|Stage: 3 Year 5 |Unit Duration: 6 Lessons |Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |Terms 1 2 3 4 |

|Enduring Understandings |Essential Questions |

|E.1 We have a responsibility to protect and care for ourselves and |How can I keep myself and others safe around drugs? |

|others. |How can I enhance community awareness of the dangers of drugs? |

|E.2 Effective decision-making is dependent on an informed | |

|conscience. | |

|E.3 Honest and open communication will enable us to become mature | |

|and responsible Christians, able to make and evaluate personal | |

|choices. | |

|Major Outcomes |Contributing Questions/Lesson Overview |

|Knowledge and Understanding |Note: Lessons 1-6 are not reproduced in this document for copyright |

|PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices |reasons. Refer to the NSW Department of Education and Training (DET)|

|Skills |(2002) K–6 Drug Education Resource pp 82–90.) This resource is |

|DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for |available for download from the ‘Learning and Teaching’ Section of |

|consequences |the DET website. |

|Values and Attitudes |What is a drug? (E.1, E.2) |

|V4 Increasingly accepts responsibility for personal and community |What are the rules for taking medicine? (E.1, E.2) |

|health |Why do people smoke? (E.1, E.2) |

| |What effects can smoking have on us? (E.1, E.2) |

| |Why do we have smoke-free places?(E.1, E.2) |

| |How can we say No to smoking? (E.1, E.2, E.3) |

| | |

| |Additional lessons can be found in the DET ‘Smoke Screen’ resource |

| |along with family activity sheets. This resource is also available |

| |for download from the DET website. |

| |KidsMatter SEL Focus |

| | |

| |Major: Relationship Skills - Communication |

| |Relationship Skills – Refusal; Responsible Decision Making – |

| |Assuming Personal Responsibility |

| | |

| |Minor: Social Awareness – Perspective Taking; Self-Management – |

| |Managing Emotions; Responsible Decision Making – Problem Solving |

|Contributing Outcomes | |

|Knowledge and Understanding | |

|GDS3.9 Explains and demonstrates strategies for dealing with life | |

|changes | |

|SLS3.13 Describes safe practices that are appropriate to a range of | |

|situations and environments | |

|IRS3.11 Describes roles and responsibilities in developing and | |

|maintaining positive relationships | |

|Skills | |

|COS3.1 Communicates confidently in a variety of situations | |

|PSS3.5 Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when| |

|resolving problems | |

|Values and Attitudes | |

|V3 Enjoys a sense of belonging | |

|Catholic Dimension/Towards Wholeness (TW) (Also refer to overview of TW for this unit) |

|Growth and Development |

|God has created each of us to grow into the fullness of life. We are made in God’s image and therefore, we are of inherent dignity and |

|worth. Our sexuality is an intrinsic part of ourselves, to be celebrated and expressed with joy and responsibility, according to God’s |

|plan. Each person grows and changes, passing through stages on a journey towards full maturity. God is with us on this journey, |

|reassuring and challenging. We are never alone. |

|Personal Health Choices |

|Throughout our lives, we all face having to make personal decisions relating to nutrition, hygiene, consumerism, drug use and disease |

|prevention. So many conflicting opinions and values influence children in making decisions that have direct relevance to their health and|

|well-being. Taught from a Catholic perspective, this strand seeks to develop the children’s abilities to observe, explore, interpret and |

|judge, informed by an emerging integrated value system that is based on the values of the Gospel. |

|Safe Living |

|This strand seeks to develop an ability and a commitment to act in ways that will protect self and others from harm. It emphasises |

|respect for the human person and the development of a co-operative, caring society. Sound Christian decision-making is based on a |

|well-formed conscience which draws inspiration from the life and teaching of Christ and from his Church. Within this strand, students |

|learn to respect the rights of others and to value acceptance, tolerance, justice and personal freedom. They learn that their own |

|decisions have consequences for themselves and others. |

|Interpersonal Relationships |

|Human beings find their true place within community; they grow towards maturity through the relationships they maintain. We all depend on|

|each other and, as we mature, we grow in awareness of our responsibility for each other. Alone and isolated we cannot develop our gifts |

|and live as God intended. Among family, friends, members of our peer group and others, we find our place as contributing members of |

|society. It calls us all to enter freely into loving and forgiving relationships that are embedded in community, to develop such |

|qualities as honesty, respect, empathy, openness and a commitment to equality. |

|Foundation Statements |

|Students examine key factors that contribute to a balanced lifestyle and keeping safe and healthy. They examine nutritional information, |

|disease prevention and the effects of drugs on the body and they identify behaviours that impact on wellbeing. Students assess the safety|

|of situations in home, school, water and road environments and identify appropriate responses. They describe and practise a range of |

|personal safety strategies that could be used in threatening or abusive situations. They take responsibility for personal decisions, |

|recognising the effects that decisions have on self and others. |

|Students describe the factors that influence personal identity and examine the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during |

|puberty. They devise strategies for coping with change, grief and loss. They value the differences between individuals and challenge |

|discrimination and harassment. Students value different roles and responsibilities in relationships, the importance of communication and |

|they practise positive ways to deal with conflict. |

|Suggested Correlation With Other KLAs | |

|English |Science and Technology |

|Explanation |Products and Services |

|Exposition – Argument |- observes, analyses and reports on services designed to prevent |

|Information Report |drug abuse |

|Creative Arts |Information and Communication |

|Drama – Performing and Appreciating |- online research |

|Mathematics |- design a multi media presentation outlining pool safety |

|Data Representation |requirements |

|Working Mathematically | |

|Technology |

|The following websites have been selected to enhance various concepts being taught throughout this unit. Most of the sites listed can be|

|linked to more than one of the lessons being taught. Teachers may like to add them to the school intranet site. |

|Some of the following sites have a great deal of information and it is important for the teacher to choose sections that are relevant to |

|the needs and maturity of his/her class. |

| |

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| |

|Subject Matter | | |

|Personal Health Choices |Growth and Development |Safe Living |

|Making Decisions |The Body |Personal Safety |

|Decision-making process |Body systems |Identifying risk situations, people and |

|Influences on decision-making |- functions |places |

|- family/peers |- interrelationships |Reacting to unsafe situations |

|- other significant people |Values |Safety plans |

|- media |Developing a code of behaviour |Home and Rural Safety |

|- feelings and needs of others | |Safety with machines, appliances, animals and|

|- making health decisions |Interpersonal Relationships |substances |

|Drug Use |Communication |Promoting safety awareness |

|Definition, legal and illegal |Appropriate expression of feelings |Responsibility for self and others |

|Appropriate use, administration and storage |Empathising | |

|of medicines |Assertiveness | |

|Effects of drugs |‘I’ messages | |

|- tobacco |Listening skills | |

|Effects of drug use for the community |Supporting others | |

| |Recognising and articulating feelings | |

| |Presenting a viewpoint | |

| |Families | |

| |Parental responsibilities and rights | |

|Unit Evaluation |Assessment |

|Sample teacher and student unit evaluations are included at the end |Assessment strategies are included in each lesson. The assessment |

|of the unit. |task for this unit is Decision Making sample P. 105. NSW Department |

| |of Education and Training. (2002). K–6 Drug Education Resource. |

| |Sydney: DET |

An Overview of Towards Wholeness (TW) in the PDH Unit

Keeping Myself Safe Around Drugs - Stage 3

Key God’s Word:

Christians believe that their bodies are given to them as ‘temples of the Holy Spirit’ and that freedom and dignity demand that they not abuse their bodies in any way. Drugs and alcohol should not be misused but used beneficially in the knowledge that all God’s creation is good and ultimately beneficial. 1 Cor6:19-20; Gal 5:1; Prov 9:1-2 (TWp. 39)

|Enduring Understandings |Beliefs and Values |Lesson Overview/Links |

| | | |

|E.1 We have a responsibility to protect and |We have a responsibility to protect and care |1. What is a drug? |

|care for ourselves and others |for ourselves. TW p.41. |2. What are the rules for |

| |We have a responsibility to protect and care |taking medicine? |

| |for others. TW p.41 |3. Why do people smoke? |

| | |4. What effects can |

| | |smoking have on us? |

| | |5. Why do we have smoke- |

| | |free places? |

| | |6. How can we say No to |

| | |smoking? |

| | | |

|E.2 Effective decision-making is dependent on |Our responsibility towards our gift of life is|1. What is a drug? |

|an informed conscience |to make lifestyle choices which ensure health |2. What are the rules for |

| |and well-being. TW p.35 |taking medicine? |

| |We have a responsibility to promote our health|3. Why do people smoke? |

| |by making wise decisions. TW p. 38 |4. What effects can |

| |Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We |smoking have on us? |

| |have been blessed with freedom to deny error, |5. Why do we have smoke- |

| |choose truth and live life to the full. TW |free places? |

| |p.39 |6. How can we say No to |

| | |smoking? |

| | | |

|E.3 Honest and open communication will enable |Honest and open communication will enable us |6. How can we say No to |

|us to become mature and responsible |to become mature and responsible Christians, |smoking? |

|Christians, able to make and evaluate personal|able to make and evaluate personal choices. TW| |

|choices. |p.32 | |

Lessons 1-6 Keeping Myself Safe Around Drugs (Drug Education)

| |

|NOTE: |

|Lessons 1-6 are not reproduced in this document for copyright purposes. Refer to the NSW Department of Education and Training |

|(2002) K–6 Drug Education Resource p. 82-90, p. 96-107. |

| |

|The K–6 Drug Education Resource can be downloaded at |

| |

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| |

|It is suggested that schools teach this unit in conjunction with the relevant Life Education Unit. |

Towards Wholeness Activities for Lessons 1 - 6

|Enduring Understandings |Lesson |Suggested Teaching Activities |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|1. What is a drug? |TEACHER NOTE: Before beginning the unit, the teacher informs the students of |

|and care for ourselves and others. |(p.84) |the following: |

| | |Every human being is created in the image of God. Our intrinsic value is |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | |reflected in our respect for ourselves and the measures we take to protect |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | |ourselves. We are entrusted with the care of and nurture of our physical |

| | |selves. Consequently, we need to be discerning about our choices. Care of |

| | |our physical self also requires that medications only be used as prescribed |

| | |and that the misuse of any substance should always be avoided. To make good |

| | |choices about our body we need to know about drugs and smoking and their |

| | |effects. |

| | | |

| | |TW: The final activity in Lesson 1 suggests creating a collage and adding |

| | |captions to indicate the students’ awareness of helpful and harmful effects |

| | |of drugs. Discuss the beliefs: |

| | |We have a responsibility to protect and care for ourselves. |

| | |Our responsibility towards our gift of life is to make lifestyle choices that|

| | |ensure health and well-being. |

| | |Instruct the students to include these statements on their group collages. |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|2. What are the rules |TW: Before students create a character, to add to the procedure they have |

|and care for ourselves and others. |for taking medicine? |written about taking medicines correctly, bring the students to the |

| |(p.86) |understanding that following safe procedures when taking medicines is a |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | |responsible lifestyle choice which ensures health and well-being. |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | | |

| | |Students write a speech bubble for this character which refers to the above |

| | |understanding. |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|3. Why do people smoke? |There is no TW Activity for this Lesson. |

|and care for ourselves and others. |(p.87) | |

| | | |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | | |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | | |

| | | |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|4. What effects can |TW: At the completion of the planned activities for Lesson 4, the teacher |

|and care for ourselves and others. |smoking have on us? |displays the belief: |

| |(p.88) | |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | |Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We have been blessed with freedom |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | |to deny error, choose truth and live life to the full. |

| | | |

| | |In small groups, students respond to this belief, with reference to the |

| | |content of this lesson (the effects of smoking). |

| | | |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|5. Why do we have |TW: Before the students begin the role plays, revise the need to make |

|and care for ourselves and others. |smoke-free places? |lifestyle choices which ensure good health and promote well-being. This |

| |(p.89) |belief needs to be included in the students’ role plays. |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | | |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | | |

| | | |

|E1. We have a responsibility to protect|6. How can we say No to |TW: Before beginning the planned activities for Lesson 6, the teacher brings |

|and care for ourselves and others. |smoking? (p.90) |the students to the understanding that honest and open communication will |

| | |enable us to become mature and responsible Christians, able to make and |

|E2. Effective decision-making is | |evaluate personal choices. Students apply this understanding to decisions |

|dependent on an informed conscience. | |they make regarding the smoking scenarios. |

| | | |

|E.3 Honest and open communication will | | |

|enable us to become mature and | | |

|responsible Christians, able to make | | |

|and evaluate personal choices. | | |


|A. A. EVIDENCE | | | | |

|To what extent does the assessment evidence provide: | | | | |

|1. A valid and reliable measure of the targeted outcomes/enduring understandings? | | | | |

|2. Sufficient information to support inferences about each | | | | |

|student’s understanding/level of achievement? | | | | |

|3. Opportunities for students to demonstrate their understandings through authentic learning tasks? | | | | |


|To what extent did students: | | | | |

|1. Achieve the outcomes and the enduring understandings of the unit (the big ideas as opposed to basic facts | | | | |

|and skills)? | | | | |

|2. Know where they were going and why (in terms of unit goals, requirements, and evaluative criteria)? | | | | |

|3. Deepen their knowledge and understanding of the outcomes & big ideas of the Unit (through inquiry, | | | | |

|research, problem solving, and experimentation)? | | | | |

|4. Receive explicit instruction on the knowledge and skills needed to equip them for the required | | | | |

|performances? | | | | |

|5. Have opportunities to rehearse, revise, and refine their work based on feedback? | | | | |

|6. Self-assess and set goals prior to the conclusion of the unit? | | | | |


1. What did students learn? (What knowlege and skills did they learn to deepen their understanding of the outcomes/big ideas of the unit?)

2. How do you know what they learnt? (What evidence do you have to support your judgement?)

3. What would you refine to improve student learning outcomes?

Student Name: Class:


Think about the Personal Development and Health Education Unit you have just finished which focused on keeping yourself happy, healthy and safe, then complete the sentences below.

|Two important things I have learnt about/learnt to do during this unit are… |What I learnt will help me in my life because… |

|A question about this unit that I asked in class was… |Something that still puzzles me is... |

|A question about this unit that I asked at home was… |I have changed my ideas about… |

|Something I am going to value/appreciate more about myself because of what I |If I wanted to research more about this unit I could… |

|have learnt in this unit is… | |

|Something I am going to value/appreciate more about others because of what I |I think the effort I put into my learning in this unit was: |

|have learnt in this unit is… |(Circle one number) |

| |No effort 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Most effort |






Student Unit Reflection

Stage 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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