Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Pushing the Limits: Strength Name____________________________________Date __________________Period________This video shows how the human body is engineered for strength, power, and endurance. 7 events re-enacted; interviews with the people actually involved.Bone: Strong and Flexible [06:43]Muscles : Superhuman Strength [06:25]Skeleton and Cartilage: Shock Absorption [03:09]Pain Tolerance [06:20]Adrenaline: Fight or Flight Response [06:36]Muscle Memory: Learning in Your Sleep [04:24] Carbohydrates and Fat: Fueling the Body [08:04]Part 1 Bone: Strong and Flexible Tornado sweeps Matt away. ~1:30What did Matt’s bones protect? ~3:00What is the secret to bone’s high strength to weight ratio?How often do people replace their bone cells?Do bones change according to the activities people do? How? ~5:00 What does this mean for our health?Why didn’t Matt’s bones break when he fell from his quarter-mile flight? ~6:00 and 7:15Part 2 Muscles : Superhuman Strength Sinjin pushes 1200-pound rock off of himself. ~8:10Do we grow new muscle fibers throughout our lives? How do you think muscles change size?Does an individual muscle push? Does it pull? What happens inside our arm when we push away from a wall?What is the approximated world bench-press record? Show your calculation!What did Sinjin’s brain do during his great push?Why do you think we cannot consciously or voluntarily do what Sinjin did?Considering #12, how can an accomplished weight lifter lift great weights?What is a danger of using all of a muscle’s fibers at one time? ~14:30Part 3 Skeleton and Cartilage: Shock Absorption Street Gymnasts ~ 15:00What are our shock absorbers when we jump? How do they work? What materials are involved?Part 4 Pain Tolerance Ryan gets hit hard! ~18:00What happens when we push bone and muscle beyond normal limits? ~18:30Compare pain threshold and pain tolerance. ~21:30What is the cost of ignoring pain? (e.g. with football and ballet)How do women and men differ regarding pain, according to what studies suggest? ~21:30Part 5 Adrenaline: Fight or Flight Response The Fireball~24:00How does Officer Perkins run so fast when the firestorm occurs? 27:00What molecule is the immediate fuel for our muscles? Part 6 Muscle Memory: Learning in Your Sleep Soccer Skills ~31:00Why is a single muscle useless?How many nerves control our hands?How and when does muscle memory develop?Part 7 Carbohydrates and Fat: Fueling the Body The Swimmer ~35:30 to endWhy is Paul so fat (for an athlete)?What would have happened to our ancient ancestors if they had not carried enough fat?What is “hitting the wall”?What energy supplies are burned first, before fat?Why don’t marathon runners need nearly as much fat as Paul needed?How many calories of fat does Paul carry?Why do you feel dizzy and light-headed when you start burning mostly fat?Why does the narrator say, “A super-human lives inside every one of us?” ................

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