Mr. Putnam's English Classes

Socratic Seminar NotesInformational Text Set 2Socratic Seminar General Rules:Speak so that everyone can hear you.Speak without raising your hand.Listen closely (take notes).Refer to the text.Talk to each other, not just the leader.Invite and allow others to speak.Consider all viewpoints and ideas.Ask for clarification; don’t stay confused.Know that you are responsible for the quality of the seminar.Directions: Use the graphic organizer below to collect material for use in the Socratic SeminarOpening Question:Have you ever felt that something was purposely trying to make your life difficult? Explain. Relate your experience to Bakers classification system in “The Plot Against People.”Core Question:Considering Baker’s diction, and syntax in this selection, How would you describe his tone in “The Plot Against People”? Given this tone, what do you think his purpose is for writing about this subject? Make references to the text in your response. Core Question:In which parts of her essay is Ackerman’s purpose to explain? To describe? To reflect? Are these purposes compatible? Explain your answer with references to the text.Core Question:Identify two text features from either the essay by Baker or that by Ackerman and explain the contribution they make to the text. Next, determine a specific type of text feature would have helped your understanding of either essay, name it and explain why it was needed.Core Question: Explain the connection Ackerman sees between fall leaves and human beings. How close does the connection seem to you?Core Question: How would you compare the experience of reading the graphic aids with the experience of reading the essay “Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall”? Explain the effectiveness of each approach to presenting the information, citing specific examples you found to be effective.Core Question:Consider the graphic aids on page 505 and 506. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of presenting information using the cutaway diagram, schematic diagram, and photographs approaches.Closing Question:Construct a graphic aid of your own for the essay “The Plot Against People.” You may use any of the following options:Diagram (Cutaway or Schematic)Graph (circle, bar, line)Chart or TableMap (political, thematic, road, physical)Pull Quote ................

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