5

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun)

Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena

Science – Year 7

Predictable phenomena on Earth, including seasons and eclipses, are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth and the moon

Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes available




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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