Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun and ...

Summer solstice 2019

The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild

Part 2 of 5

(What follows is intended for those who would understand and apply the science of cosmic cycles derived from the teachings of the Ascended

Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (of Light) as given through their Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and applied using the science of the cosmic clock and astrology. I have followed as faithfully as I can the direct application and translation of the cycles as given, understanding it is karma making to interpret. I have taken the Master's dictations to the altar and sat under my Christ Self and the Masters who tutor my soul and have applied these cycles in my own world for the purpose for which they are given, to save my soul. What follows is the product of the cycles as given by the Masters and as applied and understood in the meditation of my heart with the hearts of Mother, my Guru, Saint Germain, Kuthumi, and Maitreya. I have followed and applied this science for years. I have been compelled to share these with you that my cup might be emptied that it might be filled again and again. I have applied the science of light and the cosmic clock with my understanding of esoteric and mundane astrology to translate the hand writing on the wall of returning karma. The light flushes out the darkness. The methodology of this applied science is not given here, but the inquiring mind may understand. The methodology will be given separately at a later date.

It is my intention and purpose that you sit under your own vine and fig tree and use the material here and study the Masters teachings referenced here to enter into a dialogue with your God Presence and be God taught so as to acquire God's gifts of the Holy Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding, Discernment, and Interpretation of Tongues. Your Christ Self is your teacher. What truth lies here is only of value to you if it sets your heart to vibrate as two tuning forks that come into contact. The Truth will set you free. Your Christ Self is Truth. Seek and you will find.

What follows is for your intercession on behalf of mankind for the saving of souls and your ascension in the light.)

Summer Solstice 2019: Part 2 of 5

This document Summer Solstice 2019 The Woman Clothed with the Sun has been divided into five parts. This is Part 2, the second of five, Summer Solstice.

Part 1, Helios Cycle of The Year Part 3, Sun in Etheric Plane of Cancer Part 4, Sun in Mental Plane of Cancer Part 5, Sun in Emotional & Physical Planes of Cancer

1 Our soul stands in her etheric body to receive the Sun who comes bearing the divine plan of the Father's will delivered at solstice by Helios who takes up the torch from Lady Vesta who has born the flame since winter solstice and now places the torch for the year upon the altar at summer solstice. Helios delivers the judgment by carrying out the divine plan of our Father's will and by our Father's authority and office of the Lion on the North Gate on the Six O'clock line of the solar hierarchy of Cancer. (see figure 1)

Our soul stands on the North Gate in the seven initiations of the Ruby Ray to carry out the judgment of our Father delivered by Helios upon our own dweller, by the divine plan of his will. This is the fulfillment of the opening of the seven sealed scroll, playing out year upon year until all is fulfilled. Each one is given a sacred labor to develop the heart as she balances her karma with those with whom we serve or meet on the way. As the heart develops, karma is balanced and the reward given...greater service, a greater dharma. Your destiny awaits, your final service of this your final embodiment, as we walk the path, the Path of Personal Christhood, of slaying our dweller and balancing the three-fold flame. The Path began for all called to this activity on November 1st, 1987. We are now in the 32nd year in Leo, Mighty Victory teaches us, for the public demonstration of the mastery of the law over the dweller, by the five secret rays. This is in preparation for the 34th year in Libra in 2021, when we will be found at the River Jordan standing before the Guru, to be anointed, to begin our Christ Mission, three years to prepare for the crucifixion and the resurrection. These three years begin as the Galactic Alignment ends, concluding a 46-year period of our preparation for our mission having bound our dweller. These three years coincide with the last three years of the Mission of the Summit

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Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild Part 2 of 5

Lighthouse that began on August 8th, 1991, ending in 2024. Some must be ready, ready to be

anointed, and to go forth to awaken a nation, America until the prophecy of the mission of the

Summit Lighthouse is fulfilled. That the Ascended Masters names will be known and spoken in every house in America (by August 8th, 2024).

The final confrontation between absolute good and absolute evil within each one is fast approaching. We have been prepared; God is ready. And whether we stand in 2019, as Mark Prophet did, our ever-present Guru who told El Morya, "I am not ready" or as Guru Ma did, crying out upon the rooftop in Boston, "Saint Germain, you have got to come and get me", the relentless wave of light is coming, its intensity and vibration is increasing and like the violet flame decree session during the July class, led by the Angel of the Violet Flame, we must increase in vibration and frequency to meet the oncoming wave of light. We must come out of her, the anti-church and their anti-apostles and false pastors - of the non-focus on slaying the dweller and balancing and increasing the flame of the heart or receive her karma. We must increase in light, and to be found in the light. We must balance our karma of rebellion against the guru and the law of our Father before the wave as an avalanche reaches us or as Archeia Aurora teaches us in Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, the return of Guru Ma will manifest as so great a pain and suffering in the four lower bodies as the light contacts our darkness, our lesser self (our dweller as taught by Kuthumi) and her baggage. Prepare in earnest. The wave is cycling through the four planes of matter to the physical, even now. Saturn and Jupiter are cycling into and through Capricorn to force us to confront our dweller, PLUTO, in 2020.

Helios has come in 2019, to inaugurate the 36th year of the judgment upon the power elite 2 and their vibration. Those who have taken power to themselves in church and state. That is to say they who have taken the power of the light of the Masters and Uncle Sam to elevate their human (dweller) egos. Astrology teaches us that the Sun rules all Rulers, Presidents, the power elite, the ruling class (click), the corporate class, and the wealthy class. Astrology teaches that Jupiter rules the clergy, ministers, pastors, all people in authority and of distinction; lawyers, judges, captains of Industry, merchants, and bankers. This includes all those who have been called to the office of the Son, the office of Christ.

Helios comes as Jupiter, moves into Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019. Jupiter represents the lineage of the Guru, the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood come to deliver the judgment of Helios upon the planet, the power elite and all tied to their vibration (Rev 18:4). Jupiter is also come to deliver the teachings through his chelas to a world waiting. The Guru is coming. Anticipation is in the eye of the beholder.

Chronology of Transits

12/2 2019 12/4 2019

Jupiter enters Capricorn Jupiter conjuncts (Cupid/Psyche) The Watchers. Helios and Vesta (Sun) have been for

the last 2 ? years and for the next 1 ? years delivering the judgment to the Watchers and their


Winter Solstice 2016 Sun Watcher TSQ at 28 Sagittarius to 28 Pisces Virgo Winter Solstice 2017 Sun conjunct Watchers at 28 Sagittarius Winter Solstice 2018 Sun conjunct Watchers at 29 Sagittarius

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and her manchild Part 2 of 5

1/6 2020

1/12 2020 1/15 2020 2/26 2020

Winter Solstice 2019 Sun conjunct Watchers at 0 Capricorn* Winter Solstice 2020 Sun conjunct Watchers at 2 Capricorn, Sun Watchers as Jupiter conjuncts Saturn

Jupiter conjuncts the Dragon (Tail), Lunar South Node our momentums, accommodations of the dweller. (see Kuthumi, The Enemy Within, chapter 1.) Saturn conjuncts Pluto, The Father comes to bind the dweller, let go, let God. Jupiter conjuncts Mother's chelas* her Mars at 9CAP57 Jupiter conjuncts TSL Venus, faithful chelas on Lanello's Ascension Day, Very auspicious

3/4 2020

4/4 2020 6/30 2020 7/30 2020

10/26 2020

11/12 2020

Jupiter conjuncts Mother's Ascendant, the bond between Guru and chela, direct motion Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, our dwellers, the planetary dweller, direct motion Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, our dwellers, the planetary dweller, retrograde motion Jupiter conjuncts Mother's Ascendant, the bond between Guru and chela, retrograde motion Jupiter conjuncts Mother's Ascendant, the bond between Guru and chela, direct Motion Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, our dwellers, the planetary dweller, direct motion

12/21 2020 Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at 1:22pm EST. The judgment of the seed of Satan. A

new 20-year economic cycle, Bull or Bear market? Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter delivers the judgment upon Saturn, the Black Horse in Capricorn, upon Babylon the


Great, the anti-state and anti-city and upon the Watchers and their godless creation; their

cults of money and the money beast and upon the councils of black magicians and

practitioners of the black arts and adepts of the left-handed path. Upon all those who

subvert the authority of the Mother, the embodied Lamb, and the Lamb's wife, The Guru

Ma and her unascended chelas, and usurp the office of the flying Eagle occupied in

Matter by the Woman clothed with the Sun and her manchild embodied in the initiates of

the Ruby Ray who keep the flame of the Mystery School in the Community of the Holy

Spirit. (see Sanat Kumara, Seven Initiations on the Path of the Ruby Ray, and the Ritual

of Exorcism).

Chronology of Book of Revelations: Opening of the Seven Sealed Scroll

May 21, 1991

Things Future...chapter 4

June 21, 1993

Seven-sealed scrolls is opened: 1st seal: false Christ chapter 6:1 (Uranus, The White Horse) (Summer Solstice 1993). False Christs go forth at summer solstice 1993. Mother gives her July 4th Address and calls for the re-organization of the Church and Nation to survive the coming of antichrist by ensuring the organization is prepared to give birth to Christ within (amongst) the chelas. The mandala from Venus and Tibet

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Summer solstice 2019 The woman clothed with the sun

and her manchild Part 2 of 5

incarnates, includes Lao Tzu's mandala. The child who is come to lead them.

August 21, 1993 Second seal: war (Mars, the Red Horse)

October 21, 1993 Third seal: famine (Saturn, the Black Horse)

December 21, 1993

Fourth seal: death (Neptune, the Pale Horse); Jan 21, 1994 (Mega conjunction in Capricorn seven planets come to destroy the church and America). (Winter Solstice 1993). The collective mind (Neptune), the collective consciousness of Communism, the state of mind of antichrist.

February 21, 1994 Fifth seal: martyred remnant (now begins) 2/21 ? 5/21, 1994 Rev 6:9-11

May 21, 1994

Sixth seal: anarchy is released

April 21, 1996

Seventh seal is composed of seven trumpet judgments Rev chapter 8:16 (4/21-10/21)

October 21, 1996 First trumpet

November 21, 1996 Second trumpet Winter Solstice 1996, A great mountain


burning with fire was cast into the sea. (Olympus)

January 21, 1997 Third trumpet and a great star fell from heaven burning as though a lamp...called Wormwood

March 21, 1997

Fourth trumpet Spring Equinox 1997

May 21, 1997

Fifth trumpet a star fell from heaven with a key to the bottomless pit, smoke arose out of the pit, out of the smoke, torment all who have not the seal in the forehead. They had a king over them who is the angel of the bottomless pit, in the Hebrew tongue, Abaddon, in the Greek tongue, Apollyon. Rev 9:1-12 (5/21, 1997 - 5/21, 1998)

May 21, 1998

Sixth trumpet: army from the Far East. Loosed the four angels leading an army 200 million. Rev 9:13-21 (May 21, 1998 ? Feb 21, 1999) They went forth in chapter 10 and 11 from February 21, 1999 ? March 21, 2001

March 21, 2001

Seventh trumpet Christ's reign is foreseen. The Rise and reign of the Beast and False Prophet (Spring Equinox 2001)

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and her manchild Part 2 of 5

March 21, 2006

The Seven Bowl Judgments Rev 15:1-8 (Spring Equinox 2006). Vials of the Seven Last Plagues.

November 21, 2006 First Bowl of Wrath 1st Vial of the Seven Last Plagues.

January 21, 2007 Second Bowl of Wrath 2nd Vial

February 21, 2007 Third Bowl of Wrath

June 21, 2007

Fourth Bowl of Wrath (Summer Solstice 2007)

August 21, 2007 Fifth Bowl of Wrath

October 21, 2007 Sixth Bowl of Wrath

March 21, 2008

Seventh Bowl of Wrath (Bear Stern economic collapse) (Spring Equinox 2008)

February 21, 2012

Battle of Armageddon and the Millennium that follows. Return of the Feathered Serpent to the Mystery School. Pluto squares Uranus seven times 6/2012 ? 3/2015

June 21, 2013

Armageddon (Summer Solstice 2013). Pluto squares Uranus. (6/24/12 ?


3/16/15). The final battle for our soul begins.

Mark this chronology well for it holds our history and the records of our generation(s) that must be cast into the flame.

Astrology of Summer Solstice ? Helios Cycle of 2019

This document will look at the Sun in Cancer (see figure 1, page 7). We will look through the eyes of the Sun as it transits for 28 solar days, 4 cycles of seven days in each of the four planes of matter in the earth. We will look at the Sun's initiation and testing of the four lower bodies of the people of earth. We will see how the Sun representing our I AM Presence and the Son, our Holy Christ Self, initiates the soul in balancing and expanding the flame within the heart. We also see how this astrology is perceived by the soul from its earth centric, ego centric and the anthropomorphic perception of the human personality. We see how these two perspectives are at the heart of the battle of Armageddon, as well as at the center of the warring within our members. We will see how it (perception, perspectives) defines our experiences and the challenges we face in the odyssey of our soul's journey home. We will see how it defines the testing of our soul, daily, as the soul, with Christ, fastens herself to the cross, the cosmic cross of white fire. We will see what this means to our individual path as the soul daily faces right choices and right action as she learns to control by the God Flame, the lunar forces upon the untransmuted "mood momentums" as described by Master Kuthumi. He teaches us how to use

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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