1. How should I use an apostrophe to show that a noun is possessive?

The possessive case communicates ownership or other similar relationships. To indicate possession in nouns, you can choose to use a phrase beginning with of or -’s. Here are the rules:

1. Add -’s to nouns not ending in -s. (Example: She felt a parent’s joy.)

2. Add -’s to singular nouns ending in -s. (Example: The business’s system for handling complaints is inefficient.)

3. Add only an apostrophe to plural nouns ending in -s. (Example: The boys’ statements were printed in the newspaper.)

4. Add -’s to the last word in compound words and phrases. (Example: His mother-in-law’s company makes scuba gear.)

5. Add -’s to each noun in individual possession. (Example: Olga’s and Joanne’s houses are next to each other.)

6. Add -’s to only the last noun in joint or group possession. (Example: Brina and Avram’s house has a screened porch.)

2. Should I use an apostrophe with hers, his, its, ours, yours, and theirs?

Do not use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns: hers, his, its, ours, yours, theirs. Possessive pronouns already carry possessive meaning. Be especially careful not to confuse its with the contraction for it is, which is it’s.

3. Should I show that an indefinite pronoun is possessive?

Indefinite pronouns refer to general or nonspecific persons or things: somebody, anything, no one. To indicate possession, use -’s. (Example: I would appreciate someone’s help in studying for the test.)

4. Should I use an apostrophe when I add -’s to a verb?

When you add an s to a verb in the present tense, third person, be careful not to add an apostrophe.

5. How should I use an apostrophe in contractions?

In contractions, an apostrophe indicates that one or more letters have been omitted. (Example: It’s still snowing.)

(Reference: Lynn Troyka, Adapted from Quick Access Reference for Writers, Copyright 2001, Published by Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ)


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