Dear Community of Light,

[Pages:1]Dear Community of Light,

We enjoyed coming together in our crucible with everyone. The energetics that flowed through our crucible, as well as each one of us, was immense.

We know that each one of you is awaiting the recordings of our auspicious gathering. Unfortunately, when the record button was pushed, it did not click in. This went unnoticed. It is our opinion that this technical glitch was in Divine order. We must hold that this session was all about the energetics. It set the platform from which we will work this year.

There is no need to process concepts. What is needed now is to integrate the vast energies that downloaded into our form, consciousness, and in our crucible. These were massive holographic contributions transmitted from the Celestial Realms. We must realize that this is the beginning of many changes that will take place in the way in which we are guided and taught. It speaks volumes of what is shown to us as well as how to integrate refined energies proficiently.

The refined energetic energies presented is where our focus must be directed. Know that what you remember about the conversations and teachings that the great beings presented is what is available now. What you recall in your consciousness is what is important for each individual to recognize and pay attention to. What cannot be recalled will surface in its proper time as you travel this path in our crucible.

Do not try to get further concepts from others in our community. The concepts that individuals remember are unique to each person. They are the opening of your path to consciousness from the perspective of your individual Soul/Spirit path.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Joan and John


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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