The end of June and start of July saw the transition of ...

All ODP players may apply for financial aid to assist them with their monetary obligations for the 2020 New Hampshire Soccer Association Olympic Development Program season. Financial aid is applied separately to spring state team training fee and Region 1 Identification Camp fee. Applications must be submitted separately for each expense. Due dates for each financial award are as follows:

Spring State Team Financial Aid Sunday, March 1, 2020

Summer Identification Camps Friday, May 29, 2020

The financial aid recipients will be notified in a timely manner. Financial aid funds are limited. Therefore, applicants should be seeking other means to fund their participation in NHSA ODP and not rely solely on financial aid. It is important that applicants remember that payment plans are available.

Please complete the following questions and enclose a letter supporting the applicant’s request for financial so that NH ODP may assess the financial need. All documents and information will be kept confidential.

Player Name       Player’s Birth Year      

Parent Name(s)      

Parent’s Phone Number       Phone Primary E-mail      

Application for (check one)       Spring State Team       Identification Camp

Including the player, how many members in your family (living at the home address)?      

How many family members are participating ODP this year?      

How many years have the player been involved in ODP?      

What is the family's gross income from employment?      

Does the family own or rent the home residence?      

What are the monthly housing costs (rent/mortgage)?      

Does the family receive any form of government assistance (If yes, list amount)?      

Does the family receive child support (if yes, list amount)?      

Amount of financial assistance the family is requesting?      

Questions about the application process can be directed to Patricia Hamilton, NH ODP Administrative Director, at phamilton_odp@ or via mail at

Patricia Hamilton

NHSA ODP Administrative Director

19 Pearson Road

Alton, NH 03809



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