Doctorology – Pulmonology

Doctorology – Gastroenterology

1. An estimated 70 million people suffer from a digestive problem annually.

2. What does IBD stand for? Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

3. A doctor uses an endoscope to look at a person’s digestive system. The endoscope can either go down a person’s throat or up their butt.

i) The scope that goes through your mouth is called a gastroscope.

ii) The scope that goes through your butt is called a colonoscope.

4. What are some of the weird things that have been found in a patients’ digestive system? Needles, coins, false teeth, chicken bones

5. Why is preparation not fun when you go see a gastrologist?

- you have to drink a super strong laxative

6. On average there is 5 x more intestinal tubing than how tall you are.

7. Ulcers are normally caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are often prescribed for this.

8. The goal of a colonoscopy is to find & remove pollops. This will reduce the patient’s risk of getting colon cancer.

9. When a doctor wants to take an x ray of a patient’s digestive tract, doctors pump barium & air into the person’s rectum to enable the doctors to see the colon.

10. In a virtual colonoscopy, they only pump air into the colon. It is basically like a 3D-CT Scan.

11. Doctors still cannot easily see the small intestine.

12. They have developed a pill-cam that takes pictures inside the digestive system as it passes through it. It takes about 12 hours to go through the entire digestive tract.

13. The best preventative measure to ensure your digestive system is working well is to consume fiber regularly.

Doctorology – Gastroenterology

1. An estimated _____________ people suffer from a digestive problem annually.

2. What does IBD stand for? ________________________

3. A doctor uses an _________ to look at a person’s digestive system. The endoscope can either go down a person’s throat or up their butt.

i) The scope that goes through your mouth is called a ___________.

ii) The scope that goes through your butt is called a ____________.

4. What are some of the weird things that have been found in a patients’ digestive system? ______________________________________

5. Why is preparation not fun when you go see a gastrologist?

6. On average there is __ x more intestinal tubing than how tall you are.

7. Ulcers are normally caused by ________. ____________ are often prescribed for this.

8. The goal of a colonoscopy is to find & remove ________. This will reduce the patient’s risk of getting _________ cancer.

9. When a doctor wants to take an x ray of a patient’s digestive tract, doctors pump __________ into the person’s rectum to enable the doctors to see the colon.

10. In a virtual colonoscopy, they only pump _____ into the colon. It is basically like a 3D-CT Scan.

11. Doctors still cannot easily see the ________________.

12. They have developed a __________ that takes pictures inside the digestive system as it passes through it. It takes about ___ hours to go through the entire digestive tract.

13. The best preventative measure to ensure your digestive system is working well is to consume ___________ regularly.


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