Autumn Term - Diocese of Exeter

Autumn Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|1 | | |NB Only Christian Festivals |Starting Together p10 |KS1 |I Samuel 1:1-10 |

| |New Beginnings |Starting afresh |should form acts of worship. |Pick up & Run Assemblies 2 p41 |Whole School | |

| | | |Festivals in brackets are for|A Teacher’s Dozen p8 |Whole school | |

| | | |your information only. | | | |

|2 |Prayer |Communication |(September 13 |Assemblies for Primary Schools – Autumn Term|Whole school |Psalms |

| | | |Jewish new Year) |p58 |Whole school |Isaiah |

| | |Praise |(September 13 |p59 |Whole school | |

| | |Thanks |First Day of Ramadan) |p60 |Whole school | |

| | | | |p61 | | |

|3 |Prayer |Asking |(September 22 Jewish day of |Assemblies for Primary Schools – Autumn Term|Whole school |Matthew 6:25-31 |

| | |Asking for others |Atonement) |p62 |Whole school |Psalm 6 |

| | |Asking for help | |p64 |Whole school | |

| | |Asking for others | |p65 |Whole school | |

| | | | |p66 | | |

|4 |Harvest |Sharing |(September 27 First Day of |A Teacher’s Dozen Autumn A p16 |Whole School | |

| | | |Succoth) |Assemblies for Primary Schools Autumn p31 | |John 15 |

| | | | |p32 | | |

| | | | |p33 |Whole School | |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

|5 |Michaelmas |God’s loving care keeps watch |29 September |Christian Assemblies p8 |Whole school |Genesis 28:10-17 |

| | |over us |Feast of Michael and All |Christian Assemblies p10 |KS1 |Luke 1 |

| | | |Angels |Christian Assemblies p12 |KS2 |Revelation 12 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p15 |Whole school |Matthew 28:1-6 |

Autumn Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|6 |Disciples |No one is perfect |(October 13 Eid al Fitr) |Assemblies for Primary Schools – Autumn |Whole School | |

| | |Trust | |Term p 43 |Whole School |Mark 1:16-20 |

| | |Friendship | |p 44 |Whole School | |

| | |Son of Thunder | |p44 |Whole School | |

| | | | |p46 | | |

|7 |St Luke the Evangelist |Patron Saint of doctors and |18 October |Christian Assemblies p20 |Whole School |Luke 5:12-16 |

| | |artists |St Luke’s Day |Christian Assemblies p23 |KS1 |Luke 5:17-26 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p26 |KS2 |Luke 6:37-38 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p29 |Whole School |Luke 8:49-56 |

|8 |All Saints |We are all saints |(24 Oct. United Nations Day) |Christian Assemblies p34 |Whole School |Ephesians 4:32-32 |

| | | |1 November |Christian Assemblies p37 |KS1 |Mark 10: 17, 21-23 |

| | | |All Saints Day |Christian Assemblies p40 |KS2 |Luke 11:5-8 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p43 |Whole School |I Corinthians 12 |

|9 |Disciples |The special Friend | |Assemblies for Primary Schools – Autumn | | |

| | |The Rock | |Term p47 | |Mark 1:16-20 |

| | |Fisher of Men | |p48 | | |

| | |‘Come & See’ | |p49 | | |

| | | | |p50 | | |

|10 |Remembrance |Remembering |Armistice Day |A Teacher’s Dozen Autumn A p20 |Whole school |Luke 22:17-20 |

| | | | |Through the year with Timothy Bear p36 | | |

| | | | |Letters Pray p55 |KS1 | |

| | | | |In the Bag 2 p18 | | |

| | | | | |Whole School |John 15:13 |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

Autumn Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|11 |Disciples |The Truthful | |Assemblies for Primary Schools – Autumn Term|Whole School |Mark 1:14-20 |

| | |The Brave | |p 51 |Whole school | |

| | |The Ordinary | |p52 |Whole school |Mark 2:13-14 |

| | |The Traitor | |p53 |Whole school | |

| | | | |p54 | | |

|12 |Disciples |The Fighter |30 November | p55 |Whole school |Mark 3:13-18 |

| | |The Hated Friend |St Andrew’s Day |p56 |Whole school | |

| | |The Loyal | |p57 |Whole school | |

| | |Pulling together as a team | |The assemblies Resource Book |Whole school | |

| | | | |p138 | | |

|13 |Advent |Preparation |2 December |Christian Assemblies p48 |Whole School |Isaiah 11:1-4 |

| | | |First Sunday of Advent |Christian Assemblies p51 |KS1 |Exodus 3:7-8,10-12 |

| | | |Advent begins |Christian Assemblies p54 |KS2 |Psalm 23 |

| | | |(5 December Hanukkah begins) |Christian Assemblies p57 |Whole School |Luke 1:32-33 |

| | | | | | |Matthew 2:3-6 |

|14 |Advent |Preparation |Second Sunday of Advent |Collective Worship unwrapped p70 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Assembly Today p24 | | |

| | | | |Maximus Mouse Primary Assembly Book p110 |KS1 | |

| | | | |Bumper Book of Assemblies Bk2 p150 |Whole School | |

| | | | | | |Luke 1:26-38 |

| | | | | |KS2 | |

|15 |Christmas |Incarnation – God made man |Third Sunday of Advent |Beyond the Candle Flame p58 |KS1 | |

| | | | |Twelve Baskets Autumn A p28 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Bumper Book of Assemblies Bk2 p154 |KS2 |Luke 2:1-6 |

| | | | |50 Bible dramas for children p156 | | |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

Spring Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|1 |How we live our lives | |Epiphany 6 January |The Assemblies Resource Book p53 |Whole School |Matthew 2:1-12 |

| | | | |p60 | | |

| | |Worrying | |p62 |Whole School | |

| | |Courage | |50 Bible Dramas for Children p174 |KS2 | |

| | | | | | |Daniel 6:16-28 |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

|2 |How we live our lives |Actions have consequences | |A Teacher’s Dozen Spring A p10 | |Good Samaritan |

| | | | |p12 |Whole School |Moses in the Rushes |

| | | | |In the Bag 2 p43 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Pick up and un Assemblies 3 p51 |Whole School | |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

|3 |How we live our lives – the |Paul trusted Jesus |Saint Paul |Christian Assemblies p60 |Whole School |Acts 9:1-9 |

| |example of Saint Paul | | |Christian Assemblies p61 |KS1 |I Corinthians 12:14-17 |

| | | | | | |Ephesians 6:10-11, 14-18 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p64 |KS2 |Variety of Paul’s writings |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p66 |Whole School | |

|4 |How Mary and Joseph lived |Following God through |Candlemas Feb 2 |Christian Assemblies p70 |Whole School |Luke 2:22-38 |

| |their lives according to |religious practices | |Christian Assemblies p73 |KS1 |Luke 1:5-14 |

| |Jewish custom | | |Christian Assemblies p76 |KS2 |John 8:12 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p79 |Whole School |Matthew 5:14-16 |

| | | | | | | |

|5 |Lent |Examining ourselves |Shrove Tuesday 5 Feb |Creative Assemblies p73 |KS1 | |

| | | |Ash Wednesday 6 Feb |Assemblies for Primary Schools p73 | | |

| | | | |p74 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Collective Worship Unwrapped p96 |Whole School |Luke 4:1-13 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

Spring Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|6 |Lent |Fasting and Penitence – |Season of Lent |Christian Assemblies p84 |Whole School |Matthew 6:19-21 |

| | |giving things up and giving | |Christian Assemblies p86 |KS1 |Mark 12:31 |

| | |the proceeds to others in | |Christian Assemblies p88 |KS2 |Matthew 4:1-11 |

| | |need | |Christian Assemblies p91 |Whole School |Deuteronomy 11:18-21 |

|7 |Lent |The Bible is a holy book |Season of Lent |Pick up and Run Assemblies 1 p37 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Letters Pray p12 | | |

| | | | |The Assemblies Resource Book p66 |Whole School |2 Timothy 3:14-17 |

| | | | |In the bag 2 p13 |Whole School | |

| | | |Mothering Sunday March 2 | |Whole School | |

|8 |Lent |What is God like? |Season of Lent | Cracking Assemblies p50 |Whole School |Manna in the desert |

| | | | |Assemblies for Infants 3 p90 |KS1 |Psalm 46:1 |

| | | | |Cracking Assemblies p52 |Whole School |Psalm 90 |

| | | | | |Whole School |Psalm 139:7-12 |

| | | | |p53 | | |

|9 | |What is God like? |Season of Lent |Cracking Assemblies p 54 |Whole School |Deuteronomy 6:4 |

| |Lent | | |p55 |Whole School |John 9:5, John 1:5 |

| | | | |p56 |Whole School |Feeding of 5000 |

| | | | |p57 |Whole School |Matthew 22:15-22 |

|10 |Holy Week |Suffering |Holy Week |Christian Assemblies p96 |Whole School |Mark 15:16-20, 37,39 |

| | | |Easter | | |Mark 11:8-10 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p99 |KS1 |Mark 15:22-37 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p102 |KS2 |John 20:11-18 & Matthew 28:18-20 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p105 |Whole School | |

Summer Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|1 |Easter celebrations |Resurrection – 4 insights | |Letters Pray p21 |Whole school |Mark 15:22-41 |

| | |into Easter | |The Maximus Mouse Primary Assembly |Whole School | |

| | | | |book p 122 | | |

| | | | |The Assemblies Resource Book p 101 |Whole School | |

| | | | |A Teacher’s Dozen Spring A p28 | |Road to Emmaus |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

|2 |Light |Light in creation | |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 3 p35 |Whole School |John 8:12 |

| | |Jesus as the Light of the | |The Almost Instant Assembly Book 2 p55| | |

| | |World | |Letters Pray p43 |Whole School |Road to Damascus |

| | | | |Assemblies for Infants Book 2 p44 | |John 8:12 |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

| | | | | |KS1 | |

|3 |Stories from the Bible |God working through people | |Assemblies for Primary Schools Spring | | |

| | | | |Term p40 |Whole School |Belshazzar |

| | | | |p45 |Whole School |Ezekiel |

| | | | |p42 |Whole School |Solomon’s Gift |

| | | | |p43 |Whole School |Samuel anointing David |

|4 |Stories from the Bible |God working through people | |Assemblies for Primary Schools Spring | | |

| | | | |Term p 53 |Whole School |Isaiah |

| | | | |p54 |Whole School |Amos |

| | | | |p55 |Whole School |Isaiah |

| | | | |Assemblies for Infants Book 2 p20 |KS1 |Abraham |

| | | | | | | |

|5 |Bank Holiday Monday |There are consequences for | |Letters Pray p52 |Whole School |Genesis 3:1-24 |

| |Obedience |disobedience to God | |Pick up and Run Assemblies 3 p7 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Assemblies for Infants Bk 2 p26 | |Jonah |

| | | | |A Teacher’s Dozen Spring p8 |KS1 | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Whole School |Daniel - lions |

Summer Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|6 |Birthday of the Church |God gave His spirit to |Pentecost May 11 |Christian Assemblies p110 |Whole School |Exodus 30:1-4 |

| | |people; the Church was born | |Christian Assemblies p113 |KS1 |Genesis 2:4b-7 & John |

| | | | | | |20:19,22 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p115 |KS2 |Galations 5: 22-23,25 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p118 |Whole School |Acts 2: 1-6 |

|7 |The Trinity |God the Father, Son and Holy|Trinity Sunday 18 May |Through the Year with Timothy Bear p92 |KS1 |John 14:25-31 |

| | |Spirit | | |KS2 |John 15:26-27 |

| | | | |Collective Worship Unwrapped p20 |Whole School | |

| | | | |.uk search ‘Holy Spirit’ choose It’s the |Whole School | |

| | | | |Spirit you need | | |

|8 |Rules | | | Assemblies for Primary Schools Summer Term |Whole School |Matthew 18:11-13 |

| | |The nature of rules | |p56 |Whole School |Psalm 23 |

| | |Negative rules | |p57 |Whole School |John 6:25-59 |

| | |Positive rules | |p58 |Whole School | |

| | |Breaking the rules | |p59 | | |

|9 |Rules |Disobeying rules have | |Assemblies for Primary Schools Spring Term |Whole School | |

| | |consequences | |P60 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Assembly Resources through the year p129 |Whole School |Exodus 20:1-17 |

| | | | |Maximus Mouse p43 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Letters Pray p61 | | |

|10 |Forgiveness |Forgiving others | |Assemblies for Infants Book 1 p62 |KS1 | |

| | |Asking for forgiveness | |Collective Worship Unwrapped p111 |Whole School |Luke 15:11-32 |

| | | | |Letters Pray p70 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Maximus Mouse p20 |Whole School | |

Summer Term

|Week |Theme |Key Ideas/Concepts |Festivals |Resources |Grouping |Bible References |

|11 |Forgiveness |National | |Assembly Chains p64 |KS2 | |

| | |responsibility/forgiveness | |The Almost Instant Assembly Book p65 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Stories for Interactive Assemblies p65 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Creative Assemblies p53 |KS1 |Mark 2:1-12 |

|12 |The ordinary person |God can make ordinary people |Saint Peter June 29 |Christian Assemblies p122 |Whole School |Matthew 4:18-19 |

| | |special | |Christian Assemblies p125 |KS1 |Matthew 14:26a, 27-32 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p128 |KS2 |Luke 9:28-36 |

| | | | |Christian Assemblies p131 |Whole School |Mark 14:70b-72 |

|13 |Working Together |We need each other | | Assemblies Resource Book p138 |Whole School | |

| | | | |Collective Worship Unwrapped p17 |KS1 |I Corinthians 12:12-31 |

| | | | |In the Bag 2 p54 | | |

| | | | |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 2 p61 |Whole School |Nehemiah Chs 1-7 |

| | | | | |Whole School | |

|14 |Working Together |Being part of Jesus’ team | |Letters Pray p24 |Whole School |Exodus 20:12 & Ephesians |

| | | | | | |6:1-4 |

| | | | |Letters Pray p67 |Whole School |Luke 6:13 |

| | | | |The Assembly Resource Book p138 |Whole School | |

| | | | |The assembly resource Book p93 |Whole School | |

|15 |Moving On |Saying goodbye | |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 2 p49 |Whole School |Book of Ruth |

| | | | |Creative Assemblies p123 | | |

| | | | | |KS1 | |

|Author |Title |Publisher |ISBN |

|New books for this cycle are in red | | | |

|Cunnigham, Ferguson and Grewcock |A Teacher’s Dozen – Autumn Year A |Twelve Baskets |0-9553860-0-4 |

|Cunnigham, Ferguson and Grewcock |A Teacher’s Dozen – Spring Year A |Twelve Baskets |0-9553860-1-2 |

|Bishop, Nigel |Stories for Interactive Assemblies |Bible Reading Fellowship |1-84101-456-6 |

|Harding, Nick |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 3 |Kevin Mayhew |1-84417-537-5 |

|Govus, Sue and Chris |The Almost Instant Assembly Book 2 |KevinMayhew |1-84003-731-8 |

|Wright, John |In the Bag 2 |Kevin Mayhew |1-84417-335-6 |

|Sears, Brian |Through the Year with Timothy Bear |Bible Reading Fellowship |1-84101-394-3 |

|Ogden and Dobbs |Beyond the Candle Flame |Bible Reading Fellowship |1-84101-431-1 |

|Ed. Thompson, Jan |Christian Assemblies |PFP |1-904677-07-X |

|These books have been used in previous cycles | | | |

|Cooling, Margaret |Assemblies for Primary Schools Autumn |RMEP |0-900274-58-1 |

|Cooling, Margaret |Assemblies for Primary Schools Spring |RMEP |0-900274-60-3 |

|Cooling, Margaret |Assemblies for Primary Schools Summer |RMEP |0-900274-62-X |

|Ed. Lamont, Gordon |The Assemblies Resource Book |SPCK |0-281-05418-5 |

|Ed. Lamont, Gordon |Assemblies Resources through the year |SPCK |0-281-05567-X |

|Walker, Diane |Assemblies for Infants Book 1 |RMEP |1-85175-170X |

|Walker, Diane |Assemblies for Infants Book 2 |RMEP |1-85175-171-8 |

|Walker, Diane |Assemblies for Infants Book 3 |RMEP |1-85175-172-6 |

|Harding, Nick |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 1 |Kevin Mayhew |1-84417-296-1 |

|Harding, Nick |Pick Up and Run Assemblies 2 |Kevin Mayhew |1-84417-337-2 |

|Coghlan, Patrick |Letters Pray |Kevin Mayhew |978-1-84417-749-3 |

|Neilands, Lynda |50 Bible Dramas for Children |Children’s Ministry |1-84292-253-4 |

|Ogden, Brian |The Maximus Mouse Primary Assembly Book |Scripture Union |1-85999-492-X |

|Ogden, Brian |Starting Together |Bible Reading Fellowship |1-84101-257-2 |

|Cooling and Walker |Cracking Assemblies |Stapleford Centre |0-9516537-8-4 |

|Butler, Heather |Creative Assemblies |Scripture Union |1-85999-466-0 |

|Guest, John |Collective Worship Unwrapped |Bible Reading Fellowship |1-84101-371-4 |

|Walker, Diane |Assembly Chains |Lion |0-7459-4228-8 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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