Annex 1: - Connected Everything

-7620044450Connected Everything: Industrial Systems in the Digital AgeSummer School 2018Call for Host Institution00Connected Everything: Industrial Systems in the Digital AgeSummer School 2018Call for Host InstitutionThis call invites applications from UK Higher Education Institutions to host the 2018 Summer School on behalf of the EPSRC funded Network Plus, Connected Everything: Industrial Systems in the Digital Age.BackgroundFunded through the EPSRC Manufacturing the Future challenge theme, Connected Everything is bringing together core colleagues from the Manufacturing, Digital Economy, ICT, Design, Human Factors and Business communities to build new collaborations between leading academics and industry partners. It is working to:Identify relevant elements from these existing activities to conduct international benchmarking and establish the UK lead in specific elements of relevance to Future Industrial Systems in the Digital Age; Enhance cross-sectorial learning and fertilisation; and Identify new, discipline-bridging, agenda-setting opportunities for feasibility studies leading to scientific insight and future platforms and funding applications from national and international funders.One of the key activity themes of the Network Plus relates to people movement and skills. This includes running two summer schools over the life of the project. The 2017 Summer School was hosted by Swansea University and the University of Warwick, in collaboration with the Natural Computing and Applications Forum and the Neural Computing and Applications Journal. The Summer School, titled “Machine Learning in Manufacturing: Addressing the Challenges of Industry 4.0”, took place between 12th and 15th September 2017 at the University of Warwick.Call for applicants to host the 2018 Summer SchoolConnected Everything is looking for a host institution or group of institutions who will be able to host a multi-day event that is open to PhD students in disciplines relevant to the digital manufacturing theme. The Summer School should be organised around a particular area or focus that is likely to appeal to a wide cross-section of students. The expectation is that there will be up to 30 PhD students and recent graduates attending the Summer School, which will run over 3-4 days. Delegates will be required to apply to attend this fully-funded activity, which will include external speakers, student-led seminars and workshops, during which they will develop a number of video diaries for dissemination. We will provide funding of up to ?12,000 to support the 2018 Summer School and the host institution will also be able to draw upon the expertise of the Network Executive Group in planning and delivering the event. The funding can be used by the Host Institution for the following eligible costs:Travel and subsistenceAccommodation for delegatesRoom, venue, AV equipment hire, car parkingCatering and refreshmentsGuest speaker and workshop leader expensesDelegate registration costsDelegate packs and consumablesMarketing materials, media production costs, website registration and hosting costs.Unfortunately, the funding of staff time or equipment are not eligible costs.Building on experience of summer schools organised by other Networks, it is suggested that event include peer-led learning through workshops organised by students.Application ProcessInterested institutions are requested to send a proposal using the provided application form (see Annex 1 below), outlining the concept, the research topics, the structure, the location and the budget plan of the proposed summer school. The application should cover:Event title / themeAims and planned format, including suggested keynote speakers and ideas for workshop sessionsAn indication of the potential audience for the event, including details of how the host institution(s) plan to engage students in the process of planning and delivering the eventIdeas for how the event will be promoted, captured and broadcast so as to engage as wide a range of students as possibleTotal event budget Applications should be submitted by email to, Connected Everything Manager, by Friday 01 December 2017. Funding decisions will be communicated by Friday 15 December 2017.Conditions of FundingThe successful applicant will be required to provide a post-Summer School report including a breakdown of funding and in-kind support leveraged as a result of Connected Everything funding. In addition, the report should include the video diaries created during the event.Annex 1: 2018 Summer School Host Application FormNameRole:UniversityEmailCollaborating organisations (if applicable)Proposed event title:Proposed dates:Description of the aims and format of the eventThis includes suggested keynote speakers and ideas for workshop sessionsExpected participationYou should provide details about:Your target audienceSpecific universities you would target for participationExpected publicity mechanisms(e.g. event website)Expected Outcomes This includes how the event will contribute to the goals of the Network PlusBudget breakdown:Further InformationIf you have any questions regarding this call to host the 2018 Summer School, please contact the Connected Everything Manager, Moira Petrie (email:, telephone: 0115 82 83077). ................

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