1) Choose relevant, carefully selected material to quote.

2) Quote word for word. Put punctuation marks around any material which you are quoting. Normally all punctuation goes inside quotation marks, but when you are using parenthetical citations, you must follow the rules for punctuation. See #7

3) Pay attention to grammatical rules so that use of quote does not result in grammatical errors.

4) Remember that you will be writing most of the paper in your own words and supporting your words with the quotes and paraphrases- approximately 75% is you and 25% quotes and paraphrases.

5) Remember to incorporate quotes smoothly within your sentences as well as before and after your sentences.

6) Be sure to make the point clear in your own words and then support your words with the quote. Do not depend exclusively on the quoted material to make the point. Here’s a tip to check and see if you have too many quotes. Take out all the quoted material as you proof read. In other words, read your paper aloud without the quoted material and see what remains. If you have not overquoted, your paper, despite how awkward it may sound, should still prove your point.

7) All quotes and paraphrases MUST BE PARENTHETICALLY CITED. Remember to put the period after the citation for short quotes and paraphrases and before the citation for long quotes.

8) Quotes that would be more than 4 typed lines should be started on a new line, box indented 1 inch from the left margin, and double spaced. Remember that you do not need quotation marks for long indented quotes.

9) When you write a full sentence to introduce a long quote, use a colon after your sentence. (See the sheet on parenthetical citations).

10) Use […] to replace words that you are omitting from the middle of a quote.

11) Use a [ ] around any word in a quote you have changed or added.

12) When you are quoting a critic who is quoting someone else, use regular quotation marks “around the words of the critics” and single quotation marks ‘around the word of the source’ the critic is quoting. Cite the critic himself, not the source he or she is quoting.

Ex: “Wordsworth clearly states in his poem ‘the leaves fall gracefully to earth’s floor’ and in doing so creates a striking image” (Jones 23).

13) It is acceptable, even desirable, to periodically introduce a quote by using the critic’s name and the source. For example:

John Smith, in his essay “Dependence in Of Mice and Men,” believes that George’s dependence on Lenny is a result of “George’s need to feel superior to another human being” (12).

14. If you are writing a paper about one literary work and you have clearly established the name of the author, you generally do not need his name in the parenthetical citation you are quoting from his work.

15. Use the following form to cite from a play: Start with the Act, followed by the scene, followed by the line numbers. Do not put spaces after the period. (I.i.299-300) or (5.5.25-30).

16. Poetry quotes of up to three lines of verse should be incorporated into your text using quotation marks. Separate the line of verse using a slash with a space on either side ( / ). Use box indentation (1 inch) to quote more than three lines of verse.

17. When quoting dialogue between two or more characters in the play, use the box indent (1 inch), type the speaker’s name in all capitals, follow the name with a period, and then start the quotation. If the quotation runs onto subsequent lines, indent an additional quarter inch, or three spaces.

THIRD PLEBIAN. Let him be Caesar.

FOURTH PLEBIAN. Caesar’s better parts

shall be crowned in Brutus. (3.2.45-46).

18) If there is a typographical error in the source you are using to quote from, do not correct it. Copy the quote exactly as it appears and put [sic] after the error.

19) For poetry citation, use line numbers only:

So much depends


a red wheel

barrow (1-4)


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