NAME__________________________ Commas-Conventional Uses

NAME__________________________ Commas-Conventional Uses

Directions: Add commas where necessary in the following sentences.

1. John lives at 413 W. State Street Chicago Illinois 60614.

2. His birthday is on January 17 1982.

3. On Thursday March 17 2000 John has an appointment with Dr. Ed Crunch MD.

4. Do you open your presents on Thursday December 24 or Friday December 25?

5. The party is on Friday January 29 200 at 5310 S. University St. Dayton Ohio 53682.

6. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day is on Monday January 19.

7. Please drop the flowers off at 43 Pine Street Jackson MS before Tuesday May 23.

8. Dr. James Gurney MD received his degree in June of 1953.

9. The festival takes place in Madison Wisconsin on July 5 2000.

10. On Sunday April 13 2000 the sun will be in total eclipse.

Practice with Commas

Practice placing commas and any other punctuation you feel is necessary into the following sentences:

1. On September 1 1994 she appeared tired listless and bored but we couldn't help her snap out of the lethargy which appeared to be deep-seated.

2. Problems such as yours need investigation Morgan because we cannot expect you to understand immediately even though you are an intelligent capable person.

3. Many people do not hesitate to get involved with computers camcorders and VCR's yet they seldom install burglar alarm systems to protect these expensive contemporary items.

4. There's an old saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease but a good teacher tries to handle students so that the need for attention doesn't arise in the first place which is a difficult task.

5. People's names tend to be spelled more creatively as the years pass perhaps because modern parents are striving for individuality not realizing that they may be creating life-long problems.

6. Al is always looking for food but he doesn't seem to gain weight because he exercises vigorously.

7. I sent an order to a shop in Long Grove Illinois two weeks ago and I haven't heard anything yet; however the owner is sure to have a good excuse when she does get around to answering.

8. Efficient yes--pleasant no. What I have just written is technically a fragment for it has no subject and verb set; nevertheless it makes a point and that is what matters most.

9. If the student is motivated Composition can be a satisfying productive English class.

10. Just as I placed the bottle on the ledge she lunged toward the door grabbed the knob and sprang out into the rain.

11. To err is human to forgive divine she said.

12. Then when I returned to the kitchen glass and milk were scattered and spattered everywhere.

13. John I just don't understand you the woman screamed loudly in the depot.

14. She was the first person the first human being to pay attention to his behavior.

15. She traveled 6829 miles to see her daughter.

Name ___________________________ Commas-Non-Essential/Interrupters

Place the commas where they belong in the sentences. Be sure to consult the rules and examples in your grammar book to complete this correctly. If a sentence is correct, place a “C” next to it.

Exercise #1:

1. Patterson Tower the recently completed office building is a monument to concrete ugliness.

2. The movie that I wanted to see is no longer playing.

3. Each person who enters the contest must send in two box tops.

4. John decided nonetheless not to buy the car.

5. The Mississippi River which once flowed north into Hudson Bay flows south into the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Your cat watching the dog intently walked carefully away.

7. The cat that was watching the dog most intently walked carefully away.

8. TV commercials sometimes the most entertaining parts of a program are essentially flashy corporate propaganda.

9. The dam project which many in the government consider to be a sign of national strength will destroy hundreds of villages and vast areas of wildlife habitat along the river banks.

10. The free-jazz musician Sun Ra claimed to be from Saturn.

Exercise #2:

Are the essential and nonessential elements in the following sentences punctuated correctly? If they are correct, write a C on the line to the left. If they are incorrect, put an X on the line and make the necessary corrections.

_____ 1. The woman who did not attend the meeting said that she had to study for her chemistry exam.

_____ 2. He did not however intend to return the money he borrowed.

_____ 3. West Point cadets, who break the honor code, are expelled.

_____ 4. She was as a matter of fact chiefly interested in becoming a Hollywood celebrity.

_____ 5. Raul's wife, Conchita, is president of the local Red Cross.

_____ 6. The German writer, Hermann Hesse, is a favorite with American college students.

_____ 7. The courthouse which was renovated recently was built in 1878.

_____ 8. Saul having forgotten to save his work lost all of his revisions when his computer crashed.

_____ 9. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, wrote his handbook of spiritual exercises in the sixteenth century.

_____ 10. The book, that your sister gave you for your birthday, won a National Book Award.

Exercise #3

The following sentences have essential and nonessential words, phrases, and clauses in them. Put in the necessary punctuation. Some sentences are correct as is. Write a C if you think the sentence is correct.

1. The girl who teaches swimming at the neighborhood pool has a great deal of patience.

2. The girl who enjoyed teaching swimming decided to major in physical education at college.

3. The high school course that was most valuable to me was typing.

4. Maria wearing an original dress of her own design was the center of attention.

5. Dogsled mushing which has been his favorite sport for years requires a lot of effort.

6. Dauphin Island located off the coast of Alabama is a favorite spot for fishermen.

7. He saw his favorite movie Star Wars eight times.

8. Two of her friends Kate and Beth are planning to share an apartment with her next summer.

9. Citizen Kane considered by many critics to be the greatest American film ever made won only one Academy Award.

10. The officer who made the arrest had been investigated previously for excessive use of force.


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