
Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ________________

Vocabulary Builder-Government and Citizenship


Using your class notes and pages 168-174 in your CRCT Coachbook, define and illustrate the following Government Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Builder-Government and Citizenship

Directions: Using your class notes and pages 168-174 in your CRCT Coachbook, define and illustrate the following Government Vocabulary Words.


Lesson Two: Rights and Responsibilities as Citizens

SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.

a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.

b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.

c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

d. Explain voting requirements and elections in Georgia.

e. Explain the role of political parties in government.


The government gives to us, American citizens, the status of _________________________.

If your parents are U S citizens or if you were born in the United States, then you are a _________________________.

You are entitled to all of the protections and rights provided by the __________ and _______ constitutions.

These rights include:

• ________________________

• ________________________

• ________________________

• ________________________

Every good citizen makes his country's honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it....Andrew Jackson

Essential Questions:

1. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.

2. Discuss the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.

3. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

4. Illustrate voting requirements and elections in Georgia.

5. Defend the role of political parties in government.

Essential Vocabulary:

← Two-Party System

← Separation of Powers

← Checks and Balances

← Citizenship

← Delegated Powers

← Reserved Powers

← Expressed Powers

← Implied Powers

← Elastic Clause

← Veto

← Electoral College

← Cabinet

← Political Parties

________________ citizens are foreign nationals (those who were born in other countries) who choose to become American citizens and give up their citizenship in birth country.

To apply for citizenship a person must:

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

Becoming an American Citizen

What is a Citizen?


Foreign Nationals who wish to become American citizens must then meet certain requirements:

– Be able to __________, __________, and __________ in English.

– Have a knowledge and understanding of _________________ and __________________.

– Good ___________ character.

– A belief in the ______________ of the U.S. Constitution.

– Taking an __________ of _________________ is the final step.

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ______________________________________

These rights include….

Citizens are entitled to all of the protections and rights provided by the federal and state constitutions.

Responsibilities as Citizens

1. Pay ______________, ___________, and ________ taxes to fund the services that the government provides

2. Includes _______________ in government by running for office if you so choose, or _________ for candidates for office.

3. ____________ the nation against its enemies. All young _____ are required to register with the Selective Service board when they turn _______________.

As citizens of the United States we have certain basic responsibilities

Your Vote Counts

The major influence on government decision-making is made at the polls on elections day by people who vote.

To Vote you must:

1. ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________

The _______________________, makes sure candidates meet the qualifications to run for office.

← The secretary of state’s job is to

a. _____________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________

After an election, the secretary of state checks the results in each county and publishes them.


• Voting in national, state, and local elections takes place according to the ____________________

• The Secretary of State, (chief election official) makes sure candidates meet the ______________________________________ for office.

• The secretary of state also ________________________, prints ballots, and provides all election materials to Georgia counties.

• After an election, the secretary of state _________________________in each county and publishes them.

• A general election is held in November in at least ______________________________ year (i.e.: 2012). This is when major federal and state officials are selected.

• Other elections are held as needed to select public officials at all levels of government: national, state, county, or city.

• Citizens by voting, _______________ ______________________________

No matter what the purpose of an election, low voter turnout is a matter of serious concern.


• __________________ are organized groups who share _____________ __________and who seek to influence government policies and decisions by electing members of their party to government office.

• The first political parties in the country were the _____________ and the Antifederalist who fought over the powers of a central government as the U.S. Constitution was being written and ratified.


While these early political parties have changed over the years, we have maintained a __________________


“of the people, by the people,

and for the people,”

Spoken by Abraham Lincoln’s in his

Gettysburg Address

When there are more than two candidates, some states allow the one who gets more votes than anyone else to be the winner, even if it is not a majority.

This is called



Georgia does not allow election by plurality, rather a runoff election must be held between the two top votes. getters

Majority and Plurality

In a democratic decision making, a ____________________ vote is generally used to determine the outcome.

Two Party System: America has two major political parties

1. _____________________ 2. _____________________

Member of these groups share common beliefs about government’s role in American life and the policies that government should support.

People who are not members of these two parties are referred to as ________________________.

A majority is any number greater than fifty percent plus one of the total persons voting. In special cases government may require a specific majority – such as two-thirds of the total persons voting.

• Minor political parties that do not have enough members to win major elections, however, do have an important role in the _____________________process.

• They bring attention to specific ideas, and their __________________ the thinking and principles of party leaders of the two major political parties.

• _______________________ are people who share common goals and objectives on issues related to their goals and objectives, who band together to influence government policies.

• Unlike political parties, interest groups ____________ typically exist to elect their representatives to government positions: instead, they try to influence office holders to act in a certain way when their issues arise.

• Interest groups use basic persuasive tactics to influence government decisions making. They have ______________, people who are paid to represent them in Washington or Atlanta.

4. General elections are held

a. whenever required by the Secretary of State.

b. the first Tuesday of November in even numbered years.

c. the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

d. the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even numbered years.

5. Interest groups

a. seek to elect members of their party to governmental office.

b. belong to one political party.

c. share common interests and goals and try to influence elected officials.

d. do not involve themselves in politics.

6. Our government is

a. of the people

b. of the law

c. both a and b

d. neither a nor b

1. A responsibility of a U. S. citizen is to

a. vote in elections.

b. follow the laws of our nation and state.

c. pay taxes.

d. all of the above.

2. To apply of U. S. citizenship a person must

a. have a job, be 18 years of age, be of good moral character.

b. be 18 years of age, pass a test, have applied for a driver’s license.

c. be 18 years of age, have lived in the U. S. for at least 5 years, have entered the country legally.

d. all of the above.

3. In order to register to vote, you must

a. be 18 years of age.

b. be 21 years of age.

c. have a driver’s license.

d. be a natural born citizen.



















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